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Is IMM. making it harder for banks.

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I've been with SCB over 10 years.

Have an original savings account in another province and term deposit where i live.

The other day went to open another savings account where i live for immigration purposes only and was told i already have 3 accounts and could not.

The 3rd account i've never seen or had passbook for and never been used and had a zero balance,i said ok give me a passbook and will put 400,000k in it.No this account is not there.

I think the local branch must of done a dodgy to get my term deposit.

The person in charge of the branch suggested i go across the mall an open an account with another bank and put 400,000k in it.

As the hairs on the back of neck started to stand up i said write me a bank cheque for all my money in the bank,he said 15,000 in fees for the check,ok i went outside to atm and got the cash,20 minutes of dawdling and a few phone calls he said give me 3 days.

2 days later they called and i went in and opened another savings account hassell free which it should of been in the 1st place.


One questioned the girl asked filling the forms was would i be working again or am i retired,i just wonder if immigration are pushing the banks to the limit or it's just SCB,i should of pulled the pin from them when i had the chance.

Lol no umbrellas this time.  

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That SCB branch does not want u. Firstly, cashiers check is standard 20 baht, secondly unless u started a e-savings account u should have a bankbook. E-savings accounts use the SCB app to manage the account. I have multiple accounts at several banks, so the SCB limit on number of accounts must be their rule.

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Immigration is not making it harder for anyone to open a Thai bank account.  There are only about a zillion posts on ThaiVisa over many years describing challenges farang's frequently face in doing business with a  Thai bank....even when the farang has been a long time customer at a bank branch.  This thread will just add to those zillion posts.   Some bank branches are simply not farang-friendly....really don't want farang business. 


Only about a half a zillion posts where people have tried to open a new bank account at a Thai bank...they get rejected.  Go to another branch of the same parent bank....get rejected again. Go to another branch of the same parent bank and are welcomed with open arms....account opened.  


A lot depends on the branch management.   If "management" of a branch simply don't want to open account for farangs then you can hear all types of reasons (made-up reasons) as to why "can not."   Made-up reasons that try to deflect the blame to some other organization like the Bank of Thailand, the government, head office, etc. 


But to be fair many of the Thai banking problems we run into--whether its an attempted account opening or just doing a certain banking transactions--are simply miscommunications between the farang customer and the bank representatives....the English-Thai language disconnect.  The bank rep thinks you are asking one thing while you are really asking another thing (and vice versa).


Yeap, Thai banking can be frustrating.

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Thanks for the replies.

I understand more clearly now,it certainly is the chinese whispers.

Clarification after they denied the account and i wanted it out they stopped talking to me and called my wife.My thoughts were why would i leave the majority of cash with your bank and just take 400,00 to another.

The 15,000 was the fee to transfer the FTD back to my savings account in the other province.

After that it was indeed a 25 baht fee for a bank cheque but i only found that out this morning.

I very rarely deal inside the bank,only to update yearly FTD,everything else i use atm card.

I'm still unsure why they would want to know whether working or retired on their computer file.




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Before we all jump on the bank/immigration bandwagon remember that they have little to do with each other at all.

The Central Bank controls the banks procedures to a large extent & in my 30 years of dealing 

with 4 major banks here never had the slightest problem.

I do note that you are now required to present ID when paying your credit card bill,

When I asked why,,, the answer "money laundering ??    OK

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1 minute ago, TechnikaIII said:

This happens everywhere. They make their bonuses based on the numbers of gullible soles who never think to question. They just pay up. And it's all bullshit. A scam, .. a con, call it what you like. It's "Open Season" on farangs. When caught out they just laugh and give you the right price.

Have you ever seen the duel pricing in some markets? One price we see, and another in Thai numerals, which most of us don't take notice of. I did happen to challenge this once because I have learnt the Thai numerals. The woman pointed to the farang price. Then I just pointed to the Thai price, which I handed to her. It was half the farang price. She just laughed and accepted the money.

Cheats, all the way to the top. 

I always got paid more than my Thai co workers and charged less.  You have to know how.  

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