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Rich Indians to the Rescue as Chinese Tourists Shun Thailand


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On 7/8/2019 at 12:32 AM, piewarmer said:

The Thai exchange rate gives poor value to tourists, once the rich Indians have had their one visit they will move on to greener pastures, just like the Chinese. I don't know any Thai who has nice things to say about Indian people, they will feel unwelcome, so I don't expect any long term boom.

Once had a comeback at a very educated tour agent who was dissing Indian Airways and Indians in general and I pointed out that the Buddha himself would be regarded as an Indian. Cue uneasy silence and me feeling a twit for making a good looking girl embarrassed, Doh !

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1 hour ago, SoulKid said:

Have you ever considered why the people you met in India only spoke of merits of the British rule considering you were British too. Have you ever thought that maybe they were being too nice to you and only praised British to make you feel happy and that you were living in a bubble. It would've been nice if you actually read books and talked to historians over there instead of landlords and kids.

I was in India during the 90's for several years and read more books than I can remember, given there was no internet back then. I also had many long conversations with many people - it's patronising in the extreme to take an example I offer up, and turn it round to imply I only spoke to two people. I knew that particular landlord and his family pretty well and would quite often eat with them, and actually it was him who would be interested in reminiscing about things from decades before - he wasn't in any way a closed book. I can see through sycophantic flattery a mile away so I know what his views and personal experience of the late colonial era were, and they were pretty balanced. What I found Indians to consider way more important was the great friendships they had forged with individuals over the years, which (as in the West and here in Thailand) transcended any political views they might have had. If people liked the British but didn't like the system it's hardly different from the way relationships between people work now. I like Thailand and it's people, but I don't hold my friends here responsible for the bad government and current xenophobla that seems to be running rife. 


Unfortunately you're showing yourself to be too timid to offer up your own experiences here, and all you seem to be doing is quoting from fusty textbooks, which is a very defensive position from which to launch an attack.

Edited by lamyai3
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36 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Not that I've ever been, India VISA costs 10x more for Brits than any other nationality.

Yes, the price has gone through the roof. Back in the 90s I had a five year multiple entry visa with a resident permit, it cost about £100. There were no rules about having to exit the country back then, many changes (and a big rise in nationalism) came after the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai. 

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9 hours ago, Kim J said:

 .... this thread brings me to consider what Indian's and the Chinese etc think of the same? Maybe they all go around laughing about us and thinking such things as:


Why do they sit outside a convenience store on a concrete bench to get their daily fix of cheap alcohol?

Why do they sit alone in the same seat in the same bar every day of their life?

Why do they constantly bore everyone talking about football?

Why when watching football on TV do they constantly shout at the TV and chant like cavemen?

Why do they drink too much and become argumentative and abusive?

Why do they constantly drive motorcycles and cars when too drunk to even walk properly?

Why do they constantly whine about being fined by police for breaking the law?

As for me, I wonder how these expats prefer to live in various rural areas of Thailand, married to some Thai woman just because no western woman would agree to a life such as this, having nothing to do other than banging away ceaselessly at their keyboards, fighting desperately to win various wars on discussion forums, as if losing even one, or letting someone else have the final word, would emasculate them and deprive them of a sense of self-worth. Lol ! 


Also, after reading a comment about Indians "not sitting with us and drinking" I was puzzled why the same people who discriminate against brown skin speak as if they want brown company for drinks ? 

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16 hours ago, SoulKid said:

The same reason why anybody from any country would want to move out and live in another country. The same reason why the British and Europeans went out in search of greener pasture on the other side. The same reason Homo Sapiens ventured out of Africa and settled over the world while wiping out other Human species. 

Ah. Didn't know the early man also came to Thailand because of taxes and weather. Learn something new every day.

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12 hours ago, SoulKid said:

My decision for calling all westerners as oppressors, criminals, pedophiles, thieves, killers, and beggars was based on the very same logic that all westerners use to describe all Indians and other Asians as rapists, poor, unhygienic, smelly, cheap, etc. like you see all over the comments on this topic. How are my comments any different from them. It doesn't really makes sense to the culprit until it hits them in their face. That was my whole purpose to generalize the entire population of westerners the same way they generalize the asians.

Everybody can make a distinction between say Indians and Japanese, both Asians but couldn't be culturally further apart. However for Indians it seems to be Indians and others. Some sort of faux entitlement based on distant, glorified history. Little maharajas sipping their 4-to-1 coke. It's annoying.

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On 7/8/2019 at 8:24 AM, AJBangkok said:

I dont know if Pattaya and Phuket are the same but Hua Hin gets huge business from the Indian wedding industry, its big money and centered on the 5 star hotels.

I dont think 5 of them could marry 1 Thai woman in Pattaya, so not many marriages here.

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I was in queue to buy a ticket once the guy at the window gave the cashier his money,the cashier gave him his ticket then took a pack of about one hundred tickets and counted them then went into a back room a got a cup of chai came back and then gave the guy his change then said next please.One needs to set a whole day aside to buy a train ticket or post a parcel!

The results of colonialism.  

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On 7/11/2019 at 8:21 AM, BritManToo said:

If India is such a great place, why do they all want to move to Bradford?

And why are you posting on a Thai expat forum?


Do you think those are Indians in Bradford?

I think it very unlikely. Possibly Bangladeshi or Pakistani.

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14 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

The results of colonialism.  

And here's me thinking that it was pride.So proud to have the job of a ticket cashier,or any gov job,they seize on any opportunity to exercise their power over the customer daring to require them to perform their duties.  

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In Pattaya, 3 out of 5 tourists are middle class Indians!  In other words, too many Indians, majority of my friends from USA will not be visiting Thailand this year due to strength of Thai bhat!

Your friends aren’t coming because the Baht is 5-10% stronger this year than last?
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6 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Your friends aren’t coming because the Baht is 5-10% stronger this year than last?


 Fewer falang coming due to strong baht but more Chinese and Indians are coming when the baht is stronger yet it is the Indians that get ridiculed for being cheap.Looks like the playing field is levelling out and one day wages will be fairly even throughout the world!Maybe a day will come when peoples feelings of superiority will also disappear,but that will only occur when there are less than two people left. 

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Baht is 27% stronger than the pound, 33% stronger than the OZ/NZ/Can dollar.
Cambodia/Vietnam/Philippines are about the same exchange rate they've always been.
If Heineken raised their prices 25%, and the other beers didn't, would you still buy it?
When is enough enough?

In the last year, the KHR is 25%, the VND is 20%, the PHP is 14% and the USD is 27% up over the GBP.

Your question should be: If the price of beer goes up 25%, would you quit drinking?

In any event, dude was commenting on his friends in the US, whose USD is only off 4% against the Baht in the last year.

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16 minutes ago, mogandave said:

In the last year, the KHR is 25%, the VND is 20%, the PHP is 14% and the USD is 27% up over the GBP. 


Over the last year, highest USD 1.32 lowest 1.25, change = -6%, but currently a 5% drop over the past year.

(6 months ago they were on a par 0% difference)

From XE.com


Where did you get 27%


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31 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Baht is 27% stronger than the pound, 33% stronger than the OZ/NZ/Can dollar.

Not to mention 15-20% up on the rupee in the past couple of years. Charts showing the yuan aren't pretty either. 



Edited by lamyai3
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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Baht is 27% stronger than the pound, 33% stronger than the OZ/NZ/Can dollar.

Cambodia/Vietnam/Philippines are about the same exchange rate they've always been.


If Heineken raised their prices 25%, and the other beers didn't, would you still buy it?

When is enough enough?

Please refer to the many replies to your almost identical post in the thread, "Johnson warns EU against any Napoleonic tariffs in no-deal Brexit". I think that your "facts" have already been thoroughly debunked.


No need to waste people's time debunking them again.



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