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New health network promotes milk drinking in people of all ages


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3 minutes ago, me4175 said:

In unrelated news: 
"DAIRY FARMERS are threatening to dump milk in protest over the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry’s new regulations, which they say has affected milk production nationwide and resulted in a surplus of 110 tonnes of milk per day or 3,300 tonnes per month."


Read that myself too lol, left that tool in the box....

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    And for the few who are interested in becoming  a Ladyboy it's an inexpensive way to kick off your hormone treatments.  No longer an urban myth to me because I actually witnessed a few heavy milk drinkers develop a serious set of man boobs. One had the ability to produce a few drops of  his own milk to amuse the people who joked about it. It does not happen to everyone but would you seriously want to take that chance by flooding your body with milk laced with growth enhancement hormones?  I also witnessed it as far back as 1970 . College classmate drank 1 glass of chocolate milk and 2 glasses of regular milk at lunch everyday of the week... It scared me straight to the orange juice and water dispensers.

I'm long ago convinced of this correlation so really suggest you post your own stand alone comments instead of trying to argue with me about it. .........




Edited by Seth1a2a
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22 hours ago, faraday said:

I'd really like to see where you got this information from.


In fact, back up your post with detailed science.



If you do a simple search, you can find many scientific papers on the anti-nutrient properties of soy bean. It has been well known for years, and even the Chinese and Koreans who developed the crop must have realised it, as they would only eat soya in a fermented state. 


This compilation of scientific knowledge from the American Nutrition Association may help you become slightly better informed:




There is much other detailed information on the presence of growth hormones in soy bean too, but I am not going to bother to do the simple task of Googling this info for you. The above link does note this information (all references to scientific papers), which added considerably to my own knowledge about how undesirable it is to feed soy milk to infants and babies.

Soy "milk" is used as a cow’s milk replacer, and is marketed for the general population.18 Also, it is used as a substitute for cow’s milk in infant feeding formulas intended for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk. Soy milk is not the equivalent of milk from humans (or from cows, goats, or sheep). Soy milk has several undesirable features when used in infant feeding formulas.19 Soy can exert adverse effects on the hormonal development of infants.20,21,22 Soy milk formula is devoid of cholesterol, a vital substance for proper development of the brain and central nervous system in infants. A study of infants fed soy formula showed a concentration of estrogenic compounds as much as 22,000 times higher than those in human breast milk or in milk-based formula. This startling finding caused speculation in the New Zealand Medical Journalthat such an overload of estrogen in infants might result in precocious development of breast and secondary sex characteristics in very young females. In addition, it raised concerns that such an overload might result in male organs not developing normally at puberty.23,24


Good day.

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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

'Study' done by the milk industry LOL.  Why would they want people of all ages to drink their milk EVERY DAY in larger quantities I wonder????


Fact is there is no need to drink milk, or consume any dairy products at all, unless its for some starving malnourished people.  In fact, with rising obesity and heart disease we governments need to be advising people to cut down of these high calorie foods, not consume more.


It's actually quite disgusting to drink milk from an animal... we have just been conditioned it is a normal thing to do.  I mean, picture yourself kneeling down in a field sucking milk from a horse, sheep or even a dog!


We don't need it.  It may not be really harmful in moderate amounts, but it does not have any real health benefits or miracle things for you body.  The old ideas about the calcium are overrated.  Many other foods have far more calcium in them and vitamin D than milk.  


Milk is for babies... mammals.  ALL mammals stop drinking milk from their mothers once weaned.. that is natural... so we should take a lesson from nature here and do the same in my opinion.  (also the dairy industry is very inhumane and cruel to their cows if you every want to look at that... like them killing the baby cows after they are born, and forcing the mother cow to go on producing milk day after day for months after she would have naturally stopped making milk.. and pumping them with chemicals and antibiotics every day... it's not the picture postcard image of a lady milking a cow in a field of flowers these days).  







Someone who does not know what they are talking about, baby cows, known as calves are not killed after they are born, most are reared, on heifers for future breeding, bull calves a lot go on for beef.

Your average cow is milked for about 9 months, then has a 3-month break before calving again, a beef cow calves and regularly the calf will suckle its mother for 8-9 months before it is weaned off.

As for pumping them full of antibiotics and chemicals that is BS, a dairy farmer found sending milk to the milk collection centre with an antibiotics in will get fined 30-60 days production, enough to put some farmers out of business, if a vet injects a cow first thing the ower will say can I send the milk ,if they can not it is normally withheld  for  4 days before that milk can be sent for human consumption .never heard of organic dairy farming? 

So check facts before typing.

A lot of posts are negative against milk, so I suppose those ones do not put milk in their tea or coffee, do not like a cheese sandwich ..........I doubt it.

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the first thing that should be checked...do they have a conflict of interest...


countries with the highest milk drinking have... HIGHEST OSTEOPOROSIS


milk is acid, calcium is 10-1 in unbalance with magnesium


antibiotics, corn which is not natural for cows to eat makes them sick and bloated, caged for life and kept PREGNANT all their lives and killed for cheap meat when they stop producing



and only humans drink milk from another mammal

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9 hours ago, kickstart said:

Someone who does not know what they are talking about, baby cows, known as calves are not killed after they are born, most are reared, on heifers for future breeding, bull calves a lot go on for beef.

Your average cow is milked for about 9 months, then has a 3-month break before calving again, a beef cow calves and regularly the calf will suckle its mother for 8-9 months before it is weaned off.

As for pumping them full of antibiotics and chemicals that is BS, a dairy farmer found sending milk to the milk collection centre with an antibiotics in will get fined 30-60 days production, enough to put some farmers out of business, if a vet injects a cow first thing the ower will say can I send the milk ,if they can not it is normally withheld  for  4 days before that milk can be sent for human consumption .never heard of organic dairy farming? 

So check facts before typing.

A lot of posts are negative against milk, so I suppose those ones do not put milk in their tea or coffee, do not like a cheese sandwich ..........I doubt it.

Sorry, you are not correct.   Maybe in your country it is different, but this is Thailand. They calves are killed.... maybe not instantly... but raised in cruel conditions for veil, not allowed sunlight or even food... forced to just drink milk.


We are talking about dairy cows... not BEER cows, so your comments about them are totally pointless, particularly if you are talking about them in America where these cows are fed antibiotics and growth hormones every day mixed in their corn based feed (as they can't digest the corn properly and get stomach ulcers and digestive infections if not given antibiotics).  


Organic dairy farming... this is not typical of the industry.. this is in very much in the minority.  Come on, you are kidding yourself if you think most of the Thais will be drinking organic free range milk in from the Thai Dairy industry?


If you read my post I said I put milk in my cup of tea, and have the occasional cheese sandwich.. so again, why are saying that shows you have not really understood or read my post properly... I did not even say to stop consuming dairy.. I said its heal benefits are exaggerated, and it also has is detrimental for health is consumed in large quantities...… so the Thai dairy industry with its surplus milk, should not be telling porky pies and getting people to buy more of the stuff.


You might want to read this if you are really interested in the subject.








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9 hours ago, kickstart said:

Someone who does not know what they are talking about, baby cows, known as calves are not killed after they are born, most are reared, on heifers for future breeding, bull calves a lot go on for beef.

Your average cow is milked for about 9 months, then has a 3-month break before calving again, a beef cow calves and regularly the calf will suckle its mother for 8-9 months before it is weaned off.

As for pumping them full of antibiotics and chemicals that is BS, a dairy farmer found sending milk to the milk collection centre with an antibiotics in will get fined 30-60 days production, enough to put some farmers out of business, if a vet injects a cow first thing the ower will say can I send the milk ,if they can not it is normally withheld  for  4 days before that milk can be sent for human consumption .never heard of organic dairy farming? 

So check facts before typing.

A lot of posts are negative against milk, so I suppose those ones do not put milk in their tea or coffee, do not like a cheese sandwich ..........I doubt it.

Not just a lot of posts negative about milk, science too.... I drink expresso and Earl grey with lemon, sooner have a cow sandwich lol

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