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Marijuana cannot cure disease, Prayut warns

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6 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

Thanks for posting the two links,I enjoyed them as I enjoy learning more about the most versitile and miraculous plant on the planet.It should be made illegal to have this plant illegal?They even made a car from the stuff and the hit the wheel guard with a sledge hammer and couldn't dent it!Not long after that it became illegal!

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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People  who want drugs legalized are either in denial of what it does to you or havent been a victim  of drug  abuse yet.


There is so much to do in Thailand  why people need drugs on top of that os beyond  me.


Are for medical  use. Any drug that can cure must be legalised  and given be prescription apart from  LSD

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15 hours ago, nickstav said:

I've never heard anyone claim that pot can "cure" diseases, except maybe from some Rastas, but its ability to alleviate symptoms is pretty much well-established.


Cannabis has been proven to kill cancer cells in vivo. 

Search for cannabis and skin cancer and you can see time lapse photos of a squamous cell tumor be completely healed, never to return. 

There are videos of people with skin cancer on their nose which when treated with oil, completely healed without a trace. 


Rick Simpson cured his cancer that doctors couldn’t. 

I’m a friend of Tommy Chong. His PSA was 16, he started using cannabis suppositories and within 3 months his PSA was normal and his oncologist declared him cancer free. 


President Carter cured his cancer with cannabis extracts. 


There will be problems if people start using it like a cure-all and ignore traditional medicine, like what happens with essential oils and thoughts and prayers. 


That is where education comes in. It’s already well-documented which illnesses can be treated successfully with Cannabis. 

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Two of my Thai relatives already have permits to grow 4 plants and possess 2 vials.  What a monopoly.  But, they are going to try and grow/process the way the were taught from going to a class that was required to get the permit instead of using my decades of knowledge.  I'm staying out of the way because they know it all already, of course.  TIT.  I  quit a long time ago anyway.

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13 hours ago, Don Chance said:

The whole 'medical cannabis" thing was always about decriminalizing.

The right demonized the drugs so the left had to combat the reefer madness with something. So they did studies proving that cannabis was efficacious for some medical conditions. Then they could force the government to allow it for medical purposes. Most government have a mandate to provide medicines to their people.

That's how it went in Canada, they sued the government in court for not allowing cannabis to be sold and criminalizing sick people. The courts made the government change.

Thailand is now doing the same things. Someone in the higher up wants weed to be legalized. It sure isn't the military regime.

The down side of all the medical weed is that people actually think it is a cure all medicine. Anxiety and insomnia are symptoms of addiction. So addicts can claim they need cannabis for those conditions. Anyone who really had those conditions would not want to take cannabis, it would just make it worse.

It is good that addicts are not being criminalized but legalizing should not be legitimizing. If you smoke every day you are an addict and you will experience the many side effects of the drugs, whether or not you realize it or not.

Memory lose, confusion, paranoia, de-socialization. It is not hard to observe cannabis users experiencing these symptoms. You don't want to smoke marijuana every day that is for sure. It is not an answer to life.


Medicinal marijuana is " cannabis oil", which cannot be smoked.

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The man does not know what he is talking about, i have been using " cannabis oil" for over 4 years to treat my condition ( there is no cure but it means that i do not need any other form of medication),  i belong to several groups and regularly there are stories of people with differing types of cancer who have been "cured". Israel is the leading country in respect of using cannabis oil to treat/cure diseases and they are surprised that it has taken other countries so long to see the benefits of medicinal marijuana.

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Look who's talking about medical opinion, whom described by Henry Kissenger "military man whom described by as dumb bastards politicians play with on chess board".  Where cannabis reduces crime rate, prevent media brainwash and medically fights cancer cells https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/complementary-and-alternative-medicine/marijuana-and-cancer.html

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Supports my contention that legalizing medical marijuana was primarily a move to allow connected interests in Thailand to cash in on the global medical marijuana demand while we will see the same people trying their best to keep Thais from gaining access and being able to use marijuana for medical reasons themselves.  

I love the rhetoric: "It doesn't "cure" anything."  
I doubt Prayut has read any of the scientific studies or journals mostly published in English.  He and others who don't want Thais using marijuana or its derivatives will conveniently overlook the symptomatic relief and the palliative nature of CBD.


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15 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Not to mention the industrial uses of industrial hemp and the enormous number products the would also benefit society.People seem to ignore the whole subject of industrial hemp,it is the strongest natural fibre on the planet. 

Now that you mention that many years ago the Australian government (Victorian I think) grew industrial hemp they had a bit of trouble with some dickheads raiding the crops but never heard any more about it

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NO ONE has EVER said or tried to say it cures anything.


But it DEFINITELY helps the symptoms of some diseases.

It was the ONLY think that helped my Dads Rheumatoid Arthritis.


On the same note, I tried some of the most potent stuff on the planet........did nothing for my Chronic lower back pain from degenerated discs.

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....continuing to approve the rampant abuse and misuse of highly toxic and even banned pesticides in parallel....???


...gotta wonder if the whole agenda was not to set this up for failure....???


...meanwhile, do your own research, if it hasn't been blocked yet....


...and find thousands of cases.....countless studies....tens of thousands of pages of literature....dating back even thousands of years, apparently....stating the contrary...


....what a shame....many people were hopeful......


...the alternative....overpriced drugs....and deadly procedures like chemotherapy, etc.....???


...naive...ignorant...or purposefully deceptive....???


....a real shame....




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No, it can't cure anything, I guess. But at least it can be relied upon to bring back happiness to people (albeit momentarily), something most will need every time they see, hear or read about you and your shameless, bare-faced lies.

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31 minutes ago, BarrieSawadee said:

wgdanson I have witnessed Myself Three People survive different forms of Cancer after the Doctors had given up on them and the Patient turned to FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) illegally also People with Parkinsons,Muti Variant Epylepsie psoriasis and others.FECO does cure it also Prevents.Our body contains something called the Endo Cannabinoid System research this and You will see for Yourself.Our World is now Poisonous and Cannabis is actually the fix for this also get rid of Fossil Fuels and replace it with a Carbon Positive Fuel made from Cannabis that is the first step.As I said I have witnessed this Myself over and over.It is not a Conspiracy.

I would guess if this miracle happend, the doctors would have been interested, and we would have documentation as well? Any proof to your story?

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41 minutes ago, Tagged said:

I would guess if this miracle happend, the doctors would have been interested, and we would have documentation as well? Any proof to your story?

Some research is in progress. Many know it works,  but just need to prove it via clinical trials etc.  What leaves no doubt is the fact that opioid are highly addictive and cause many deaths.

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3 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Some research is in progress. 

And what is the cancer research about? A cure? 


How can marijuana affect symptoms of cancer?

A number of small studies of smoked marijuana found that it can be helpful in treating nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy.

A few studies have found that inhaled (smoked or vaporized) marijuana can be helpful treatment of neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves).

Smoked marijuana has also helped improve food intake in HIV patients in studies.

There are no studies in people of the effects of marijuana oil or hemp oil.

Studies have long shown that people who took marijuana extracts in clinical trials tended to need less pain medicine.

More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce spread of some forms of cancer.

There have been some early clinical trials of cannabinoids in treating cancer in humans and more studies are planned. While the studies so far have shown that cannabinoids can be safe in treating cancer, they do not show that they help control or cure the disease.

Relying on marijuana alone as treatment while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.



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