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Given the diffuse constellation of meaning for "therapy/therapist," and my weak (these days) psychic powers, you might say more, in a general way, about what the issue, or focal conflict, is, here. Behavior ? Relationship ? Depression ? Mania ? Substance abuse ? 


best wishes, ~o37;


While you said teens, you didn't mention if early or late teens. My son between 14-16 displayed some truly awful behavioural issues, which I put down to his hormones running wild as he went through puberty. I did my very best to remain as calm as possible, though I did lose the plot once or twice and often felt totally exasperated. We got through it and now he is a very well balanced 19 year old, polite, respectful and on his way to becoming a really good human being.

In those problem years, I thought of getting him to see a pyschologist, but he was struggling enough with himself at the time, that I didn't want him to start thinking that there was something wrong with him, on top of his other issues he was dealing with.

I found the best way to talk to him, without him flying into a rage for no apparent reason, was to have the chat somewhere away from the home, and to calmly discuss recent moments and ask him if he felt in retrospect his actions were appropriate. I knew more wobblers would be coming soon, but when by his own admission he admitted certain actions were wrong, we gradually found the path.

I wish you the very best of luck in dealing with what I know is a very frustrating problem.


Thanks, everyone. 


These were really supportive and helpful replies. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit at the moment, and just talking him through this has made a difference. We're doing the best we can and appreciate your support. 


Thanks again! 

  • Like 1

Dr. Kittiwan Psychiatric clinic,

she is a very sincere, caring person. Specialized in adolescence mental health.





These are licensed counselors who are trained and regulated in the US. Ethical and legal standards in Thailand? I'll just say that they are "different." Standards of practice in Thailand? Judging by their standards of practice in other domains, I am guessing their therapy approaches and interventions are more miss than hit. 

  • Haha 1

I lived with a woman who had disturbed young teens and she took her daughter to a therapist, but she caused more problems than she solved.

Sometimes one just has to live through the problems.


In the old days it was simple enough- if the child misbehaved thrash them! It's not so simple now of course.


Beware...lots of fakes out there waiting to to take your money, or worse. This, as stated by numerous people above just needs your calm kind love to resolve. There are very few who can resolve these issues with your money. Some things you can't simply buy your way out of.

On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 4:17 PM, marcusarelus said:

I moved to Alaska and did short wave home schooling while my two daughters went through teen years.  At 19 moved back to town. 

Sensible. My partner's daughter caused havoc day in, day out- her hair was too long, or too short etc and she was always chasing boys ( at 13 ). Her mother put her on the pill, so at least she didn't get pregnant till 18.

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