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Applying for a non-immigrant visa in thailand?

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Aaron, Canadian, 27

I think, if I remember correctly, that I read somewhere on this website that Korean citizens are granted only a thirty day tourist visa. I just got off the phone with the Thai embassy here in Seoul and they had informed me that Koreans are given a three month visa. Possible info update?

Anyway, I do have a question.

I am confused as to where to apply for my non-immigrant visa. The Thai embassy in Seoul says I should do it in my home country (Canada), but then also says that I may do it here. The embassy also tells me that I need certain documents (originals, not faxes or emails) from my employer to apply for this visa. Then I spoke to my employer. They informed me that I can come to Thailand on a tourist visa and then apply for the non-immigrant once I get there, followed by application for my work permit. Maybe they are just trying to avoid having to send original documents through the post. Needless to say, I am lost. Where/how is the best way to do this?



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Is your proposed employer under Board of Investment privilege  ?  If not,  the getting of a tourist visa is not

the way to go. That's definitely the wrong advice.  It

is not likely that you will ever get a Non Immigrant 'B'

visa IN Thailand

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Believe you can come on your tourist visa or just a 30 day stamp and get your paperwork.  Cross border and obtain non-immigrant visa and return (probably a trip to Penang or Singapore).  Then get work permit in Thailand.  Nobody would want to send original papers by mail and they seem to be set up to do it with a visa run so should not be a problem.
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I just cut and pasted below part of the email my proposed employer sent me:

1. Stamp on arrival.  They gonna give you a 1 month-tourist VISA.  After 1 month in Thailand, you have to go to the border (Malaysia or Laos) with the original letter from the school.  The authorities will change it to a non-immigrant VISA.

2. If you get a 3 month-tourist VISA from the embassy in South Korea, you can change to a non-immigrant VISA in Thailand, no need to go to the border.

Does this sound reasonable? I am not worried about the credibility of my proposed employer. The job is with the Piboonpumpen Demonstration school of Burapha University in Chonburi.

I don't think option #1 sounds good though. This would mean that I couldn't work at the school for at least a month, correct? I don't know why they'd suggest that given that they seem really eager for me to start asap.

Sorry but this is all new to me. Thanks (continually) for your help.

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I would get the tourist visa now as they suggest.  You will only be out that cost if a problem later and you will have extra time to take care of any delay.  But I would be very suspicious if they don't come through with a visa change and work permit soon after you arrive.  There is a great need for teachers presently so they may have special procedures in place.
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Never say never again:  Changing a Tourist Visa for a NIB visa?

But I have never ever heard of that before....please keep us informed if the "never say never again" becomes true.

Await without holding my breath.



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