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'Trump baby' balloon to fly outside British parliament as big protests expected


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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

He has gotten nothing but criticism over a withdrawal because their was no plan. Many would support the USA withdrawing from there, but it would be handy if a plan had been in place.

So Trump is getting excoriated because "he has no plan." Isn't the very fact of the withdrawal from the conflict more germane? Who cares WHY? I love this "Many would support . . ." Who is this "Many?" Name one. CNN? BBC? Facebook? Twitter? Who is this mysterious "many" of which you speak? Name names. 

Edited by OtinPattaya
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3 minutes ago, OtinPattaya said:

So Trump is getting excoriated because "he has no plan." Isn't the very fact of the withdrawal from the conflict more germane?

Do I need to repeat my earlier post? You seem to have some comprehension issues.

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On 6/4/2019 at 2:27 PM, Baerboxer said:

So the neo-communist, Muslim radicals, and anti White brigade are joining forces to protest because they don't like someone or his politics.


Wonder what the reaction of these hypocrites would be if someone produced a cartoon blimp of Xi, Madura, the Saudi King, the Iranian leaders etc etc.


Trump may well be a dodgy businessman, up to every trick in the book and have some strong political views that those who don't support him find offensive. But so is just about every other politicians and political leader these days. Especially the champagne socialists pretending to represent the masses.

You seem a little confused. Trump is a friend of the Saudis for a start.


Edited by wilcopops
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The most wonderful thing is that Trump thought the crowds were CHEERING him - - - in the meantime the Mall ws completely deserted for his entrance......... he can't even put 2 + 2 together!


How about his theory on a "wall"" for N. Ireland!!!????


He is such an embarrassment to his fellow countrymen.

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3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


There are sixty or possibly seventy million people in the UK out of which a few thousand come out to demonstrate against Trump because they know they can get away with it.


People I know like Trump and wish we had a leader like him and going by the figures I mentioned above that's probably how most people in the UK feel about him.


And No I'm not going to start going round asking 60 odd million folk if they like him any more than you're gonna go round asking if they do not.


In actual fact the real majority could not give a toss one way or another but realise that we need all the friends and trading partners we can get with Brexit coming up while to be insulting the leader of our main ally is not just unwise it is treacherous and a betrayal of people who have to actually financially justify their employment and create wealth for the nation.


I for one want to be at the front of the queue when it comes to trade with the USA not at the back of it which is where we'd be if Obama had his way.


Again, no protests, on any issue, see a majority of the population take to the streets. Even if one was to accept your figures regarding the protests as correct, it wouldn't make bogus claims about a "huge silent majority" supposedly either neutral or supportive of Trump any more correct.


Going by "people you know" doesn't mean a whole lot. You know a limited number of people, and most of them are likely to  share your views anyway. This was already discussed in several other posts. Co-opting the entire population of the UK based on that is quite out there.


It is not an "actual fact", it's something you claim. Trump's approval ratings in the UK are low, a far cry from the imaginary "huge silent majority" you're on about.


Not getting into an argument over whether it's wise  or not to insult Trump - that's not quite the point I was making. But "treacherous" and "betrayal" are definitely over the top.

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30 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

The most wonderful thing is that Trump thought the crowds were CHEERING him - - - in the meantime the Mall ws completely deserted for his entrance......... he can't even put 2 + 2 together!


How about his theory on a "wall"" for N. Ireland!!!????


He is such an embarrassment to his fellow countrymen.

Ya many were cheering him and just as many not. Opinion is divided and most of us, like me, are mixed in our views. I like some of his points and loathe others but the system elected him, and again probably in 2020. 

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As an American I have no respect for the British monarchy, in fact have disdain for its very existence, but I would never dream of treating your royal family in America with the contempt that your country has treated our elected president. Agree or disagree with Trump or US policy. Having a bunch of millennial socialists who know how to toss a milkshake is no substitute for an argument. And I don't care how awkward Trump looks in has-been English finery. I'm glad he looked out of place. 

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26 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

yes all 25,000  bravo!  as a Brit I see it as the office not the man as the vast majority do. I shall never vote for Corbyn again - ever!  what a fool he has been.


I've no idea what you're on about with the 25,000 -> bravo! bit. You do not speak or represent any "vast majority", you're just making thing up to fit your views. Links referencing Trump's low approval ratings in the UK and elsewhere (including the USA) have been posted numerous times. You, on the other hand, do not present anything to back up your "majority" claims.


As far as I recall, visits by previous USA Presidents did not generally cause such responses. The protest is more about Trump.


I concur that Corbyn is a bad choice.

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Can you imagine if, upon the visit of the Queen to the USA--which, by the way, most Americans vehemently disagree with, the very notion of representative or token monarchy-- that we float a parody of someone from the royal family. Now, the reason we don't do that is we have respect for the British institution of monarchy, because the British are our friends and our allies. Do you really think any American has ever had any respect for Charles personally? Or any royal personally? So, while I understand British people's objection to Donald Trump personally, the real affront is to the symbolism of the US presidency itself. And if Brits don't care about that, should we, as Americans, keep paying mouth-honor to England's obsession with nostalgia? Why should we Americans not mock the institution of British monarchy? Why should we not float a parody of English royalty? Something the English hold dear.

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25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Few supporters are going to show up when you've got female agitators shrieking 'nazi scum' in your face while a female police officer stands there watching and doing nothing.


You've seen it on the news. I think that elderly bloke showed remarkable restraint and strength of characters by not giving the hag concerned a punch in the mouth. Few people are going to run the gauntlet of such creatures to show support for a foreign politician no matter who he may be

Outed in today's DM ????

Edited by evadgib
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4 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Well it was people like me who share my views who voted for Brexit and appreciated Trumps support for Farage. And we were 1.4 million more than those who voted to against it and 1.4 million is a sizable if not an overwhelming majority in anyone's language.


Surely you're not going to now claim that Brexteers are going to be anti Trump.


Surely you're not suggesting that anyone who voted for Brexit is necessarily a Trump supporter? Either way, it still doesn't make a "huge" or "vast" majority. If that was anywhere near true, Trump would have a wee bit better approval ratings (circa 20%).



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30 minutes ago, OtinPattaya said:

Can you imagine if, upon the visit of the Queen to the USA--which, by the way, most Americans vehemently disagree with, the very notion of representative or token monarchy-- that we float a parody of someone from the royal family. Now, the reason we don't do that is we have respect for the British institution of monarchy, because the British are our friends and our allies. Do you really think any American has ever had any respect for Charles personally? Or any royal personally? So, while I understand British people's objection to Donald Trump personally, the real affront is to the symbolism of the US presidency itself. And if Brits don't care about that, should we, as Americans, keep paying mouth-honor to England's obsession with nostalgia? Why should we Americans not mock the institution of British monarchy? Why should we not float a parody of English royalty? Something the English hold dear.


Most Americans "vehemently disagree" with the Queen visiting the USA or with the UK having their Queen? The first seems unlikely, the latter just pointless.

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1 minute ago, OtinPattaya said:

judging by thaivisa.com forums you'd think that 90% of the denizens of this forum are anti-Trumpers, Anti-Brexit, pro-open borders, etc. Compare your actual experience in Thailand to your experience in this forum. Enough said.


Each to his own echo chamber, perhaps?



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22 minutes ago, OtinPattaya said:

Can you imagine if, upon the visit of the Queen to the USA--which, by the way, most Americans vehemently disagree with, the very notion of representative or token monarchy-- that we float a parody of someone from the royal family. Now, the reason we don't do that is we have respect for the British institution of monarchy, because the British are our friends and our allies. Do you really think any American has ever had any respect for Charles personally? Or any royal personally? So, while I understand British people's objection to Donald Trump personally, the real affront is to the symbolism of the US presidency itself. And if Brits don't care about that, should we, as Americans, keep paying mouth-honor to England's obsession with nostalgia? Why should we Americans not mock the institution of British monarchy? Why should we not float a parody of English royalty? Something the English hold dear.

Most of us as far as the people I know are indifferent to the Royal Family. But we'd certainly take offence if some left wing layabouts from or in another country thought it would be a good idea to mock them in the manner in which the current POTUS has been insulted.


For instance I don't have a clue what any of their titles are or who they are apart from who the Duke of Edinburgh (Phil the Greek) or the Prince of Wales (Charley Farley) and obviously the Queen herself. This new one, Megan Markle is now meant to be the Duchess of Bradford or somewhere.


I always thought the Americans and Germans were more interested in the Royal Family than we ourselves are.

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56 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Few supporters are going to show up when you've got female agitators shrieking 'nazi scum' in your face while a female police officer stands there watching and doing nothing.


You've seen it on the news. I think that elderly bloke showed remarkable restraint and strength of characters by not giving the hag concerned a punch in the mouth. Few people are going to run the gauntlet of such creatures to show support for a foreign politician no matter who he may be.

Remind me again which side has all the snowflakes?

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