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Survey: Is Thailand’s appeal declining for Western Tourists?


Survey: Is Thailand’s appeal declining for Western Tourists?  

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

You commented on Tuesday how pride often gets people in big trouble, when I commented how Thai's are ripping farangs off even more today than they were yesterday, with the my most recent experience being 20 baht in a food court, i.e. less change.


Yet the news of late is about 2 Ozzie girls being ripped off, but I haven't seen you make any comment in the TVF article about the two Ozzie girls who got ripped off on their journey in a minivan from Phuket Airport to Karon, i.e. they paid 1,500 baht each for the trip, oh that's right, they have must have too much pride and should have shut up and accepted the fact that they got ripped off, I mean 1,500 baht each is not a lot of money for the 47km journey which would normally cost 800 baht for the two to ride in a taxi to Karon.

I didn't make any comment about the two girls because they didn't say anything here.

And you were overcharged by 20 bahts comparing to 2,200 bahts.  You don't get the point, what pride can do with trivial things.


Anyway, many tourists think everything should be very cheap in Thailand. Petrol price is more or less international.

Some taxis in Chiang Mai quote their prices per head to tourists. Ask before using any service in a strange place, is a good idea.

I wouldn't expect the world to be honest, truthful, kind and caring, but some times we are lucky. The more you travel the more you learn that.

Whenever you are cheated, in part, you are responsible too.

Thieves, muggers, cheaters, murderers are everywhere in the world.

Don't go wandering with your ears plugged in, wearing heavy gold and carry lots of cash, then expect some opportunists to love you.


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You've still not explained why your (imaginary?) 90k/month woman wants you.
As you already posted, "it's always about the money"
That makes no sense. The fact you posted 2 days ago your slowly drinking your self to death in front of thai visa everyday is making sense

Take care of yourself
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20 hours ago, Perhaps2more said:

You don't get the point, what pride can do with trivial things.

I think you are missing the point, I don't have pride, although I do feel let down and disappointed when someone rips me off as there is no need for it, but then again, if they are so desperate to do such a thing, whether it be 20 baht or a 1,000 baht, they lose my business.

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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think you are missing the point, I don't have pride, although I do feel let down and disappointed when someone rips me off as there is no need for it, but then again, if they are so desperate to do such a thing, whether it be 20 baht or a 1,000 baht, they lose my business.

You may think there is no need for it, but they obviously think they need every little bit they can get and some of them really do.

It is not right but that is the way the world is. You should be glad they didn't do you for larger amount.


When the amount is small and worthless but it means more than it should, it is more to do with pride because it is out of reasons or logic. 

We all have pride. Sometimes it is obvious when we fight for something absolutely worthless, like someone takes your pencil or call you names.


In a newspaper:

A group of pensioners went out to a pub one evening. To get home, one of them ordered a mini cab but before the cab arrived a group of young men had started fighting and when the cab came some of them got in the cab, to the pensioners annoyance. So one of them went to tell them off, only to get sworn at. Her husband felt the need to be a man to help his wife and went to tell them off too. At this time, it was man to man, one of them punched him in the face, he fell over and passed out. 

They went to hospital not home. The old man could have hit his head on the ground and became paralysed or dead.

All because the old woman did not let the young men get away with taking her taxi. It was her taxi, her pride was being tested, they can not take her taxi regardless of the situation, not clever.



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I have friends come and visit from time to time, and I used to suggest to come and hang with us for a while, up in the sticks, and then go do some touristy stuff, like go to some place with a beach. But I have ran out of things to suggest. It's OK if they just want to have some down time, but if they are looking for wow, I don't know if it can be found. Especially if they have already been here.

If the beaches were clean, if the parks were more professionally presented, If things were cheap, If there was some attempt to recreate what it was that people used to love about Thailand. If the vendors at tourist places put some effort into making people feel special. Then I would have something to work with. But as it is, I can only suggest some quiet places out of the way with very little infrastructure.

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On 7/20/2019 at 9:37 PM, Perhaps2more said:


In a newspaper:

A group of pensioners went out to a pub one evening. To get home, one of them ordered a mini cab but before the cab arrived a group of young men had started fighting and when the cab came some of them got in the cab, to the pensioners annoyance. So one of them went to tell them off, only to get sworn at. Her husband felt the need to be a man to help his wife and went to tell them off too. At this time, it was man to man, one of them punched him in the face, he fell over and passed out. 

They went to hospital not home. The old man could have hit his head on the ground and became paralysed or dead.

All because the old woman did not let the young men get away with taking her taxi. It was her taxi, her pride was being tested, they can not take her taxi regardless of the situation, not clever.

Different situation, I am talking principal, and like I said, whenever someone does get away with ripping me off, I just shrug my head and say to myself, I should have known better, I won't argue with Thai's, they are loose cannon's.


Walking away is always best, no pride here, like I said, principal, yes, can't change morals.

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On 7/15/2019 at 2:01 PM, brommers said:

Thailand has yet to learn a few basic lessons in the world of today.


It is no longer a quaint exotic destination for westerners. They have seen beyond the smiles and wais and it isn't so attractive.


Regional tourists are much more fickle than long haul & can switch to new destinations quickly & easily.


Social media has accelerated to speed of bad news, and there is plenty here to feed the social media machine.


There are many more regional alternatives than even 10 years ago and the comparisons are less in Thailand's favour these days.


The strength of the baht is a convenient issue to hide behind & is less of an issue than many believe.


Sadly those in government responsible for tourism are as inept as the Trump administration. They have no strategies, only a naive short term promotion fixation. They also do not realise the speed and power of the storms that will engulf tourism here.

Good morning,

I couldn't agree more with this statement, having worked in Tourism industry for over 25 years I know a few things,and one thing I know for certain is that our Thailand behaviour towards Tourism is questionable in all directions,she is no longer the land of smiles,the younger well to do, affluent traveling public can see how polarised democracy works here.... they never began being tough in Regulatory Authority Frameworks as other destinations like Spain and Greece where I have worked, they underestimate the power and speed the news which travel these days,the strong Baht is going to give such a hard slap,to day they released a statement loss of 23Billion Baht in FIF(Foreign Investment Fund),more on the way, with figures dropping.For me the most surprising thing Thailand believes that the Tourism will continue to excel,no matter what!?I endorse what you have commented, Compliments!

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