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Why did u guys choose Thailand over the Philippines??


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


1. The women can be lovely. And many of them speak english. And if you are older guy, that is a plus in the PI. Plus they are way less demanding, and the bar is set much lower, in terms of their expectations.  Older guys can get with far younger women, without an issue. The parents actually encourage it! Generally, it is possible to have a real conversation with many women there. Not the case here. It is rare here. Unlike most Thai women, the women there can have a real sense of curiousity, and will ask genuine questions about you, and your life, beyond where do you come from, how much do you earn, and what do you own? The PI seems to have a higher level of intellectual development. 


2. The visa system is something that some think is simpler. You do need to have money on deposit, and unlike Thailand it remains on deposit the entire time you live there. A minimum of $20,000 for the SRRV Smile visa, unless that has changed.


3. The place has thousands of islands, and some stunning beaches, and cleaner water than Thailand, at least on the Gulf Coast. But, the islands are fairly hard to get to, and the services are very limited, and more expensive than in Thailand. 


4.. In general I would say the people can be quite friendly. Especially the women. But, unlike Thailand, even the men can be friendly. I suspect if I lived there, I would have a number of local male friends, unlike here. I have never met a society of men, who are less interested, less curious about, and less willing to get to know foreigners, than I have here in Thailand. It is sometimes astonishing. It is a real disappointment. 


5. The place is more Westernized. You do not feel like you are living on another planet, which can be nice sometimes. Some shopping can be better, as there are Costco type outlets there. Some of the highways are better, and as an American, I can have goods shipped to me, with a preferred system, that allows low cost shipping, and duty free imports. Unheard of in Thailand. Importation of goods in Thailand can be horrendously difficult. It is an onerous system, one that is outdated by decades, in this age of globalization. Thailand is far, far more insular and fearful of the outside world, than the PI.





1. The entire country is like one big Tijuana. It is depressing. Very little landscaping in the homes, even nice homes are ugly, and there is very little to look at, that is appealing, other than the lovely women.


2. The security situation is not very good. You always have to keep your eyes open, keep an eye on your back, and beware of robbery, home theft, and violence. It is rampant. I have many friends who live there, and they all say the same thing. 


3. If you do get into an altercation with a Philippine man, or are getting robbed or harassed, unless you are a 6th degree sensei, do not fight back. An astonishing number of locals are well trained in the fighting arts. Many are good with sticks, knives, blades or any sort, and their hands, fists and feet. I have a friend who is a world class security consultant. He is a black belt in a few different martial arts. He says he can usually fight his way out of a gang of men, nearly anywhere in the world. Except in the PI. That is the only country he will NOT take an assignment.

The average guys there, can take down the average Westerner in five seconds. In Thailand few have those kinds of skills. Very few.


4. The food sucks. The only other country I can think of with worse food, is Cuba. Granted, if you are willing to spend the money, you can find good food. But, it is not the general rule, as it is here. Most of the good restaurants are in the newer malls, and it is expensive, and the portions tend to be small. Also, the access to fresh fruits and vegetables is pathetic compared to Thailand. Very low quality, and often not fresh. Thailand is a paradise by comparison, when it comes to all things related to food. The real plus here, is that most Thai people have what I refer to as the culinary gene. Anything they touch, tastes good. Generally. Of course there are exceptions. But in the PI the opposite is the rule. They have no idea how to make a dish taste good. None. And the ingredients they use could clog a heart in a months time. 


5. Pollution. They use a lower grade of diesel. So, there is alot of soot in the air. The PI has an epidemic of lung diseases and respiratory diseases. Even on many of the populated islands. The hospitals are full of people who are having a very hard time breathing. It is a real issue there. Lung disease is at an epidemic level, though the authorities do not like to talk about it, and publish very little information on it.


6. Aesthetics. The average house you would rent, looks like a slum. Tall walls, with barbed wire, to keep out intruders. And they just do not pay attention to landscaping and gardens like the Thai people do. So, most neighborhoods are fabulously ugly. Alot of slums in the big cities, and the entire country, is just not physically appealing. There are some beautiful areas. But, generally they are not easy to access. A helicopter would be ideal. 


7. Renting. There is a vastly lower number of rental units available, few are as nice as what you can find in Thailand, and it is almost always more expensive, with the possible exception of Central Bangkok. You just cannot find the studio apartments like the ones available all over Hua Hin, for 6,000 to 8,000 baht a month. That does not exist there.


8. Infrastructure. The entire country lacks the infrastructure you have here in Thailand. As I am typing now, I am enjoying a 180MB download speed, and a 100MB upload speed, all on fiber optic cable, for 800 baht a month. Unheard of in many countries, including the US! Triple the cost there. No sky train network anywhere near comparable to Bangkok. Mo MRT network either. They have one under construction, and it will be limited to ten stations.  


9. The capital. I really enjoy Bangkok. I find it to be a wonderful big city. The people are cool, and there is alot to do, and alot to see. Cannot say the same about Manila. It is an ugly city, and a dangerous city. The traffic is worse than Bangkok, and you do not have the public transportation alternatives, like in Bangkok. Also, you just don't have the incredible selection of great hotels, like in Bangkok. 


Shall I go on? I could. As far as I am concerned, the only reason to live there is the women, and a slightly more cooperative, and far less xenophobic and racist government. Alot of ex-pats are looking to leave Thailand, as the current administration is so far beyond heinous and incompetent, it is unspeakable. And the current immigration policy and attitude, seems to be designed to discourage foreigners from staying here. 

i agree, find the PI woman more inquisitive and interesting.  Thai's live in a bubble and have little interest in the outside world.  plus PI woman are pretty "with it" and hip.  but Eastern EU girls rock.


Edited by malibukid
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49 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

I'm in Angeles right now. Second time here and so far never had a bad experience with a girl. On the contrary - some of the girls I met here were so sweet I've taken them multiple times (though I get my girls from clubs - not bar fines - so I don't pay upfront)



I was there 23 years ago so things might have changed, the only plus I saw was the English ability. Apart from that it has nothing over Thailand

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I enjoy Pinoy people and I even like some of their food. Yeah, there is drama but dealing with that is not boring.


However, some years ago I took an exploratory trip to Manila, Cebu City, Bohol, Dumaguete, Bantayan and around Cebu and just wasn't feeling it as a place I'd want to live. 


It very often comes down to that. Subjective feelings rather than anal pros and cons lists. Not that pros and cons lists are worthless.

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6 hours ago, scorecard said:

Sure but beer (like most things) is personal taste. I found Phils. beer to be tasteless.

Thai beer is not much better, to be honest. ( America's fault?)


   But that's not the problem, food in the PI's seems to be more frightening to me. Especially the "recycled chicken".


   I'd always take a Thai girl before I'd chose a Filipina. Once they start speaking Tagalog, it's a big turn off for me.


I prefer a chat with a local in Thai, or Isaan. No, the Philippines was never a topic for me and will never be. 



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1 hour ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

I'm in Angeles right now. Second time here and so far never had a bad experience with a girl. On the contrary - some of the girls I met here were so sweet I've taken them multiple times (though I get my girls from clubs - not bar fines - so I don't pay upfront)


As for the score:

Infrastructure - Thailand wins hands down

Internet and cell service - Philippines isn't even competing, cell reception is non-existent

Condos - Philippines quit the race

Hotness - Thai girls are by far hotter. I like 'em skinny and unfortunately Filipino girls are often fat.

Safety - Angeles feels generally safe, but Manila is scary. Thailand wins either way.


Language - Philippines finally scores!

Pussy - Philippines girls are friendlier, less demanding, and cheaper.

Visa - Thailand is becoming a nightmare when it comes to visa. Random denials are a constant source of stress and I may move in the future due to this reason alone. Philippines seems easy on visas.

Food - I actually eat much better in Angeles than I do in Bangkok. Tons of great western food here and it's much cheaper than Bangkok.

Booze - hands down Angeles. I pay HALF here than what I do in Bangkok.


But none of those matter. I am based in Bangkok because I have friends there. Moving to Angeles is an option but unlikely to happen if I'm alone here.



I hear from friends there, that the bar scene is pretty much over? Apparently the bar fines have skyrocketed? Friends of mine tell me now it is the clubs, or facebook, for finding ladies. Is that the case? 

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I'm a Buddhist.  The PI is predominately Catholic.

However, given Thailand's xenophobia, steadily increasing cost of living, a steadily declining exchange rate, never-ending scams, violence and distrust of foreigners if not outright attacks on foreigners, the extremely unhealthy burning now lasting four months out of the year that earned the North another "number one place" as the Worst Air Quality in the world, and increasingly hostile immigration policies - the PI is looking like an attractive option, especially with the SRRV visa and a solid path the permanent residency and the ability to buy into the PI's health care system.  The PI is Thailand 20 or 30 years ago, which is actually dandy as far as I'm concerned.  Plus, I've found that the "Thai Buddhism" that most Thais follow isn't the Forest Tradition that I follow. I can take my practice with me as I'm pretty much a solo practitioner.  I was expecting something much different than what I found, and what I found is disenchanting and sad.
Yeah - the PI is looking better all the time.  I think when they burn down Northern Thailand again next year (and given the current drought the burning next year is going to be absolutely horrific) I'll be touring beaches in the PI and exploring my options.  Perhaps Vietnam too.  :thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I hear from friends there, that the bar scene is pretty much over? Apparently the bar fines have skyrocketed?

They were still the same price when I was there last year.

There were plenty of ladies prepared to move into your room for food and board, and a few empty promises.

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2 hours ago, connda said:

I'm a Buddhist.  The PI is predominately Catholic.

However, given Thailand's xenophobia, steadily increasing cost of living, a steadily declining exchange rate, never-ending scams, violence and distrust of foreigners if not outright attacks on foreigners, the extremely unhealthy burning now lasting four months out of the year that earned the North another "number one place" as the Worst Air Quality in the world, and increasingly hostile immigration policies - the PI is looking like an attractive option, especially with the SRRV visa and a solid path the permanent residency and the ability to buy into the PI's health care system.  The PI is Thailand 20 or 30 years ago, which is actually dandy as far as I'm concerned.  Plus, I've found that the "Thai Buddhism" that most Thais follow isn't the Forest Tradition that I follow. I can take my practice with me as I'm pretty much a solo practitioner.  I was expecting something much different than what I found, and what I found is disenchanting and sad.
Yeah - the PI is looking better all the time.  I think when they burn down Northern Thailand again next year (and given the current drought the burning next year is going to be absolutely horrific) I'll be touring beaches in the PI and exploring my options.  Perhaps Vietnam too.  :thumbsup:


You and 100,000 other long term Thailand ex-pats tired of being disrespected by this racist and totally ridiculous administration. 


The Thai Army sure is good at sucking the joy out of life in Thailand for both ex-pats and the average Thai. They are a scourge on the land. 

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Some good remarks here. I would rank the quality of life among SE Asian countries as follows:


1) Singapore

2) Thailand

3) Indonesia

4) Malaysia

5) Vietnam

6) Tied: Cambodia and the Philippines

7) Myanmar

8 ) Lao


Obviously, cost of living and visas are factors that would mix things up, but in terms of sheer quality of life, this is how I rank them, having lived, worked and traveled in the region for the last 30 years. Interested to know what order others would put them in.

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11 minutes ago, Puwa said:

Some good remarks here. I would rank the quality of life among SE Asian countries as follows:


1) Singapore

2) Thailand

3) Indonesia

4) Malaysia

5) Vietnam

6) Tied: Cambodia and the Philippines

7) Myanmar

8 ) Lao


Obviously, cost of living and visas are factors that would mix things up, but in terms of sheer quality of life, this is how I rank them, having lived, worked and traveled in the region for the last 30 years. Interested to know what order others would put them in.

Interesting. Like you, I have worked, lived and traveled extensively in all these countries over the past 30+ years also. I would probably agree with your ranking in both quality of life and degree to which I would choose to live in any one place. Definitely agree with your bottom 5, and this includes Myanmar where I spend a lot of time (earned Premier on Bangkok Airways over a year ago and still going strong).


Indonesia and Malaysia I would have issues with, as I find Indo horrible in places like Jakarta, and lovely in resort areas, and Malaysia I find culturally a wasteland.


So the upshot is...yes. Thailand still wins pound for pound. Singapore cannot be thought of in the same conversation because of many reasons, and in spite of all the crap we all have to now endure with this xenophobic government, yes it's still the best place in SE Asia.


One last comment about Phils. I have been many, many times, and in spite of mostly staying in nice hotels in Makati, I find the rest of the country a dodgy, often dangerous, generally unpleasant place to be.

Edited by keemapoot
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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Interesting. Like you, I have worked, lived and traveled extensively in all these countries over the past 30+ years also. I would probably agree with your ranking in both quality of life and degree to which I would choose to live in any one place. Definitely agree with your bottom 5, and this includes Myanmar where I spend a lot of time (earned Premier on Bangkok Airways over a year ago and still going strong).


Indonesia and Malaysia I would have issues with, as I find Indo horrible in places like Jakarta, and lovely in resort areas, and Malaysia I find culturally a wasteland.


So the upshot is...yes. Thailand still wins pound for pound. Singapore cannot be thought of in the same conversation because of many reasons, and in spite of all the crap we all have to now endure with this xenophobic government, yes it's still the best place in SE Asia.


One last comment about Phils. I have been many, many times, and in spite of mostly staying in nice hotels in Makati, I find the rest of the country a dodgy, often dangerous, generally unpleasant place to be.

Good points, and I would hasten to add that this isn't necessarily my ranking of where I personally would want to live. On that list, both Myanmar and Lao would rise considerably (I am fond of old-school Asia and don't mind roughing it somewhaa) while Singapore would fall (been there, done that, got the employment card). If I were 21 and starting out all over again, Myanmar would win hands down. 


I have a soft spot for Indo, though like you I wouldn't want to live in Jakarta. But it's a huge country with a diverse population and I find the people to be easy to get along with. 


Phils doesn't do it for me at all. It has great natural beauty but a medieval social structure that makes Thailand look like Denmark. Sure Makati is nice, but once you venture beyond the Greenway or whatever it's called the city is a pit of desperate poverty and crime. 

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1 minute ago, Puwa said:

If I were 21 and starting out all over again, Myanmar would win hands down.

Absolutely agree with this. This is one of the last frontier economies left with all the ingredients to be the next big thing, though will take time. It's just a tough place to operate as it's so underdeveloped. Even in Yangon, there are power outages often, and it's just not a relaxing life for someone older and/or successful.


Lao is still undeveloped, and looks to remain that way for some time. Nothing to see here. Cambodia, better than Lao, but Chinese are pervasive. Yeah, Indo is a large diverse place with lots of interesting things to do if you can escape Jakarta, which is probably the worst traffic of any big city in the world maybe.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Interesting. Like you, I have worked, lived and traveled extensively in all these countries over the past 30+ years also. I would probably agree with your ranking in both quality of life and degree to which I would choose to live in any one place. Definitely agree with your bottom 5, and this includes Myanmar where I spend a lot of time (earned Premier on Bangkok Airways over a year ago and still going strong).


Indonesia and Malaysia I would have issues with, as I find Indo horrible in places like Jakarta, and lovely in resort areas, and Malaysia I find culturally a wasteland.


So the upshot is...yes. Thailand still wins pound for pound. Singapore cannot be thought of in the same conversation because of many reasons, and in spite of all the crap we all have to now endure with this xenophobic government, yes it's still the best place in SE Asia.


One last comment about Phils. I have been many, many times, and in spite of mostly staying in nice hotels in Makati, I find the rest of the country a dodgy, often dangerous, generally unpleasant place to be.

Lived in Singapore in the 70s and it was wonderful. Bugis Street was a blast to visit late night, and sooooo  different from the rest of the country- nearest thing to anarchy they had.

Most of the places I loved have gone ( along with Bugis and the Satay Club ), and it's all very flash, but I'm not the first to note that it's sterile. Thailand used to have the sanuk that Singapore lacked, but even that is disappearing in LOS now. Perhaps I'm better off out of LOS, as it descends into some pit of despair. Whatever, it's never going to be another Singapore.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Lived in Singapore in the 70s and it was wonderful. Bugis Street was a blast to visit late night, and sooooo  different from the rest of the country- nearest thing to anarchy they had.

Most of the places I loved have gone ( along with Bugis and the Satay Club ), and it's all very flash, but I'm not the first to note that it's sterile. Thailand used to have the sanuk that Singapore lacked, but even that is disappearing in LOS now. Perhaps I'm better off out of LOS, as it descends into some pit of despair. Whatever, it's never going to be another Singapore.

True, I lived and worked in Singapore many years, and like many places it was more livable in past decades, primarily because of the cost of living and ease of getting around, and nightlife. SG's always been sterile, so we all know that, and I always much preferred Hong Kong in terms of major regional Asian cities. 


Similarly, Thailand's glory days are gone too, though Thailand was always a different experience. In spite of the government kicking street vendors out (which was all part of the local experience anyway), it can never be a Singapore, even though the conversion in Bangkok to everything being a huge mall or condo is ongoing. Yup, Thailand used to have sanook. Lots of it. Now, it's just another place...

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17 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Thailand used to have sanook. Lots of it. Now, it's just another place...

Agree. It used to be a special place, especially for those prepared to get out of the main centres, but now it's just another place to tick off the bucket list.

Bangkok; river tour

Kanchanaburi; Death railway and museum

Pattaya; Koh Larn and Walking St.

Chiang Mai; temples

Samui/ Phangan/ Tao

Phuket/ Phi Phi

Done and dusted.

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