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Single durian sells for US$48,000 at Thai auction


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I like durian a lot.

But not buy the fruit now as the price at the local market has spiked rediculousy high this year.

(It feels like the price has doubled from last year.)

Edited by Khunangkaro
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14 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Didn't the Tulip almost become currency it was so valuable at one time in Europe?

Just did a search and it seems the bulbs were traded as futures until the bubble burst.

17th century????

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1 hour ago, Pique Dard said:


single durian sells for Us$48,000...!WHY?

Why? - Simple! - There are people in this world with more money than sense!  They pay these prices at auctions so other people might think they are important when - in reality - they are nothing but the tallest <deleted> in a crowd of <deleted>!
A classic case of "Look at me! - Look at meee!!!!" b@#sh*t

Edited by Lenny Jones
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8 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

This entire money-making circus around a simple fruit is obscene. Models parading the spiky things around town on velvet pillows? Get a grip.

No more strange that bog snorkelling or welly wanging in the UK ????

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Total proceeds of 4.5 million baht from the auction will be passed back to the farmers with a slice also being donated to local charities for buying medical equipment for hospitals.

Sounds like a publicity stunt. I mean don't you want to eat some durian now, don't you?



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10 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

This entire money-making circus around a simple fruit is obscene. Models parading the spiky things around town on velvet pillows? Get a grip.

What about Tuna fish in Japan then? Or beaujolais primeur? I guess the buyer got what he paid for.

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It's about the the smell and taste, i can eat and drink just about anything in this country and most of it is really good stuff, but for the life of me Durian never grabbed my fancy, it reminiscing the odor of a well used pair of penties of one of my ex...

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