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Thai road carnage: deaths top 7,000 this year

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others.

Precisely, I often wonder if Thais are impaired in some way in this regard. It's baffling and so ubiquitous that it genuinely makes me wonder - you see examples of it everywhere:

- walking around the cities here 

- shopping

- driving


It all adds up to the same likely mental deficit. 


' spatial awareness in humans is a function largely confined to the right superior temporal cortex '


Maybe they don't have one or it's severely underdeveloped??? ???? It seems to be an issue across Asia actually, but most certainly in Thailand.


Again, harsh but true - the more dimnos that kill themselves because of dangerous and incompetent driving, I would hope, the fewer of them around to hurt more responsible others. Of course, there's always the next generation. I just hope something changes for the better, for their sake... shan't hold my breath.

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2 minutes ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

Thailand is more double the size of the UK but you're right about the population. 

Oh yes, you're quite correct. I've just looked it up, although in my defence your honour I did say 'similar-ish', so not ten or twenty times as large.

I stand sit corrected.

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3 minutes ago, kritsana77 said:

Neighboring SEA countries do not have the same road fatalities as Thailand.

Not yet, 


Vietnam twenty years ago has taken drastic measures, such as the compulsory wearing of helmets for motorcyclists with severe fines and often the confiscation of the vehicle;
If you go to this country you will see rare motorcyclists without helmet unlike Thailand we see rare motorcyclists with helmet fasteners properly;

On the other hand, Cambodia is following the wrong path that Thailand began to take 30 years ago;
see this article published today in Phnom Penh Post



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7 minutes ago, kritsana77 said:

I did my masters degree in Thailand at a good international university and met some really great students. This Thai lady (who spoke three languages and was brilliant) summed it up about Thais and their driving habits. According to her, Thais are not taught any basic critical thinking skills during their formative years. Hence, their inability to make intelligent, rational decisions.  Sums it up quite well to me. Neighboring SEA countries do not have the same road fatalities as Thailand. 

Something I've been saying years, that until they are encouraged to think nothing will change.


We all know the powers at the top want to prevent any critical thinking for as long a possible, because as soon as that happens and the population realise what a shit deal they've been getting for centuries, it will be the start of an uprising.


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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Can't help but wonder if the government do nothing as they own shares in car sales plants (or funeral sales) ! The more crashes and deaths the more profit !

Please don't dig it up we will only get scared....

2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

This should be No1 priority for the P M now without exception .. Casualty rates like that are not out of place in a warzone so rather than pfaffing around with stuff minions could do he could direct his efforts into trying to reduce such a catastrophic toll for the good of all .. 

it is the political nature of it that means it will not be fixed especially by current PM, whoever pushes for proper driving enforced by financial penalties will not survive an election

3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

No surprises here, as accidents will happen on a very regular basis, when a significant chunk of those using the roads really shouldn't be.  I used to think that many motorists here were just plain rude, ignorant and selfish, but I now believe it is just that they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others. It is the same in 7/11 or the supermarket, where they stand in the middle of an aisle blocking it, totally unaware someone is behind them, so it is the same on the roads. They seem so preoccupied with doing their thing, they don't comprehend that they need to take other vehicles into consideration. That and driving around drunk and at crazy speeds all combine to produce such terrible casualty statistics. Drive super carefully folks, lets not add to the numbers.


3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

DSD, your comment about 'spatial awareness' is just spot on, it really is.


I'm sure most of us must have cringed many times when we spot a potentially dangerous situation appearing, only for locals to look surprised at our concern.

Or do we as ferangs just 'worry too mutt'?


Maybe it's a combination of lack of spatial awareness AND plain ignorance i.e. 'if you're in such a hurry why don't you use another aisle, or drive around me' mentality? And that's when they are sober!


And yes I guess they do think foreigners are so easily scared of this and that. I also think it is the 'mai phen rai' mindset. That things will be ok, and will take care of themselves. They just 'go for the moment', sparing no thoughts of what might lay ahead. For example, they'd drive out onto the main road from a side-lane, thinking whoever is coming will see them and brake. They don't think about closure speed etc. and that the car coming towards them won't be able to stop even if it had reverse thrusters. Ditto people riding without helmets and all other nuances we see on Thai roads. They only realise things can go wrong, when they actually do go wrong. Fatally so, on some occasions.


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My latest pet peeve has become U-turns about 100m before the biggest intersections in town.

Still won't top traffic police manually changing trafficlight times. I don't think anything will.

3 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Nah 'Sof it's 'cos we don't believe in the power of the amulet and are thus condemned to a life of awareness of what is going on around .. 

Sure and they believe that wearing a necklace with a casting of a Buda face attached to it will deflect a bullet coming to them . But its not safe walking or waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

No surprises here, as accidents will happen on a very regular basis, when a significant chunk of those using the roads really shouldn't be.  I used to think that many motorists here were just plain rude, ignorant and selfish, but I now believe it is just that they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others. It is the same in 7/11 or the supermarket, where they stand in the middle of an aisle blocking it, totally unaware someone is behind them, so it is the same on the roads. They seem so preoccupied with doing their thing, they don't comprehend that they need to take other vehicles into consideration. That and driving around drunk and at crazy speeds all combine to produce such terrible casualty statistics. Drive super carefully folks, lets not add to the numbers.

You can drive very carefully but still get involved in an accident if the others drivers are driving carelessly. I don't drive but l look out on what's going on ,l walk towards oncoming traffic to be sure.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

No surprises here, as accidents will happen on a very regular basis, when a significant chunk of those using the roads really shouldn't be.  I used to think that many motorists here were just plain rude, ignorant and selfish, but I now believe it is just that they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others. It is the same in 7/11 or the supermarket, where they stand in the middle of an aisle blocking it, totally unaware someone is behind them, so it is the same on the roads. They seem so preoccupied with doing their thing, they don't comprehend that they need to take other vehicles into consideration. That and driving around drunk and at crazy speeds all combine to produce such terrible casualty statistics. Drive super carefully folks, lets not add to the numbers.

Yes, what’s with the congregating at Escalators Entry’s , and they all look like their jumping a chasm 

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I believe in the power of Beer Leo, that gets me out of the damned awareness cycle, but only temporarily.


3 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Yeah but only Lao Khao can bring true immortality for the locals .. 

Drink more Leo then.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, webfact said:

highlighted tailgating as a particular problem

Wrong!!! The "particular problem" is Thai's driving on the road ... period.


Time to bring in speed cameras on all roads, especially up country. The powers that be will make a fortune. If it hits these crazy drivers pockets hard, and has their car taken away, maybe  we will see some change. 


'highlighted tailgating as a particular problem'. I always thought crashing was the main problem

4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy

I've taken it a step further, I don't drive here. I stay in BKK, take the BTS or MRT. Yes I am missing out on some of the splendor that is Thailand. All day from my window I watch pedestrians run across Rama IV when they have the light. Then on the green light for the traffic the motorcycles race off at speeds that will either kill you or leave you permanently disabled it they hit you. All this just to get to the next red light. The last time I drove in Thailand was 2014, from the airport to Buriram. Driving has become a liability. Don't even get me started on the white vans.


I once heard a psychologist say that some people drive reckless because driving is the only power they imagine they have, especially in societies where they cannot freely express their opinions or have any power through voting or any other means. So for them when they are in a car no one can tell them what to do. Wonder if that's what happening here and if so what can be done about it?



2 hours ago, Sonhia said:

This is Thialand. Thai cannot do wrong or want to heed warning. Sad as it, but Thai are what they are, above all other living beings and reasoning.


How about more effective law enfoecement? I recently visited a police station; to pay yet another TEA MONEY FARANG FINE, and whilst in the police station waiting to be ripped off yet again, I read a poster saying "TO SERVE AND PROTECT". What a joke!!!


Much better road management?

Trafic wardens deployed?

More professional plus regular vehicle road safety checks?

Much harder driving tests?

Etc Etc Etc......


But none of the above will happen. Take the manditory speed limit of 80 Kph for those crazy idiot VIP (JOKE) mini vans! They hurtle along at much faster speeds than 80 Kph, passing traffic police with no action being taken by the police!


This morning in Jomtien, a crazyed lunatic lorry driver with a cargo load almost falling out from the rear of the lorry, was flying along Road 2 beeping his horn at all other road users to get out of his way! Yet another uncommon sight to wittness in the land of Paradise.


T.I.T Nothing matters because no one cares. UP TO ME, I DONT CARE, is the favoured attitude. 


Take the recent stupidity demonstarted by Thai taxi driver gangs in Bangkok fighting on a public road during day light hours! This is Thailand showing the rest of the world the true Thai mentallity. I recall Thai setting upon a British family, caught on CCTV, with one Thai male kicking a retired Britsh lady in the head whist she was on the floor even after being beaten to the ground by a Thai thug! T.I.T 


Agression plus confrontaton is in their make-up. Thai cannot even talk to each other 2 feet apart without shouting!!!



Have you thought about contacting the Guinness Book of World Records. They might have a category for "most irrelevant Thai bashes in a single post". You could get a mention.


They might also have a category for spelling mistakes and typos. Don't delay!



5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

No surprises here, as accidents will happen on a very regular basis, when a significant chunk of those using the roads really shouldn't be.  I used to think that many motorists here were just plain rude, ignorant and selfish, but I now believe it is just that they really have very little or no spatial awareness of others. It is the same in 7/11 or the supermarket, where they stand in the middle of an aisle blocking it, totally unaware someone is behind them, so it is the same on the roads. They seem so preoccupied with doing their thing, they don't comprehend that they need to take other vehicles into consideration. That and driving around drunk and at crazy speeds all combine to produce such terrible casualty statistics. Drive super carefully folks, lets not add to the numbers.


grasshopper, you have amassed lots of insight.




lots of the stuff is mind-boggling too.


yesterday i went to the local street food place where many of the items for sale are displayed at the far end top of cart. a local pulled up on a motorbike and parked it blocking half of the customer access and he stood blocking the remaining 50%. i was unable to even grab a piece of chicken.

no awareness vs no thought or both.  no brainer concepts.  guess it brings new meaning to that phrase.


not to mention stopping at the foot of an escalator checking mobile social media and blocking others from entering or exiting.

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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Can't help but wonder if the government do nothing as they own shares in car sales plants (or funeral sales) ! The more crashes and deaths the more profit !



There is a two word phrase that explains everything about the appalling  thai drivers and that causes almost every accident (no  maintainance on the vehicle supplies the rest ) it is simply 


Whatever the situation is 

And until thais learn to forget this phrase the death toll will continue

If the death toll is only 7000 thats good for almost 6 months last year it was 36000 admitted deaths but a family member (police lt colonel ) said it was nearer 54000 in total dead from vechile accidents and over 100000 injured 

At this rate in a few years the roads will be almost empty and much safer


In their never ending push to be No1 in Asean and Asia, you would think the Thai Government would really deal with appalling issue.

Only a couple of months or so ago, I think it was the World Bank, stated that Thailand,s GDP would grow by an estimated 12.5 % if the carnage on the roads was brought under control.

Its not too difficult to see where a 12.5 % rise in GDP would come from.

Less loss of Man Hours due to Funerals and wakes. less road closures to clear up the carnage. No need to find replacement Staff and Train them Etc, Etc Etc.


Lets face it at the end of the day you can say they don't have spatial awareness you can say they need more training but what it really comes down to is THEY DON'T CARE!!. The amount of times I have to swerve to miss cars / trucks / buses on the wrong side of the road in a single journey is absolutely Absurdly high. They know they are doing the wrong thing as they flick on their headlights and beep their horns. GET OUT OF THE WAY.....HIGHSO(They all think they are highso) THAI COMING THROUGH!!!!

Until the governement crack down and actually start charging these people, let's face currently its it a wai and 500-3000 THB fine if they kill someone so why would they care!!

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