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Are we prepared for a Chinese military ‘invasion’?


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10 hours ago, wisperone said:

How can it be a invasion when Thailand is opening the front door and rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese to come in.


Not yet an invasion. Infestation comes first. Viral infection down the line always.

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10 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Thailand is reasonably  well equipped for a battle.


Wasn't it just a few years ago Thailand had a conflict with Cambodia over the jurisdiction of a temple along the border?



The topic is "is Thailand ready for a Chinese Military invasion?"

The answer is simply Yes! Because Thailand has a defense treaty with the USA! Despite some differences that treaty is sound!

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10 hours ago, WeekendRaider said:

a better question, maybe.  who knows?

are we ready for a USA implosion?  as in that it is budget deficits, and tax cuts, that are responsible for the USA's trade deficit in spite of the wonderful "miracle" of shale gas and that the USA exports fossil fuels again, as well as airplanes that emit 285 grams of carbon per passenger kilometer traveled... along with Treasury debt once again now that The Fed isn't buying it up. 


trade deficits are caused by deficit spending.  not "cheap products" made in China by poorly paid workers that can be "solved" by making Americans pay an import tariff, that Trumper says "the Chinese are paying".  which is as much a bunch of nonsense as that simple physics is a "Chinese Hoax".  as for trains, they come in at 14 grams per passenger kilometer.  and are something China is an expert on, along with..... apparently..... 5G telecom equipment.       


China deserves to win not just this new "war".... we love "wars" on this and that in Amerikee.... but China is going to end up looking quite good I think.  And I am as American as apple pie.  100% for sure.  you can't take away where I was born.  cause I already was. 

That just sounded like a bowl of slurping noodles.

9 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

That's what everyone said about Japan too.


Did end no good.


I would be surprised if china still exists in 10 years as it is today. Communist countries don't have a good track record, east germany never recovered till today.


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4 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Well they could try to beat their record and capitulate even faster then when the Japs came here last time around.

Okay, you can have Phuket and Pataya but bplease don't try to colonize us , all our military generals are busy playing golf.

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9 hours ago, zhounan said:

Isn't Thailand already opened to chinese migration for more than 200 years?

CP Group is sino-thai, the Three Giants in the banking system is ruled by sino-thai dinasties, Shinawatras, Should I continue with the?

Thai Chinese are the largest minority group in Thailand and the largest overseas Chinese community in the world with a population of approximately 10 million people, accounting for 14% of the total population of the country. 

ethnic group and are well represented in all levels of Thai society. They play a leading role in Thailand's business sector and dominate the Thai economy today. In addition, Thai Chinese have a strong presence in Thailand's political scene with most of Thailand's former Prime Ministers and the majority of parliament having at least some Chinese ancestry.[Thais of Chinese descent are also well represented among Thailand's military and royalist elite.


About modern China, yes I'm terribly worried about it as chinese speaker, but the Commonwealth do it for 4 decades. Moreover, exist The right of a people to self-determination, (of course when people choose) a thing that we forgot thanks to the U.S. foreign policy.

The Chakri Dynasty and Robert Johnson took the same path at "The Crossroads".

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I have a genuine question.


Why can't geriatric Americans get over the Communist thing? The days of Stalin and Mao suits are long gone. It's just a name now for a natural accession system. You can eat all that stuff about 'dictator for life' that the western press feeds you but if you knew anything at all about the Chinese Government, you would worry more that Xi is the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, General Secretary (i.e. Boss) of the CPC, neither of which jobs have term limits. The just brought President into line with his other two jobs.


So there's no reds under your beds. The Chinese manufactured the beds in the first place and chose not to include a Communist in the framework.


And no, China isn't interested in 'invading' Thailand. They have 1.38bn people to look after, they don't want another 68m needy citizens.


Also, if you were to learn the truth, which you aren't allowed to as free thinking citizens. those islands in the South China Sea hold one weather station and two lighthouses.


Plus a greenhouse. They guessed at the rest and drew some smart diagrams which everyone ate up.

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

It would have been nice to get some idea of where the next government will position Thailand amid China’s growing presence in the region and the wider world.

If that next government is the same unelected government as the last 5 years, I think it's pretty obvious where that government will position Thailand.

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20 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Thailand is reasonably  well equipped for a battle.


Wasn't it just a few years ago Thailand had a conflict with Cambodia over the jurisdiction of a temple along the border?



Didn't Thailand lose to the mighty Khmer?

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6 hours ago, Traubert said:

I have a genuine question.


Why can't geriatric Americans get over the Communist thing? The days of Stalin and Mao suits are long gone. It's just a name now for a natural accession system. You can eat all that stuff about 'dictator for life' that the western press feeds you but if you knew anything at all about the Chinese Government, you would worry more that Xi is the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, General Secretary (i.e. Boss) of the CPC, neither of which jobs have term limits. The just brought President into line with his other two jobs.


So there's no reds under your beds. The Chinese manufactured the beds in the first place and chose not to include a Communist in the framework.


And no, China isn't interested in 'invading' Thailand. They have 1.38bn people to look after, they don't want another 68m needy citizens.


Also, if you were to learn the truth, which you aren't allowed to as free thinking citizens. those islands in the South China Sea hold one weather station and two lighthouses.


Plus a greenhouse. They guessed at the rest and drew some smart diagrams which everyone ate up.

Nice weather station and greenhouse....I guess the 10,000 ft runway is for weather balloons and the deep-water port is for transporting all the organic produce back to China's markets.83514d5a-51f6-11e9-8617-6babbcfb60eb_image_hires_191432.JPG?itok=ZZm2bycY

Edited by Uptooyoo
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16 hours ago, mike787 said:

Exactly,  Chinese tourism invades Thailand daily.  Nobody cares as long as the money is flowing in.

Someone cares about the cash money the Central Bank of China literally give as a present to chinese who want to open/buy business in a foreign country?

The flowing of money sometimes is losing properties an national business or company.

I'm italian, and chinese speaker, I saw all this with my eyes, chinese people bought many many Italian's business just with a suitcase full of cash. The majority of them are from Zhejiang province. Actually China has monetary sovereignty, so Central Bank can stamp shit banknote as they want, they literally give money as present. The new generation in China is born in this kind of favourable monetary policy, so you can see a 20yrs old chinese order a 3000 baht fish in a luxury resort, when you just can order a Papaya salad.

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9 hours ago, Traubert said:

Why can't geriatric Americans get over the Communist thing?

Don't know about muricans, but those who actually had to deal with commies know it's a terminal cancer, no matter how it's being packaged as the next best thing since frozen yoghurt. Commies are commies even if they don lederhosen.

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Thailand has already surrendered to the Chinese. So has most SE Asia, and alot of the planet. It is just a matter of time before the US does too. Their GDP is projected at $61 trillion within the next 10-15 years. Double that of the US. American influence is waning as Chinese influence is growing. A master class in strategy. Trump is only exacerbating the decline of America. Who does that leave? Certainly not Russia. 

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Who does that leave? Certainly not Russia. 

The only, very very weak hope would be that EU would get their <deleted> together. Get rid of the UK and everything south of Alps and reboot it as a federation with it's own military. I give it a massive 0.001% chance of happening.

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One thing is for sure; If there is a war between Taiwan and China and again with the US and China in the South China sea due to the 7 dash line nonsense, then all shipping lanes and air corridors might have to close.

Western allies may be forced to support Taiwan and the S.E. Asian countries and their territorial claims, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea will also stand with the West against China's hegemony and colonist ambitions.

Thailand can forget about tourism and even exports for years to come. So will the rest of the world.

The same may be true if war develops in the Middle east between America's Proxy Israel and Iran.

EVERYTHING WILL COME TO A HALT until the duration.

It's just not in anyone's interest.

Us long stay foreigners will be marooned in Thailand, or other SE Asian countries.

The Chinese could even control satellite communications, including on-line bank accounts with sabotage.

Of course, it's a stupid scenario, because China would lose, as it is dependent on trade and thousands of factories will close. The Belt and Road indebted countries could default on their loans for the infrastructure that China talked corrupt politicians into.

Iran could also lose, because the Gulf countries and Saudi who are largely Sunni Arabs will have to side with the West because Iran is Shia Islam.

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Don't know about muricans, but those who actually had to deal with commies know it's a terminal cancer, no matter how it's being packaged as the next best thing since frozen yoghurt. Commies are commies even if they don lederhosen.
Can confirm

Source: I am german and east germany is still a shithole

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