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Will You Now Carry Your Passport Or Passport Copy?


Will you now carry your passport or passport copy?  

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I carry a photo copy of my front page and non o visa on one sheet. Folded up it fits nicely into my wallet and takes up little room. Each time I do a visa run I write up the latest TM card number and expiry date.

I have never carried my passport about with me in Pattaya and I never will as I don't want to be worrying about it when on my bar hops. If I was to get run over or knocked on the head all my ID is on that sheet of paper.

However if I go travelling outside anywhere of Pattaya I always take my passport.

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Anyone who does not carry at least a copy of their passport with them at all times is a fool, because it is the law. They have it in for farangs quite enough without making it easier for the police to get you on something.

If you are involved in accident, or caught up in any incident, innocent or otherwise, you will be thankful to have it with you.

In and around Pattaya I always carry a copy of my passport which includes current visa page. This is in addition to my Thai Driver's licence.

If I go further afield - upcountry, Bangkok etc., I always take the original with me.

I have never been asked for it in 30 years of living and coming to Thailand - but that doesn't mean that one day it won't happen. If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, you may be thankful you have your passport, or a copy, with you.

Unless you have something to hide? :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Unless you have something to hide? :D

I have my passport to hide, so that it won't get lost or stolen as it would if I carried it on me all of the time. :o

Anyone who does not carry at least a copy of their passport with them at all times is a fool

If the cap fits......... :D

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Having worked here for nearly 15 years the probability that something would have happened to my passport in that time is pretty high and as such never carry it with me unless I leave the province. I have a Thai driver's license, my university photo ID card, a miniature copy of my passport (with TM card) in my billfold, a copy on my mobile phone and a copy on my server accessible from anywhere. So belts and suspenders (braces for the Brits) approach for me. Also, my DL has always been accepted when ID has been asked for.

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I carry a photocopy. Made into a small colour double sided laminated card

with data page, visa, extension TM etc. at Kodak Express for Bt 100.

The guy at Kodak across the road from RG Plaza knows what to do. :o


Edited by naka
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Always carry a copy of my passport and my Thai driving licence, I would like people to know who I am should something happen to me, but does anybody know what the law is concerning this matter?

Yes, the law states that aliens must carry their pasports with them at all times.

However, copies are always accepted in LOS.

Laminated copy sounds like a good idea. :o

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Unless you have something to hide? :o

A bit irrelevant like the price of patato chips in china. ( unless u live there and love them, then it might be relevant). The hassle with loosing such a document is not worth the risk. I have the Ozzie thick one (64 pages), with the chip in it, and its one big mother. Try putting that in your pocket, carry it every where. Cripe-pee would be steve's comment. Besides, the instructions I got with it were to treat it well, and not bend....... unless you got a cute little hand bag under ur arm, most men would have to stick it in their pants rear pocket (great for pick pockets) or shirt

p.s. Notice it has not happend n Bangkok yet....hint hint. I think there is more behind this....

Edited by skippybangkok
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Unless you have something to hide? :o

A bit irrelevant like the price of patato chips in china. ( unless u live there and love them, then it might be relevant). The hassle with loosing such a document is not worth the risk. I have the Ozzie thick one (64 pages), with the chip in it, and its one big mother. Try putting that in your pocket, carry it every where. Cripe-pee would be steve's comment. Besides, the instructions I got with it were to treat it well, and not bend....... unless you got a cute little hand bag under ur arm, most men would have to stick it in their pants rear pocket (great for pick pockets) or shirt

p.s. Notice it has not happend n Bangkok yet....hint hint. I think there is more behind this....

You seem to have conveniently omitted the key part of my post:

carry at least a copy of their passport

which sort of makes your comment irrelevant - unless you worry about losing or despoiling a photcopy :D

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In evaluating the risk of not carrying your passport and relying on your five year Thai drivers license as adequate identification, one must consider where one goes in Thailand.

Those who frequent bars, saunas or other establishments subject to police raids have a much higher probability of a police request for ID than those who are going to Tesco, etc.

Likewise, those out after 10pm have a higher probability of ID requests, however, locations are far more relevent in my view.

Accompanied by a Thai who can run and get your passport? Vouch for you in Thai and verify existence of current status? Being of obvious retirement age?

My guess is more of us have never been asked by police for our passports than those of us who have? And those of us who have actually been transported by police to jail for not having a passport on them is miniscule?

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Was in soi 8 the other night when a convoy of immigration vans ferried in a bunch of farangs into the old immigration building.

I presume this was for visa offences or lack of passport.

There were about twenty officers milling around for about an hour outside the bar when they decided to come into the DJar bar and close down the music. Not sure what the logic of that was but i decided to make a strategic withdrawl as i didn't have any ID as i never carry any with me.

BTW for those that carry a copy of their passport this is not sufficient as they require the original. I have my lady around to fetch my passport should i run into any difficulties so i am not really concerned with passport checks. I did ring my friend thou i told him not to go to Walking St as he has overstayed 8 months!!!

Edited by Tolley
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for those of you on this thread suggesting that a copy of your passport is ok, you are talking <deleted>, the law says your original must be carried with you. Yes normally the police will accept the photocopy with also a copy of tm card and entry stamp but if they want to be <deleted> they can be. About 2 years ago i was in Bangkok when they did a raid, everyone without original passport arrested and held till passport produced, those who had a copy on them (like i did) fined 500 baht, those who had nothing 2000 baht fine and held till passport produced.


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One reason I favour carrying a copy rather than the orginal, apart from the risk of losing it, is that if I was ever arrested for some serious offence - driving or whatever - innocent or otherwise - at least they couldn't seize my passport straight away, and I might have a bit of breathing space to get lawyers or puyais involved without the police being in possession of my pasport.

I accept there are risks involved in this strategy as explained by buriramboy in his post.

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for those of you on this thread suggesting that a copy of your passport is ok, you are talking <deleted>, the law says your original must be carried with you. Yes normally the police will accept the photocopy with also a copy of tm card and entry stamp but if they want to be <deleted> they can be. About 2 years ago i was in Bangkok when they did a raid, everyone without original passport arrested and held till passport produced, those who had a copy on them (like i did) fined 500 baht, those who had nothing 2000 baht fine and held till passport produced.


This is spot on and most expats know this but in my case I take the risk of carrying the copy as the risk of losing the original would be of far worse consequence.

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Has anyone ever used another form of ID - such as a Hong Kong ID - and found that to be acceptable by the boys in brown?

Anyone any response to this question?

12 years in Thailand and I never carried my passport and never was asked. But I'll be back next weekend and in the light of this developement would my Malaysian ID card which had my pp number on it be sufficient? It's no real hassle getting a photocopy it's just the buggeration factor getting the relevant pages copied after arrival.

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The message that seems to be filtering through here is that it is irrelevant what we have found to be sufficient in the past. A laminated copy or whatever may have been acceptable - what we are looking at now is a new CURRENT ENFORCEMENT OF AN EXISTING LAW. This is the way it is in Thailand and probably always will be - they have a law for most things, it's just a matter of being aware when that law is suddenly going to be enforced.

A couple of years ago did anyone wear a crash helmet on a motorbike? Maybe now is the time to start carrying your passport!


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for those of you on this thread suggesting that a copy of your passport is ok, you are talking <deleted>, the law says your original must be carried with you. Yes normally the police will accept the photocopy with also a copy of tm card and entry stamp but if they want to be <deleted> they can be. About 2 years ago i was in Bangkok when they did a raid, everyone without original passport arrested and held till passport produced, those who had a copy on them (like i did) fined 500 baht, those who had nothing 2000 baht fine and held till passport produced.


Sounds like it's time to leave Thailand.

The message I'm getting from being in the country for over a year and reading through the history of this board is that the Thais view Farangs as intruders into their country. It seems they view them solely as a tool for extracting money but know, with the introduction of the "sufficiency economy" they no longer feel that they need the Farang. He has done his job in building up the infrastruture, time for him to leave Thailand to Thais.

I haven't seen an example of Nationalism like this since a young Austro-German man had grand visions for his adopted country in the 1930's.

If you have an investment there, I truly would advise you to divest in a hurry.

The only members who seem to disagree with my response and others like it are people with an inescapable vested interest in the country who have no choice but to talk it up.

Edited by Begbie
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I haven't seen an example of Nationalism like this since a young Austro-German man had grand visions for his adopted country in the 1930's.

If you have an investment there, I truly would advise you to divest in a hurry.

Oh come on, Thailand can not even handle the unrest in South let alone starting WW3, what a silly comment.

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