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Unbowed, Trump intensifies attacks on four Democratic congresswomen


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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


One of which is from his home town. I mean it's hilarious on the one hand but if you're an admirer of his you couldn't help but cringe....once again.

Actually, admirers of his could help but cringe. As we've seen repeatedly demonstrated in this thread. Or are you counting yourself as one of his admirers? Not so surprising really...

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2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

How many generations must one live in the US before they are simply referred to as Americans. I've yet to hear anyone say "I'm Swiss American" or I'm "Finnish American" Why is that? I'm feeling left out here. I was born in Denmark but have resided in the USA since childhood. I've yet to see box to check giving me option of being "Danish American". When asked where I'm from it's always the USA. After we know each other I can be asked where I was born because my name sort of gives it away.


Are whites from Africa allowed to call themselves "African American" or do you need a special skin tone for that one?


A black man who is a Danish resident, is he "African Danish"?


If we truly want to stamp out racism we will stop identifying people based on their origin. No more quotas for anything. You get what you get based on merit not nation of origin or skin color.

Ohhhh...you sound so much like Dr. Martin Luther King. The left in America will never allow King's dream to be realised. If America becomes color blind and people advance based on merit alone, liberal Democrats will lose their base. Convincing people they are hapless victims, forever in need of government assistance, is what sustains them. If racism dies, they die. Keep stirring up the pot AOC and "the squad."

Edited by Uptooyoo
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9 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

To be fair he DID tell these socialist whiners to COME BACK after they had sorted out the problems where they came from, he did not tell them to leave for good. Of course that bit got left out and where they came from got changed to countries by the hysterical Trump hating media.

Still ignoring that he told them go back. Your COME BACK is a very weak comeback.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Except in the case of trump he abuses 'free speech' with his lies & misinformation when responding to critics. An example...



Lying and spreading false information is also free speech. It's up the listener to use their brains to believe  it or not. It's called critical thinking. A useful skill in a world where everybody and their dead ancestors is out to get you.


Trying to limit what can be said is just trying to gain control. That's what all the PC <deleted> was all about. 

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35 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

To be fair he DID tell these socialist whiners to COME BACK after they had sorted out the problems where they came from, he did not tell them to leave for good. Of course that bit got left out and where they came from got changed to countries by the hysterical Trump hating media.

Hairs splitting addict, huh?

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The defeat of the call to impeach was not a victory for Trump, he’s begging the Dems to impeach him, He knows even if impeached by the House the Senate would vote it down - Pelosi knows this too.


Which is why Pelosi is waiting for the courts to deliver Trump’s taxes and rule against those who are, on Trump’s orders, refusing to  testify before the House.


Next up Mueller’s testimony.


And in the background the Epstein case progresses.


Trump will get the Impeachment he is begging for, just not when he wants it.


Don’t bet on the Senate backing him when the time does come,

pelosi and the squad calling her racist, dems in disarray , pelosi lost her agenda for the squalor squad of jews haters, terrorist, usa haters puts forward the dem socialist agenda. thereto, the 20 dem candidates follow the squad agenda, surely winning 2020.


epstein and his clinton friend, 26x times spent clinton on his perverted friends plane, nice photos of the two exist also all on hannity 14719.


mueller and what republicans will ask him to expose his biased investigation. anyway 1. russian hoax 2ndobstruction hoax 3rd rascism hoax whats next impeachment hoax ???




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1 minute ago, roobaa01 said:

pelosi and the squad calling her racist, dems in disarray , pelosi lost her agenda for the squalor squad of jews haters, terrorist, usa haters puts forward the dem socialist agenda. thereto, the 20 dem candidates follow the squad agenda, surely winning 2020.


epstein and his clinton friend, 26x times spent clinton on his perverted friends plane, nice photos of the two exist also all on hannity 14719.


mueller and what republicans will ask him to expose his biased investigation. anyway 1. russian hoax 2ndobstruction hoax 3rd rascism hoax whats next impeachment hoax ???




Did Hannity also share with his viewers the video of Trump and Epstein together at a party? In which they discuss women?

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3 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

no 66 % by the senate.

omar is a sharia leaning islam radical as she hangs out with sansor, farrakhan..




Once again you've got it wrong. Impeachment belongs to the House. It's the equivalent of indictment. Once a President is impeached (indicted) then it goes to the Senate for a trial. Where currently it would take at least 67 (not 66) Senators to vote for conviction.

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55 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Once again you've got it wrong. Impeachment belongs to the House. It's the equivalent of indictment. Once a President is impeached (indicted) then it goes to the Senate for a trial. Where currently it would take at least 67 (not 66) Senators to vote for conviction.

no im talking about percentage 66 % or 2/3 mayority. no trial is reality everything else fiction w/o consequences .






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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Did Hannity also share with his viewers the video of Trump and Epstein together at a party? In which they discuss women?

Oh my God, 2 men talking about women, that's just crazy...…. Lock them up and hide your women.

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10 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Both Trump and those 4 Democratic congresswomen enjoy first amendment rights. That's not the issue. The issue is whether what Trump said constituted bigotry. It clearly does. 

Is Bigotry illegal now?  News to me.  

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Impeachment isn't fake news or not fake news. Saying fake news seems to be a CRUTCH you have along with so many "trump" fans.


Impeachment is now and has always been a POWER that congress has to invoke at any time.


It is not easy to impeach and then convict a president.


It hasn't happened even once.


So it's not a casual decision for the house to decide on beginning an impeachment investigation especially in an environment where they know the senate won't convict for loyalty to "trump" reasons.


So that may or may not happen. Not going ahead does not exonerate "trump" of the obstruction cases. It simply means they weren't pursued.


In the real world most violations are not actually pursued.

Two Presidents were impeached, Johnson and Clinton neither was removed from office.  

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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

So it's OK for the President of the USA to repeatedly lie and misinform the general public about the behaviour of elected members of government - news to me. However, taking this forum as an example, I do not see any evidence of trump supporters using their critical facilities to filter out trump's BS, so what does that tell us?

I think Americans use their critical facilities to filter out political BS and elected who they wanted in the last election (Americans know how the electoral college works and vote accordingly).  

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2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Oh my God, 2 men talking about women, that's just crazy...…. Lock them up and hide your women.

When one of them is Jeffrey Epstein and the other is Donald "P*ssu Grabber" Trump women woul be safer elsewhere. Particularly if they're young and pretty.

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4 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I didn't know Epstein was running for President.  That's terrible.  Or maybe you are suggesting we put anyone who talked to him in Jail?  Or maybe you are suggesting only young and pretty women get talked about.  I'd just drop it because there are more high ranking Democrats involved than high ranking Republicans. Besides no one really cares anyway.  Old rich guys always have  young and pretty women - ho hum.  I lived in Pattaya. You think I don't know this? 

You will have to look very hard indeed to find a liberal on here that would not insist that any wrongdoing of this nature should be pursued to its legal punitive end, regardless of the political leanings of the criminals.  If only the same could be said of Trump supporters or associated republicans.

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:38 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

People don't realize quite how high the stakes are here. This is all about winning 2020 at any cost. The MAGA movement is gaining critical mass and I believe it is not overstatement to say that the Trump train can actually "save" the western world from the descent into far left fascism/marxism. Trump will keep Americans (and by proxy  Europeans/Australians who essentially with some delay copy political movements across the pond) free, healthy and wealthy.

 That a few people are triggered by uncomfortable facts is a small price to pay for assuring our descendants a decent life, free from the terrible realities of strict socialism and the intolerance and misery it would cause.

 Go for it Trump!!

You’re hilarious, when you can get a post through.  SNL has a slot for you!

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Like it or not, Trump won this week. The  news this week has been consumed by the squad of four  and we are on page 14 here.  He has managed to consume the entire week's news cycle, be it bad or good, but he doesn't care as long as all of the news is about him and no one else and that's all that he cares about.  The next time he tweets or talks he will spin it so that whatever he says is benefiting him at the moment he said it with total disregard to the truth!!  Look for something big to happen the week after next during to Democrat debates

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Trump Falsely Claims Four Congresswomen Used the Slur “Evil Jews”

After spending much of the week defending his racist assertion that four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back” to the countries “from which they came,” President Donald Trump on Friday falsely stated that they had used the anti-Semitic slur “evil Jews” and have “call[ed] the people of our country and our country ‘garbage.’ ”

None of the congresswomen in question—Reps. Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib—have ever been reported to say either of those things.


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29 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

What makes you think that Trump actually wants to reform the system.

Nothing. But his mucking about is good for bubbling up the flaws into public view and that results in action when more and more see them. Pretty literally "draining the swamp" so the old skeletons with concrete shoes start to stick out.

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7 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Nothing. But his mucking about is good for bubbling up the flaws into public view and that results in action when more and more see them. Pretty literally "draining the swamp" so the old skeletons with concrete shoes start to stick out.

Can you give me some examples of some important skeleton that can now be seen? There are candidates for President who are actually focused on exposing skeletons. But somehow I suspect you wouldn't support them.

And of course Trump is putting cement shoes on lots of skeletons himself.

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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Can you give me some examples of some important skeleton that can now be seen? 

That'd be the immigration issue. It's constantly on the front pages.


As I mentioned for decades US has relied on cheap illegal immigrant workforce (China has their own natives working as de facto slaves so they don't have these issues, just to compare). Pretty soon you'll start to see it in headlines, 'we're losing our cheap labor' and that sort of whining. While many are aware of this, they just put it in 'shh-shh, don't tell anyone, we need them' apartment and cover with PC manure. Keep the floodlight squarely on the issue and start finding real solutions. 


Ah and of course the China issue as well. 

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On 7/18/2019 at 9:38 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

That a few people are triggered by uncomfortable facts is a small price to pay for assuring our descendants a decent life, free from the terrible realities of strict socialism and the intolerance and misery it would cause.

Apparently that is the USAmerican way, read this: 

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On 7/18/2019 at 3:04 PM, ricklev said:

All of you throwing out the word socialism as evil, what do you really know about about socialism other than what you have been told to think?  DEMOCRATIC socialism has created the happiest, wealthiest, healthiest  countries in the world!  DEMOCRATIC socialism is different than communism and allows free enterprise, capitalism and democracy.  Medicare is a good example of DEMOCRATIC socialist policy as is free education and firemen.....  Here is a list of the happiest countries in the world. How do you explain it? 

  1. The United Nations recently released their annual World Happiness Report, which included their list of the world's top 10 "Happiest Countries."
    According to the United Nations, the 10 happiest countries in 2019 are:
    • Finland.
    • Denmark.
    • Norway.
    • Iceland.
    • The Netherlands.
    • Switzerland.
    • Sweden.
    • New Zealand.
    Apr 9, 2019



Wonder what else these countries have in common?


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