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Johnson warns EU against any 'Napoleonic' tariffs in no-deal Brexit


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On 6/27/2019 at 3:29 AM, Bluespunk said:

He’s avoiding the Sky debate because he believes it is not favouring his side. 


That just proves my point. 


He's a coward who won’t face debates or answer tricky questions. 

Says a key board warrior,who refuses to divulge his nationality.

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24 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Says a key board warrior,who refuses to divulge his nationality.

Ah, now then, typical off topic brexiteer  petulance. 


Tell you what, nontabury, explain, in detail, the relevance of my nationality to the topic and I’ll tell you. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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28 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, now then, typical off topic brexiteer  petulance. 


Tell you what, nontabury, explain, in detail, the relevance of my nationality to the topic and I’ll tell you. 

If you're not British he can put you down as Johnny Foreigner who has no right to voice an opinion on a thread reserved for true blue Brits.


He seems to think that everyone who doesn't agree with Brexit must be a Johnny Foreigner. It's how he dismisses their opinions.

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21 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, now then, typical off topic brexiteer  petulance. 


Tell you what, nontabury, explain, in detail, the relevance of my nationality to the topic and I’ll tell you. 


 Because it’s the British people who have made the Democratic decision to leave this so called union, for the benefit of the British people. You on the otherhand, being non British are welcome to join in this discussion, especially if you are a citizen of the E.u as our decision will adversely effect you. 

What I cannot understand is your reluctance, to state from which country you are from. Are you so ashamed of your country?

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:


I certainly do not think that all those opposed to Briexit are none Brits, Allthough you could be excused for thinking so, by the number of non Brits 

on these threads.

I knew that you'd bite.



Can I have another of your smiley faces please?

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Having rarely if ever ventured into the Trump threads I have no way of knowing the answer but I suspect there are far less B-B-Brexiters to be found regularly trolling there and none that withhold their nationality while doing so.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Having rarely if ever ventured into the Trump threads I have no way of knowing the answer but I suspect there are far less B-B-Brexiters to be found regularly trolling there and none that withhold their nationality while doing so.

I can think of one who has posted several times on this thread!

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Very simple really.  Posters from other eu countries are obviously very concerned about the loss of uk money....


5 minutes ago, petemoss said:

Oh, I don't think that we're concerned at all. We seem more able to keep up with current affairs than your average Brexiteer and know that there's no chance of that happening.


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6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Very simple really.  Posters from other eu countries are obviously very concerned about the loss of uk money....

Has no relevance. 


The points raised are the core of a debate. 


It matters not who makes them. 


Trying to discredit views brexiteers don’t like by raising bogus issues, such as their nationality, is disingenuous at best.  

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

Posters from other eu countries are obviously very concerned about the loss of uk money.

Correct, and this can result in the fact that some will blame the inhabitants of the U.K. in his all for this, Remainers and Leavers. 


It is  common for many people to imply that everything which goes wrong is the fault of the others. 

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No mention of any deal in the Withdraw Act they did pass as a law.
Brexiteers understand that much, why don’t Remainers?
No mention of No-deal either. That is what Parliament has to deal with. Brexiteers are not into "understanding". Which is a process. Hard Brexiteers can't handle that. Broken record is their limit. That's why from Boris onwards all are clowns.

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Didn't quite pan out in the recent Euro elections but hey-ho, keep banging that drum with head in sand.

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I thought the Brexit Party did very well, oh I see now, you are adding every other party together to give a false impression that remain won. Well maybe we should have tried those tricks at the Peterborough by election.



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