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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Like most critters, Water Monitors are usually no bother if you don't mess with em. But I would be wary of their bite and especially their smaller cousin the Tookae. They are not known for using a toothbrush, consequently their mouth is full of nasty bacteria.


Another problem, particularly with the Tookae, when they bite they won't let go. You can end up going to hospital with a lizard hanging off your arm. You get em off with Chloroform.


The Tookae is also rather impolite. If you listen to their repetitive call it sounds like they're saying "F-you." ....... Naturally, we have renamed it as such.

We have two one says F-you and the other says F-off :cheesy::cheesy:


we have them all around our house as we have a lake over flow area behind the house. We throw out our scraps etc and they come to our back fence to eat it, virtually eat everything we throw out to them and a couple are pretty big but most are just over a metre/4' long

1 hour ago, seajae said:

we have them all around our house as we have a lake over flow area behind the house. We throw out our scraps etc and they come to our back fence to eat it, virtually eat everything we throw out to them and a couple are pretty big but most are just over a metre/4' long


yeah, we got the same arrangement but it's an overflowing klong behind our house...a huge nesting area for birds and etc and the lizards don't need any assistance keeping themselves fed having no predators themselves...there useta be a massive one over 2m from nose to tail, musta weighed over 200kgs...I useta call him/her 'big fella', he/she useta lay in repose nearby the house to see if he could grab one of the local feral cats...successful on occasion and if it was a tomcat would help keep the feral cat population down...a civically minded big lizard...





We get them in our Back Garden regularly. I get them taken way becasue they are territorial, We have a Pet rabbit that runs free. So they comes for a takeaway meal,  Up to now unsuccessful. Biggest a meter long. The can bite or whip you with their tails,


Any other people have strange looking critters in their backyard please post a photo of here them here... a very interesting topic.

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