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Video: Hunt on for drunk motorcyclist who mowed down 14 year old "breadwinner" on a bicycle


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Video: Hunt on for drunk motorcyclist who mowed down 14 year old "breadwinner" on a bicycle




Police are hunting a motorcyclist who was caught on CCTV in Bang Pakong this morning going the wrong way down a street and hitting a 14 year old boy on his bicycle. 


The boy was Worawut Chuthaisong who was described as a breadwinner in his family. He had just done the washing and was also employed cleaning dishes to help to send his siblings aged 5 and 7 to school. 


Witnesses said that the motorcycle driver was drunk and after the collision got back on his bike, picked up a man at a "laap" stall and raced off.


They couldn't recall the letters on the plate just that it was a Honda Click with the number 8483. 


Source: Thai Rath


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-07-19
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30 minutes ago, Misterwhisper said:

And nobody among these fine witnesses who seemed way more concerned with whether the motorcycle taxi driver was alright than the accident victim (only one of them walked over to the boy) bothered to hold the drunkard and prevent him from fleeing the scene? Outstanding!  

I counted five and a motor cycle rider turned back to help.

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6 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Generally absolutely true as other countries people actually care more about others rather than themselves. But hey just get over it 'cos it ain't going to change here anytime soon.

Why do you think that Thais are different to every other nation on Earth ?

Why is it that only Thais do hit and run and no other nationality would do such a thing ?

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I counted five people who walked over to help the boy including the motor cyclist who also turned around to help the boy sorry if people thought I meant something other than that,I've seen and attended several accidents and found Thais always generous with assistance.In Australia it's actually illegal to not stop and render assistance and hit and runs are not that uncommon!

The Red Bull family know all about them don't they ?

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Once again we must remember the authorities declared that going through red lights and going the wrong way along a road was a minor offense  - Don't think the family of this youth would agree nor would any other sane person. World Class indeed...!!!

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And more evidence yet again at Thai's pathetic neanderthal mentality towards common sense on the road and pedestrians.  NO shock, only more reinforcement at the sheer level of stupidity defying all logic.

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2 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Generally absolutely true as other countries people actually care more about others rather than themselves. But hey just get over it 'cos it ain't going to change here anytime soon.

You obviously haven’t spent much time in Australia mate ... !

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Yes, its only Thais that don't stop at accidents , everyone from every other Coutntry always stops for accidents 

Well, they better stop in the US, otherwise it's felony hit and run and off to jail they go.

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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

And nobody among these fine witnesses who seemed way more concerned with whether the motorcycle taxi driver was alright than the accident victim (only one of them walked over to the boy) bothered to hold the drunkard and prevent him from fleeing the scene? Outstanding!  

...or, as actually happened, all four went over to the victim. 


Those 'witnesses' were not there when the accident happened, they came along a few seconds later.   Perhaps they considered that the drunk rider was not going to run off and they were actually more concerned about the boy.

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2 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:
2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why do you think that Thais are different to every other nation on Earth ?

Why is it that only Thais do hit and run and no other nationality would do such a thing ?

How much obvious proof do you need ? Different is an understatement when proof is that they are very very different given the death rate on Thai roads every single day of every single year. They are second to none. How different is that ?

A tiny little bit of proof to back up your assertion that "Thais do not stop to help because they only care about themselves" would be a good place for you to start!  Your claim has nothing whatsoever to do with the death rate on Thai roads, it only relates to stopping to help victims.


Edit:  What's so 'confusing' geoffbezoz?  I only suggested that you back up your assertion with some facts, it's not difficult, if you've got any.

Edited by Just Weird
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I hope the poor bugger who is the victim here was not too badly injured

Working so his younger siblings can attend school, a young man who takes his responsibility seriously, as opposed to the person who hit him and ran off.

I hope he recovers to full health.

Probably no cycle helmet on poor little fella 

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why do you think that Thais are different to every other nation on Earth ?

Why is it that only Thais do hit and run and no other nationality would do such a thing ?

You obviously haven't travelled very much!

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why do you think that Thais are different to every other nation on Earth ?

Why is it that only Thais do hit and run and no other nationality would do such a thing ?


I think your comprehension skills need polishing. Where did anyone write that only Thais do this? The accident happened in Thailand, presumably committed by a Thai and it was reported on a Thai forum. Where does it say that Thais are different?

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Why does society put up with this crap?   The reason crime and negligence as in this case are rampant not only in Thailand but the world is because there are no consequences When these things happen.   They will find this piece of dog sh*t and he will get a slap on the wrist, pay a fine, wai the family and do it all over again the next weekend.  Why? Because there is no real justice in the world.   What should happen is he should compensate the family of this poor innocent kid.  He should wai them just before he is executed on live TV.    The only way to stop violent crime and drunk idiots like this one is to make the punishment as harsh as possible.   I guarantee you if you execute this a-hole on live TV for his negligence the next moron who decides he’s not really drunk and can drive home just fine will think twice before he/she does it.   Freak accidents do happen but almost all accidents are the result of negligence.  Crimes are the result of stupidity.   Both should be dealt with harshly.   This is not a problem unique to Thailand.   It’s worldwide.   As long as criminals and idiots know there is no real punishment for their actions/negligence then crime and completely unacceptable “accidents” like this one will not only continue but increase.   


I pray this kid is ok.    

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