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One for farangs divorced from Thai women

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3 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Thai thinking. Love me love my family. This is also an Asian thing. You not only marry her, you are also married into the family and are expected to chip in your worth. 


haha, yea, i was chatting to my thai friend's children (out of the moths of babes...) who told me when they visit their mum's parents they have to do this and have to do that, and their dad doesn't like going but he has to!

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47 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

So you think the expats posting on ThaiVISA are of a higher social class than Issan farm girls?

Observer seems to think so. :bah:


"Rags & fine linen" my a*s*!


Loved your comment about Brit hooker's, I'll be chortling about that for days! :clap2:



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5 hours ago, observer90210 said:

I do not mean to offend anybody nor be rude or whatever absolutely not,  so please......but in life one just must not mix rags with fine linen....play in the same league as yourself and no problems !!

Judging by many of the posts in this thread... Nor rags with rags! 

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7 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

And my same question as always. Where did you meet her ???? If you met her in a bar ,massage shop or tourist slum you deserve what you got.

Oh dear.....yet another one that separates Thai women into "good" girls and "bad" girls. i.e. bar girls are bad, non-bar girls are good.

I have news for you. They are all Thai girls first and foremost. Have known lying, cheating scum who had great jobs and were university educated. Have known ex-bar-girls who have become devoted wives and mothers.

This mentality either sets you up for a fall, or, it denies you a chance of hitting the jackpot.

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i think with a lot of these Thai ladies they just dont really like you farangs, a lot of them have such a poor and bad life they will marry anything in hope that there life will turn out better, so what would you expect  ? ive been here 20 years and i see what 90% of these farang look like and the way they act they think there the dogs bollxxx .

Edited by Tomahawk21
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12 hours ago, observer90210 said:

I do not mean to offend anybody nor be rude or whatever absolutely not,  so please......but in life one just must not mix rags with fine linen....play in the same league as yourself and no problems !!

a lot to be said for that

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11 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

And my same question as always. Where did you meet her ???? If you met her in a bar ,massage shop or tourist slum you deserve what you got.

Well, actually everyone deserves what they get .   They are making the choice.  AFAIK...the success rate of marriages of any culture/geographic  is pretty low.   But,  maybe a slightly better chance for a guy if they don't look in P4P  areas.   Same as for "nice" girls choosing bad boys I would think .  

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14 hours ago, SteveK said:

You wouldn't marry a prostitute in your home country, so why do so many do it here?

Why would'nt i?

Are they lesser human beings?

14 hours ago, SteveK said:

even try and prevent her from seeing her family regularly, it will never work.

Why would you want to do that?

14 hours ago, SteveK said:

they just cannot handle their booze!

Another generalization.

My missus and her "gang of girls" have a meet up/get together fortnightly session.

Try and keep up!

Oh and nothing bad happens afterwards.

With none of them.

Strange that, innit?

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 5:06 PM, kenk24 said:

sometimes there is the ladies side to the story as you alluded. Can you guess what might be her side? 


Did you walk around being critical of Thailand and Thai people? Did you ever call her stupid? 

I loved Thailand so that wouldn't have happened. 

Never called her stupid as she wasn't. 

My main problem was her family, and her sister. She told me they wanted her to divorce me, long before we did get to the point of no return, but I'm sure her sister was poisoning her against me. They wanted her to marry a farang that would give THEM lots of money. Her cousin married a rich farang that did.

The end came for us when she asked me outright if I was going to give them money, and I refused. I had told her before we got married that my money was only for her and me, not her family. Having said that, I did a lot for them. Wired and plumbed 2 houses for them. Never once did they say thank you.

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 5:50 PM, scorecard said:

"Do you have regrets that you got divorced, or was she such an evil woman..."


So there's an assumption that the woman is evil. Is that also an assumption of the poster that all Thai women are evil? 


And my guess is that you expect all readers to assume the farang man in any divorce is an angel and is a perfect husband?




Talk about twisting what I wrote. Where did I say that all Thai women are evil? I was asking if any posters had married an evil woman.

You guess wrong. 


I'm guessing that you are not divorced from a Thai woman, so what the <deleted> are you doing posting on a thread for divorced men? You have no experience to contribute.

Perhaps you are stalking me though.

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23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is the perfect thread for the bitter misogynistic misogamists to bleat on against women and tar all relationships with the same brush due their own failure.... 


I see the usual suspects have already been unable to resist... 

Another poster with zero to contribute to a thread for divorced men.

I see the usual suspects have already been unable to resist posting their rants about how we are failures and it was all our fault, never mind the women's contribution. Reminds me of the idiot that told me that EVERY woman is beautiful.

due their own failure.... 

Just hasn't happened to you yet. Are you in for a shock when it does 5555555555.



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23 hours ago, scorecard said:

I add, and particularly sad and debilitating for any children involved.

I've said it before, but other than the woman demanding children as part of the price of being married, I fail to see why so many retired farang men that have children already back home have children with Thai women ( many of whom have children of their own ) when they will probably never live to see the new children grow to maturity.

It must be terribly embarrassing  for those children to have to bring "grandfather" to school events and suchlike, plus terribly sad to lose a parent when still young. 

If they just want children in the house, Thai orphanages are full of children needing a good home.

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23 hours ago, mike787 said:

It's Rea; simple:  A leopard NEVER changes his spots....don't expect her to.  I keep it simple, it either works or doesn't.  I'm not here on this earth to rehabilitate peoples messed up vice filled life.  If they don't want to change, how the heck can I do it for them? 

What about when the woman is perfect for 2 years ( 1 year courting, 1 year living together? ) before getting married, only for her to change afterwards?

That's a very long time to keep up an act.

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23 hours ago, Dolmance said:

If they don't enjoy mutual oral sex (69) for a minimum of 90 minutes a day, they don't really love you.  If they don't masturbate furiously during intercourse, they don't love you.  If they don't suggest you both go to bed before either of you are tired at least five days a week, they don't love you.


If they enjoy all these things, then they love you and you should probably get married, unless they suffer from alcoholism.  If they suffer from alcoholism, no matter how good it seems, you need to run like they were a house on fire.


That's the simple truth of it. 

My wife must have really loved me then. All changed when we moved in with the family. Sad.

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21 hours ago, myjawe said:

I will never understand 2 things:


- why guys marry a Thai if they do not need her for visa ?

- why guys divorce when it's so easy to remain married and get a yearly visa ?


Are you stupid enough to look for love of another one ? Or getting married once finally helped you to understand that only idiots marry anyone ?!



I got married because-

She was fun

she was a great Thai "wife"- really looked after me

she spoke excellent English

she was fantastic in bed

I wanted sex on tap, and not having to trawl the bars looking for one to bonk.

she seemed to really like me, and enjoy doing things I liked- that way for 2 years before getting married. I knew all about love, and how that doesn't last, but I thought she was a keeper.


After we got married, that all changed. Looking back if I hadn't agreed to go live with her mother after we got married, it might have still worked. That seemed to be the cause of the change in her. Not just her mother, but also the 2 nephews that her mother was bringing up.


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21 hours ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

...and to think, the main complaint here is lack of maturity in Thai women.

Nothing immature about good sex, and why else would a normal man get married when he's past child rearing days?

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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19 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Thai thinking. Love me love my family. This is also an Asian thing. You not only marry her, you are also married into the family and are expected to chip in your worth. 

Something I learned the hard way. I did tell her no money for the family, but she either didn't understand what I said, or thought I'd change after we got married.

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19 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

What a lot of sad men on this thread. It forces me to think that Thai women are not for beginners.

Been with mine 21 years now. Started seeing her after living in Thailand for 13 years first.


Hope all of you don't mind dying alone, with no one to care for/about you.

That's the fate of most Thai women that marry old farangs and don't get divorced.

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19 hours ago, observer90210 said:

I do not mean to offend anybody nor be rude or whatever absolutely not,  so please......but in life one just must not mix rags with fine linen....play in the same league as yourself and no problems !!

I had zero desire to get married to some farang woman my age that had children ( not mine ) to plague me. Most western women have had children.

I also wanted to wake up next to someone I wanted to have sex with, not someone that looked like my granny before she died. Why else would I have spent so much time in LOS?


I had tried a farang woman with her own kids, and never, never, never again. 

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18 hours ago, SteveK said:

she was probably one of the most attractive ladies I have ever met.

She may have become an alcoholic BECAUSE she was very attractive and couldn't stand getting hit on all the time. That's why I'd never have married a  beautiful woman. Every man is after her, and she either can't handle it, or starts to think she's special and becomes high maintenance.

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On 6/1/2019 at 9:49 AM, Kenny202 said:

We had a son together, left him with me when he was 3 months old. So for that reason I had to give it one more try. I agreed to take her back and after only a day I realised I had made a fatal mistake when she went berserk in the hotel room we were staying in. It then took me another 3 months to get her out of my home again, then another three months of harassing me every day. My son is still with me, been apart now 2 years and she has for the most part faded away, but I still think of her everyday, and I have no idea why. She was the most selfish, nasty, entitled person I have ever met. In her own twisted way I am sure she loved me but once they have sold their bodies they may as well have sold their souls. They just aren't human any more. 


Sorry for you that your relationship collapsed.       It's even more sad however for the boy who has gone without his mother and has to endure such family conflict.


Has the boy developed  OK  emotionally and language wise and etc?



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