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UK PM candidate Raab says suspending parliament remains a Brexit option

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6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm obviously missing something here.  Why would the govt. get rid of civil servants planning for the possibility of no deal?


They have plans to ensure this will never happen?


Mind you, the article is "more than 2 months old" and in The Guardian - but it would be interesting to know whether the govt. genuinely got rid of the civil servants formed to prepare in case of 'no deal'!

The answer is in your last sentence, difficult to put 'government' and 'genuine' in the same sentence.

5 hours ago, simple1 said:

They were 'stood down' i.e. gone back to their usual work / reallocated.

Remain MSM propaganda. They were only 'stood down' from their imminent Go-Live preparations. The ones in departments I know and the Contractors drafted in are mostly still there, plus more are being recruited.
Guess what - they are preparing for a No Deal exit!!

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8 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Remain MSM propaganda. They were only 'stood down' from their imminent Go-Live preparations. The ones in departments I know and the Contractors drafted in are mostly still there, plus more are being recruited.
Guess what - they are preparing for a No Deal exit!!

The allocation / reallocation of FTEs in the Civil Service for No Deal Brexit has been extensively covered by reputable media. Until you can provide credible proof of your claims, I'll treat your comments as blah, blah

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Simple question, How many doctors,nurses and police would this have paid for?

The government has stood down an army of 6,000 civil servants who had been preparing for a no-deal Brexit, at an estimated cost of £1.5bn.

The civil servants who had been seconded from elsewhere will now return to their normal duties, but there is no clear role for an estimated 4,500 new recruits after article 50 was extended until Halloween.

More than 16,000 civil servants in total have been working on Brexit.



Really is time the brexiteers faced up to the fact that the cost is crippling the country. If the Tories had announced all these recent additional spending initiatives 4 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess. Money has always been available, just not for domestic problems, until crisis point.

Brexiteers don't wake up to any facts. Period. Only the nationalist cause. All other facts into the bin.

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10 hours ago, Loiner said:

I don't have to provide you with anything. I just tell you how it is from the horses mouth, without any 'reputable media' spin. Treat yourself to as many blahs as you like.

if your info is correct it would be covered by reputable media. So enough of the deflection and blah, blah

13 hours ago, Loiner said:

1.5 Billion is money well spent, cheap at twice the price. How crippled do you feel about the 8 or 9 Billion which disappears into the EU's clutches every year? That's what cripples me. Plenty in there for doctors, nurses and policemen, if we decide that's where to spend the money which becomes available after we Leave.


Brexiteers have seen the facts for 40 years and decided to put the EU and Remainers into the bin.

Of course brexit means brexit, whatever the cost. Brexiteers seem to think that they will be able to 'unring the bell'.


Sixty-three per cent of members said they would be prepared to accept Scottish independence to get Brexit, while 59 per cent said the same about a united Ireland. Just 29 and 28 per cent were opposed, respectively.


“Significant damage” to the UK economy was also no deterrent, with 61 per cent in favour and 29 per cent opposed. Some 54 per cent said the Tory party’s complete destruction would still be a price worth paying for Brexit.




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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Brexit cost of Leaving is much less than the EU forever costs of Remaining. Does that ring your bell?

Brexit blindness, if you cannot see the benefits they don't exist.

If i said think of Queen, it would go over your head.

I can see a multitude of benefits after Brexit, why can't you? But they do exist, I assure you. I think you are only looking for negatives and the ones you find are all very unlikely.
You probably are going over my head with a vague hint. All that comes to mind with Queen is this:
Brexiteers over their heads sustained by nationalist baloney. Dragging everybody else down with them if they can.

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Remoaners moaning out loud sustained by the propaganda of fear. We'll deliver the whole 66 million of us to thrive without the EU yoke. Get onboard and you'll love it too. You could even be the richer for it. That is, unless you were betting against the UK prospects.  You weren't were you? Shame on you. 
Brexiteer La-La Land.

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49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Was you born a pessimist, or have you just grown into one?

Until I took retirement in the middle of last year I was a member of the Engineering Employers Federation. They were all pessimistic about Brexit.  

A good friend of mine is a Senior Manager at a major British manufacturing company. This week and next week he's in Spain looking at a likely site for a new factory.  His Board of Directors are pessimistic about Brexit. The current workforce in the West Midlands are not pessimistic because they don't yet know about the new factory (ignorance is bliss). But they might become pessimistic in a couple of years' time when they are made redundant.  Never mind, let's be optimistic - plenty of Zero Hours jobs to be had driving for Uber, washing cars and delivering pizzas...

  • Like 2
14 hours ago, Loiner said:

I can see a multitude of benefits after Brexit, why can't you? But they do exist, I assure you. I think you are only looking for negatives and the ones you find are all very unlikely.
You probably are going over my head with a vague hint. All that comes to mind with Queen is this:


Says it all, breaking free will put a millstone around the neck of England for generations to come through one project alone, over £92 million just to carry out a study.



When dust has settled the Peoples Democratic Republic of England can lift anchor and become the 51st state of the USA. The Union is dead, long live the Union.

3 hours ago, Loiner said:

There will be no millstone and no Armageddon.

The geniuses who couldn’t even calculate weekly NHS savings correctly and failed with every other prediction expect people to believe them over literally every expert. ???? 



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4 hours ago, Loiner said:

Too right, we don’t bloody care about Remainers and their false cries of woe.
Business will carry on as normal in the most part. They’ve had three years to prepare for it. That some will lose their cosy EU arrangements for cheap Labour, is another thing I don’t care about. That’s not even collateral damage, it’s a Brexit plus.

The businesses that will be hit hardest are the big organisations with pan-European operations. Banks, insurance companies, manufacturers like Airbus, Ford, Jaguar, Siemens etc etc.  These are high tech companies that offer good careers and pay good salaries. They are struggling to prepare for Brexit because no one yet knows what Brexit actually looks like. They don't know the tariffs, the inspection regimes, visa requirements (if any) for non-UK staff etc etc etc. They don't even know if there will be a border in Ireland.

I fully agree that allowing unskilled workers into the UK has had very undesirable consequences. But the levers of control are fully in the hands of the UK government. EU legislation allows national governments to control movement through a time limit on job seeking and a minimum income requirement.  UK governments have never sought to implement any controls.  Also around 70% of immigration is non-EU and I fully expect that to increase as EU immigration falls. Indeed I would expect visa restrictions with India, Middle East, China, Africa to be eased as part of future trade deals.

Unfortunately the whole Brexit mission has morphed into something resembling a fundamentalist religion. We have the fire-and-brimstone preachers whipping up the congregation (Farage and BoJo) and selling the equivalent of 72 virgins in the afterlife ( the 'Brexit Dividend', tax cuts, higher wages), the high priests (Jacob Reece-Mogg) who lecture on the theology of Brexit to give it some sort of credibility.  And then there's evil people, non-believers like Ken Clarke and Vince Cable who occupy a special place in the demonology of the True Believers. Faith has replaced reason, logic and evidence.

Have faith, step over the precipice. Boris and Nigel say it will be fine.

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The geniuses who couldn’t even calculate weekly NHS savings correctly and failed with every other prediction expect people to believe them over literally every expert. [emoji23] 

How much did our Sunday genius calculate NHS savings to be then?
Obviously spaced out on the predictions too. They were all Remainer exspurts (spurt: a drip under pressure) who got their predictions wrong. The sky is still here!

BTY. Look up “literally”. Totes wrong.
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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

How much did our Sunday genius calculate NHS savings to be then?
Obviously spaced out on the predictions too. They were all Remainer exspurts (spurt: a drip under pressure) who got their predictions wrong. The sky is still here!

BTY. Look up “literally”. Totes wrong.

Yes, all Remainer predictions ???? 


Yes, all Remainer predictions [emoji23] 

Yep, all those Remainer predictions on a Leave vote win which were wrong.
May have escaped your notice that we haven’t left yet, and there’s still time for Leave’s
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33 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Yep, all those Remainer predictions on a Leave vote win which were wrong.
May have escaped your notice that we haven’t left yet, and there’s still time for Leave’s

How could anyone not have noticed that you haven’t left yet ???? 

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