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More tolerance needed to avoid deepening rifts in society

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1 hour ago, wreckingcountry said:

There’s no hope for people at the lower end and now it’s creeping up to the middle ! Nastiness and anger is everywhere particularly in the urban areas ! Not gonna end well

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'Land of Careworn Faces' may not be a good marketing slogan, but I am afraid it is far more accurate than Land of Smiles, nowadays.

It might be different where others live, but nobody seems happy anymore in my neck of the woods.

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The hypocritical spouting from Chula academics may have made some pertinent points but asking for “tolerance” in a country where many see no hope or future,certainly changing political leaders seems impossible ! There is no democracy and Chula relies on patronage so isn’t going to upset those who matter !


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1 minute ago, Chazar said:

If people stuck to provable/repeatable facts  not  mumbo jumbo because they "believe it" things would be a lot  better in this  world........bye bye all religions

You've abandoned Facebook as well have you?

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10 hours ago, kingdong said:

basically its thailand,and if you are not a thai citizen you are a guest,their country their rules  and customs,i would be very carefull about what you post on public media.

Quite right, it might be years in prison if you do as there is no tolerance at all, it's agree with and bow down to or you are the enemy. We are not guests but officially 'aliens'.

Edited by Orton Rd
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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

However, many Thai people are taught to believe that ideas that contradict what they think is right are wrong and bad, so they strongly object and even fear these ideas, which lead to hatred and discrimination against those who think differently from them.”

This is what happens when you give a 1000 baht note to pay for your drinks and they swear you gave them a 500 baht note.

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5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Nothing to get over but calling us guests makes it sounds like we are welcome, we are not.

Same as the airlines, the moment they gave up referring to people who travel with them as "passengers" - I think they use "guests" as well - service went downhill. It's all spin. Surely you realise that? At least the Americans and the Thais are being more realistic by referring to non-citizens as "aliens"

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17 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

A Thai doctor friend of mine, super smart, as a rule, super nice, unless talking about Red Shirts, Thaksin or Thanathorn. Barely a sentence escapes his lips that does not describe the followers of these people as low bred animals and congenital idiots. It's a major chasm and not just in Thailand. You see it everywhere where some segment of the population prospers and the rest is left behind.

I have heard that before during my second year in Thailand when we got invited to a hi-so event that my wife was invited too. Mainly accountants and the corporate clients at year end celebrations. I recall the guys who sat at our table and when the women went off to the loo there were just the three of us and what came out of their mouths I thought snobbish beyond belief. It went down the line of "low bred animals and congenital idiots" but more in detail.


Then again in my own home country I recall the exact same thing at parties.  So its not Thai specific but more of a money view. One year at our party at home I asked how about a nuke war and there was a silence and then the reply --- why the hell not, cut the dirty plebs down to size. The one thing that crosses race, nationality or creed is money


Edited by aqua4
spelling sucks
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20 hours ago, londonthai said:

violence is in thai society stems already from families - children are physically punished and screamed at, mentally tortured from an early age.

Same at schools - patronising, obedience, discipline and caning instead of partnership, dialog and education. The longer kid spend in thai school, their IQ lowers - that's opposite from schooling in advanced countries. 

Teachers are state employees, dressed in military-like uniforms. Same goes for civil servants. The whole society is deeply militarised, with police and army at every part of social life.

In crisis situation they behave with a scheme they learned all their lives - attack and kill. 



What country are you referring to londonthai?  It's obviously not Thailand as most Thai children, even in the poorest rural areas, tend to be spoiled rotten until they become teenagers.  The reason for this is because the children will eventually become the parents' pensions, and the parents are well aware of that fact.


Obviously, by your clueless "obedience, discipline, and caning" comment, you've never taught in public schools here, like I have.  Thai teachers of all age groups tend to teach the students who want to learn and simply ignore the rest... to survive that very stressful profession. Students' obedience and discipline are appreciated but not forcibly enforced.  And caning has been verboten for years here. 


Your last point that the whole society is "deeply militarized" is somewhat true. Yes, authority figures wearing military style uniforms, in every facet of a Thai's life, is indeed endemic to the Thai society.

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19 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

A Thai doctor friend of mine, super smart, as a rule, super nice, unless talking about Red Shirts, Thaksin or Thanathorn. Barely a sentence escapes his lips that does not describe the followers of these people as low bred animals and congenital idiots. It's a major chasm and not just in Thailand. You see it everywhere where some segment of the population prospers and the rest is left behind.

Hey little kiddies, can you spell Indoctrination. It happens when the 1% control the education system.

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