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Australia announces record 1.8 TON seizure of crystal meth shipped from Thailand


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8 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

So legalize murder as well?

It would be more useful to have drug taking centers where any drug is free and the entrance door opens only one way, unless you pass a sobriety test.  Kind of like evolution on speed (no pun intended.

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9 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe Legalize all drugs, you get

Control, Tax revenue, and Bad boys out of business.

Win, Win, Win.

A drug bust on this scale is testament to countries doing it all wrong.

for the last 50 100 years. :jap:




You ever known anyone who's on meth or heroin?  Meth is a nasty drug and very difficult to get away from.  Ruins lives and I have seen it first hand. Quite honestly for a shipment this size I would not mind seeing the death penalty. If I were the Australian government I would stop all imports from Thailand for a year as punishment for the Thai authorities not catching it.  Put some of the onus on them for catching drugs being exported. I used to feel legalizing was okay until I saw what meth was like. It will be interesting to see what it's like in 20 years now that many of the states here in the USA have legalized marijuana. Seems like medical science has already seen problems with habitual users. Time will tell on that one but we already know the effects of meth use. Not a drug the majority of people can handle on a casual basis. It's very addictive. Same with heroin.  Take a trip to San Francisco.

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I just don't understand this crystal meth thing. Who in their right mind would even try this one time. Apparently there is no shortage of people using it. World is going to hell. The governments should plaster before and after pictures of users on tv, subways, trains, etc. Let people know what they are in for.

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20 minutes ago, Trouble said:

You ever known anyone who's on meth or heroin?  Meth is a nasty drug and very difficult to get away from.  Ruins lives and I have seen it first hand. Quite honestly for a shipment this size I would not mind seeing the death penalty. If I were the Australian government I would stop all imports from Thailand for a year as punishment for the Thai authorities not catching it.  Put some of the onus on them for catching drugs being exported. I used to feel legalizing was okay until I saw what meth was like. It will be interesting to see what it's like in 20 years now that many of the states here in the USA have legalized marijuana. Seems like medical science has already seen problems with habitual users. Time will tell on that one but we already know the effects of meth use. Not a drug the majority of people can handle on a casual basis. It's very addictive. Same with heroin.  Take a trip to San Francisco.

I've seen and known many, for some it totally destroys them (just like alcohol with alcoholics), and for others they dip in and out quite often growing out of whichever particular drug they liked.

Meth is the drug of choice for many young Thais, it's widely available everywhere, most of whom grow out of it in the 30s and 40s. My former wife used to take 10 tabs a day in her 20s, yet completely stopped when she reached 30 years old.

Edited by BritManToo
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11 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Murder is already legal only they call it war!


11 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Murder is already legal only they call it war!

Kill a man, they call you a murderer; kill a population, they call you a conqueror; kill them all, they call you God. Go figure...

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19 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe Legalize all drugs, you get

Control, Tax revenue, and Bad boys out of business.

Win, Win, Win.

And you end up with a country full of drugs abusers who are useless to society, unable to work & out of control... your country goes down the pan.. lose, lose, lose !

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53 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

And you end up with a country full of drugs abusers who are useless to society, unable to work & out of control... your country goes down the pan.. lose, lose, lose !

Oh no, everyone will be a drug addict, run to the hills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wash rinse, wash rinse, wash rinse. repeat cycle. again and again and again.

Nothing changes.


The war on drugs was lost a long time a go., but we keep doing the same thing.

why is that.



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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

You ever known anyone who's on meth or heroin?  Meth is a nasty drug and very difficult to get away from.  Ruins lives and I have seen it first hand. Quite honestly for a shipment this size I would not mind seeing the death penalty. If I were the Australian government I would stop all imports from Thailand for a year as punishment for the Thai authorities not catching it.  Put some of the onus on them for catching drugs being exported. I used to feel legalizing was okay until I saw what meth was like. It will be interesting to see what it's like in 20 years now that many of the states here in the USA have legalized marijuana. Seems like medical science has already seen problems with habitual users. Time will tell on that one but we already know the effects of meth use. Not a drug the majority of people can handle on a casual basis. It's very addictive. Same with heroin.  Take a trip to San Francisco.


You ever known anyone who's on meth or heroin?

Yes. in a former life.



If I were the Australian government I would stop all imports from Thailand for a year as punishment for the Thai authorities not catching it.  Put some of the onus on them for catching drugs being exported.

Maybe your not suitable for that pay grade. :jap:



Take a trip to San Francisco


No thank you,  not my scene man, i prefer having a beer with the farm boys in Texas. :giggle:

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7 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe your not suitable for that pay grade. :jap:


7 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

No thank you,  not my scene man, i prefer having a beer with the farm boys in Texas. :giggle:

Quite evidently, as they wouldn't know the difference between you're and your either

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21 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

So legalize murder as well?


No one chooses to be murdered. 

Lots of people choose to take drugs.  Adults should be free to make their own choices and the few for who that choice becomes an issue should be given help when they need it.  Which is what happens with Alcohol. 

The only reason Alcohol is not treated like a dangerous drug is that powerful lobbying made it legal and it's now so ingrained into society that adults can drink as much as they want (so long as they don't drive etc).  


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On 6/8/2019 at 11:04 AM, stanleycoin said:

Maybe Legalize all drugs, you get

Control, Tax revenue, and Bad boys out of business.

Win, Win, Win.

A drug bust on this scale is testament to countries doing it all wrong.

for the last 50 100 years. :jap:

Yeah, let's do that and legalize meth, cocaine,  heroin etc. And make sure it's all available to all people. 


It won't take long before many kids will get addicted etc., but I guess you don't care about that. 


Are you out of your f..ing mind? 

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7 hours ago, seancbk said:


No one chooses to be murdered. 

Lots of people choose to take drugs.  Adults should be free to make their own choices and the few for who that choice becomes an issue should be given help when they need it.  Which is what happens with Alcohol. 

The only reason Alcohol is not treated like a dangerous drug is that powerful lobbying made it legal and it's now so ingrained into society that adults can drink as much as they want (so long as they don't drive etc).  

I can drink a beer once and a while without getting addicted, but I can't do that with heroin or meth, since those hard drugs are addictive.

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2 hours ago, Cheops said:

Yeah, let's do that and legalize meth, cocaine,  heroin etc. And make sure it's all available to all people. 


It won't take long before many kids will get addicted etc., but I guess you don't care about that. 


Are you out of your f..ing mind? 

Just keep pissing on the toilet seat, like the rest do,

one day you may consider lifting it up.

We don't all think like you. :jap:


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What’s the betting some senior Thai police and/or military are feeling seriously out of pocket after this seizure? Large shipments like this, including the trip from the lab in Burma to the Thai port cannot take place without a lot of people looking the other way. 

Edited by Dogmatix
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1 hour ago, stanleycoin said:

Just keep pissing on the toilet seat, like the rest do,

one day you may consider lifting it up.

We don't all think like you. :jap:

Well, most people do think like me. The only reason why you are advocating this is that you are a drug user yourself. Probably better for you to move to Portugal. 

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51 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

What’s the betting some senior Thai police and/or military are feeling seriously out of pocket after this seizure? Large shipments like this, including the trip from the lab in Burma to the Thai port cannot take place without a lot of people looking the other way. 

5555 drug dealers who supply drugs on credit. That's a good one!

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On 6/8/2019 at 12:02 AM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

That's a lot of lost cash. Knowing what a friendly bunch of people drug runners are, you have to hope some are unable to pay what they owe and are rewarded with a new and deserved career, pushing up daisies.

A lot of people lives would get messed up with that amount of ice, and every bit the cops and customs get, the better.

Seems like this would be a big enough impact where the owner of the shipment should so some signs of pain making them easier to identify and gather evidence for future legal action....oh....envelopes are moving....disregard.

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12 hours ago, seancbk said:


The only reason Alcohol is not treated like a dangerous drug is that powerful lobbying made it legal and it's now so ingrained into society that adults can drink as much as they want (so long as they don't drive etc).  


And for how many years (on record) has alcohol been illegal in relatively free societies?


When exactly was it made legal or has it pretty much always been legal?

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8 hours ago, Cheops said:

Well, most people do think like me. The only reason why you are advocating this is that you are a drug user yourself. Probably better for you to move to Portugal. 

Oh deer, Now i'm a drug user because i don't think like you. :cheesy:


Oh my god, it's 04:00, i better get me Smack Crack and Pot ready for breakfast then or should i wait until i finish the hour on the cross trainer and 20 minutes weight training. :giggle:

Like i said we don't all think like you,  









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11 hours ago, Ozman52 said:

5555 drug dealers who supply drugs on credit. That's a good one!


Do you think the get paid by letter of credit drawn on a first class bank before they ship the stuff from Thailand? 


Some financier has to put up the money. I guess that is not usually the boys in brown/green and it could be someone overseas. The BiB/G that get themselves involved in racketeering are more likely to have profit sharing arrangements without having to put up any investment like they get with entertainment places. That would mean they are out of pocket on expected cash flow which may have already been committed for mansion construction and overseas education at exclusive schools for offspring. But they have been involved in overall management of syndicates. In the 50s Border Patrol police (equipped by the CIA) under Pol Gen Phao and the army under Phao’s rival Gen Sarit managed competing opium and heroin smuggling syndicates. The army always refused to give the police permission to search military bases for narcotics and then, as now, the police needed military permission to arrest army officers.


While such excesses may be a thing of the past, it stands to reason that the modern day amphetamine smuggling business is too big not to have substantial police and military involvement. As in the 50s the business still involves smuggling the product from Burma to Thai ports with the addition of the element of procuring the precursor drugs that have to come through Thailand. A case s few years ago where Thai government  hospital pharmacists conspired to import tonnes of precursor drugs that disappeared went missing went nowhere. I wonder why. 

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On 6/8/2019 at 11:17 AM, ChrisY1 said:

Who shipped it should now be the priority...

The people behind this have big power and big money so they will never get caught.

No doubt they will find the stuff was made in a bordering country and nick a few country bumpkins

while paper trail to the real organisers/exporters will go mysteriously cold.

always does.


All these huge busts in the past, in every country, i never heard them hauling in some rich drug kingpin.. 

funny that 

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9 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

No. The reason alcohol is legal is because it has been culturally acceptable for millenia.


In Ancient Egypt (and other ancient cultures) beer was part of your wage.

Actually alcohol was only illegal before governments realised they could tax it.

Its the same with all illegal drugs, now like weed in some countries.


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9 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

No. The reason alcohol is legal is because it has been culturally acceptable for millenia.


In Ancient Egypt (and other ancient cultures) beer was part of your wage.


In the British Navy the rum ration was also effectively part of a sailor’s pay.

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Thai authorities have already stated they are waiting for an official report from the Australian government (plus official Thai translation) before they can be in a position to comment on what had been reported in the media on this case. My guess is that, unless someone needs to be thrown under a bus, they will continue stonewalling and never reveal who was behind the deal in Thailand. 


I met a police liaison officer officer from a European country who told me they had to be extremely careful about what information they share with Thai police because they suspect it is often passed on to criminals operating in Thailand.

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On 6/7/2019 at 10:04 PM, faraday said:

And millions more drug addicts.



Here's one of numerous articles on the subject:


"What's gotten better? In terms of usage rate and health, the data show that Portugal has by no means plunged into a drug crisis.

As this chart from Transform Drug Policy Foundation shows, the proportion of the population that reports having used drugs at some point saw an initial increase after decriminalization, but then a decline..."




Also few deaths by overdose, unlike countries like the US where there are harsh penalties and high rate of overdoses.

Edited by JimmyJ
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48 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

Actually alcohol was only illegal before governments realised they could tax it.

Its the same with all illegal drugs, now like weed in some countries.


Which years was alcohol illegal then? Does the Bible mention when it was first taxed or made either legal or illegal?

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The drug policy in Portugal certainly seems to be effective.


Just can't understand why decriminalisation has reduced the number of addicts. The won't have all suddenly wanted to get clean, as with all addictions, you use one's d.o.c. for a reason.




Any ideas?

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