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Why don't they kill the soi dogs?

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7 minutes ago, 2long said:

stare the lead dog in the eyes, and stand your ground. 99.9% that dog will back down, and remember for next time.

Thats one sure way to get your legs ripped off . NEVER stare an aggressive dog down . look past it and bend down as if picking up a stone . They will scurry away as they have been stoned by locals many times and know that action precedes severe pain .

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On 7/12/2019 at 8:05 AM, ThaiWai said:

Just came back from Vietnam. Did not see one dog the entire trip (maybe they were all in my spring rolls). Also only saw three flies as opposed to being swarmed here daily. IDK if its connected but if it is I say butcher'em.

You don't know why there are no street dogs in Vietnam?




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46 minutes ago, Scutty said:

Thats one sure way to get your legs ripped off . NEVER stare an aggressive dog down . look past it and bend down as if picking up a stone . They will scurry away as they have been stoned by locals many times and know that action precedes severe pain .

I'm with you.  Don't look a strange angry dog in the face as they see it as aggressive behavior.  If the dog is timid it will back down but if it is dominant he will attack.  

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On 7/7/2019 at 6:50 AM, marcusarelus said:

My cat is not very good at scaring away burglars.  The dog on the other hand scares away everyone.  She also only eats food I give her (training).  She might eat a foot or leg of a person hanging it over the wall - haven't tried that.  The Bangkaew across the soi got a person who was attempting a robbery's shoe.  The guy put one foot over the gate and the dog bit down hard.  May have saved the robbers life as the guy who owns the house is an armed guard of a Thai VIP and has a number of legal weapons in the home.  


My dog and I have a symbiotic relationship.  I provide food and shelter and she provides guard services same is her ancestors did for the cavemen.  


My pet tokays eat bugs and termites and small mice.  The skinks and gekos do too.  I protect them all.  It's like my own little zoo.  I like animals who work for a living.  The cat is lazy and doesn't chase rats. The dog chases rats.  Wasn't that a sport in the UK?

Tell me do you also have a pet that clears all the crap up from your pet Tookays and gekos ?

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It's all down to Buddhism.





Buddhist Influence

Buddhism practice relates that karma plays a significant part in the decision making process of Thai society including that the taking of a life will remain with them in their future lives, no matter if the act was carried out as a compassionate measure or otherwise. As a result, it can be extremely difficult to find a veterinarian to euthanize a family pet once the decision has been made by the family.

In Buddhism taking a life, any life is prohibited which can make things difficult for many practicing Buddhist pet care professionals. Most refuse to euthanize pets no matter the level of suffering they are experiencing, fearing their ability to prevent the animal from suffering will prevent the animal from extinguishing their karma, leading to a poor rebirth.

A small minority of pet care professionals may consider performing euthanasia with the knowledge that they have to accept the taking on of the negative karma may impact their own rebirth. In consideration of a Vet for example, this may be many hundreds of deaths throughout their entire career. A burden which many are not prepared to carry.

This makes euthanasia a big issue with Buddhist pet caregivers. Some Buddhists just like the Thai Buddhists allow their pet suffer to their last breath no matter how severe the pain is due to teachings which include 'to cut short an animal's suffering prevents them from extinguishing their karma leading to poor rebirth'.

Other Buddhists unable to cope with the pain their beloved pet is enduring, might consider euthanasia with the understanding that they are taking on the negative karma of taking a life.

In Thailand many Vets refuse to engage in the practice of 'death' with many selling the drugs used to euthanize the pet to the pet owners with instructions on how to complete the task themselves.

Some Thai people without the means to pay for expensive medication for their pets will often deliver their pets to a nearby temple with the knowledge their pet will be fed & looked after by the resident monks, until their death has come. This provides comfort to many pet owners knowing their pet will be granted a new & better life in the future.



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22 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Tell me do you also have a pet that clears all the crap up from your pet Tookays and gekos ?

The gekos are not a problem my "IRobot" does that and the Tookays poop on a piece of paper that I put out where they live so only have to change that once a day.  It is interesting to see what they eat.  

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The gekos are not a problem my "IRobot" does that and the Tookays poop on a piece of paper that I put out where they live so only have to change that once a day.  It is interesting to see what they eat.  

Im glad we are all different! 555

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On 7/22/2019 at 6:21 PM, DILLIGAD said:

Wonder if anyone has ever done a survey of the road accidents/deaths cause be untethered animals???

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Yes for sure, 30000 people die on the road yearly in Thailand because of stay dogs !


how ridiculous !




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