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 Please can you advise me of a weed killer , i am continually weeding my gardens ,

     it is a never ending task , and  i am just getting too old for this never ending task . 

       Thank you for valued replies .

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32 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Life is a series of never ending tasks, play the game and the longer you can play the longer you can live, 

Chok dee kraap

should he wait until the hottest part of the day?


i am amazed i can't find any Thais who want to pull weeds.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Check some info on each particular type of weed.  I had one once (in N. America) and found out that when you pull it out of the ground it releases seeds.  My solution was to cut it down at soil-level.



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There are some considerations for weed control, depending on the type of plants and where they are located. 

You say that you are "continually weeding your gardens", indicating that the unwanted plants may be growing amongst your desirable plants.  If so, then chemical weed killer may not be an option unless there is adequate spacing for spot spraying without the danger of over-spray or drift onto non-target plants. So be sure you know what you are doing before spraying herbicides. 


Mechanical control, pulling, digging may be the best method in and around your garden plantings.  Spreading a thick layer of mulch, 2 to 4 inches, 5 to 10 cm, will suppress smaller less aggressive weeds. And even if larger weeds come up through it, the mulch, in time will make the soil moist and loose so that pulling and digging weeds will be easier.


A scuffle hoe makes manual weed control a little easier in some situations. https://www.amazon.com/Rogue-Scuffle-Hoe-60S/dp/B003R1CGR4


Or hire some help.


If you have to resort to chemical herbicide, there have been many discussions about products and availability on this forum and the Farming forum. With any pesticide use, be fully informed and follow precautions for safe and effective use. 

F40 Thai rototiller.jpg

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