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Three surrogate mothers charged with human trafficking. Connections in Vietnam and China

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Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday charged three women with human trafficking in connection to a surrogacy business after they were arrested and deported from Vietnam. Phnom Penh Municipal Court spokesperson Kuch Kimlong said the three women were charged for violating Article 16 on the suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and Article 322 of the Criminal Code on being an intermediary between an adoptive parent and a pregnant mother.


“Two of them are still pregnant and one delivered a baby already,” he said. “They were charged, but are not detained in prison. I cannot disclose any more information.”

Mr Kimlong noted that the judge will continue with legal procedures for the case.

According to a police report, the three women, Seng Chenda, 32, Phoun Sinoeun, 32, and Sat Saroun 31, were apprehended after they crossed the border illegally to Vietnam. In the report, Ms Chenda said Ms Sinoeun persuaded her to carry a baby for a Chinese national and move from Kandal province to reside in Phnom Penh, noting that she will receive $8,000 once the job is finished.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50624936/three-surrogate-mothers-charged-with-human-trafficking/

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