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Israeli troops kill Palestinian at Gaza border protest - medics


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54 minutes ago, Elfin said:

Avoiding casualties?? Oh, the most moral army and people in the world? Killing is killing and murder is murder no matter how you want to desensitize it. The Palestinians have a right to resist the occupier, oppressor and war crimes instigator. You want them to lay down and die without resisting like another people did last century?

I agree with most of your post.

You last sentence I am not so sure of when you talk of "another people".
If it's what I think you mean, there actually was resistance. But sadly the major international players then for a long time turned a blind eye to the victims' plight, as they are doing today mutatis mutandi. 

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2 hours ago, dexterm said:

Complete nonsense. Some of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages have been built over but far from all.


The bottom line of course is that if 1.8 million (current Palestinian population of Gaza) turned up gradually at Ben Gurion airport with the right credentials to qualify for instant citizenship and occupied land packages they'd be welcomed with open arms.

As I said above ..the only reason Israel will not allow the OP Gazan Palestinians the right of return is pure racism.


You can waffle that "complete nonsense" to your heart's content - it wouldn't make your comment any more meaningfully factual. 1.8 million is a whole lot than the figure cited for the original refugees. If you somehow imagine it would be "easy" to find lands, houses or generally absorb them - you're wrong.


All your posts do not register the fact that the Palestinians have little genuine interest in becoming Israeli citizens. And while, in your fantasy world, different communities and people live together in harmony, that is not the norm in the Middle East.


So no, your contrived comparison doesn't hold. And not embracing your multicultural agenda is not "racism", but common sense.

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1 hour ago, Elfin said:

Avoiding casualties?? Oh, the most moral army and people in the world? Killing is killing and murder is murder no matter how you want to desensitize it. The Palestinians have a right to resist the occupier, oppressor and war crimes instigator. You want them to lay down and die without resisting like another people did last century?


Reading comprehension issues and the expected Pavlovian response. Try reading the post in context. As in the original comment was about the disparity in casualties indicating Israel's fault and guilt. JT's comment was about Israel avoiding sustaining Israeli casualties.


Killing is killing and murder is murder. They aren't necessarily the same thing.


The Palestinians may resist, for all the good it does their cause, and such resistance comes with expected casualties. If you imagine a violent resistance that does not incur casualties, please advice the Palestinians on the matter.


There's a whole range of options falling under the label of "resistance". Not all involve violence, and not all violent options are necessarily as despicable and problematic.

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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


You can waffle that "complete nonsense" to your heart's content - it wouldn't make your comment any more meaningfully factual. 1.8 million is a whole lot than the figure cited for the original refugees. If you somehow imagine it would be "easy" to find lands, houses or generally absorb them - you're wrong.


All your posts do not register the fact that the Palestinians have little genuine interest in becoming Israeli citizens. And while, in your fantasy world, different communities and people live together in harmony, that is not the norm in the Middle East.


So no, your contrived comparison doesn't hold. And not embracing your multicultural agenda is not "racism", but common sense.

>>All your posts do not register the fact that the Palestinians have little genuine interest in becoming Israeli citizens. 

...the fact that 1.9 million Palestinians are already Israeli citizens undermines your argument.


Why can't Palestinians and Israeli Jews live together peacefully with careful repatriation management? The only reason that it is not possible at the moment is an unwillingness of one powerfully dominant people to share power with another. I call that racism. You call it what you like.


We have seen the same dilemma elsewhere in recent history. The end result of a binational nation and a right of return and power sharing of displaced people is inevitable anyway. 

Edited by dexterm
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2 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>All your posts do not register the fact that the Palestinians have little genuine interest in becoming Israeli citizens. 

...the fact that 1.9 million Palestinians are already Israeli citizens undermines your argument.


Why can't Palestinians and Israeli Jews live together peacefully with careful repatriation management? The only reason that it is not possible at the moment is an unwillingness of one powerfully dominant people to share power with another. I call that racism. You call it what you like.


We have seen the same dilemma elsewhere in recent history. The end result of a binational nation and a right of return and power sharing of displaced people is inevitable anyway. 


No, it doesn't not "undermine" my argument. The Palestinians holding Israeli citizens came to this situation via a different road. What you're offering is not "same same". If you think that there are no differences between Palestinian groups and communities, then your grasp of things is clearly lacking.


Why is it that you cannot give a single example of multiculturalism or even bi-national situation in the ME that actually works? Why do you assume that everyone is into your brand of politics (even disregarding your obvious desire to see Israel erased) and social engineering? You can play this deceitful kumbaya games on as many posts as you like.


As for what you're marketing - no. I don't think the Palestinians have an interest in becoming citizens of Israel, in the sense of becoming Israelis. More like in an effort to achieve the river-to-the-sea bit another way. The more likely outcome would be civil unrest, a civil war and yet another Middle East quagmire.


Keeping bringing up irrelevant comparisons is just another way of not being able to make your case.



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2 hours ago, dexterm said:

Your last sentence I am not so sure of when you talk of "another people".

Dexterm sometimes I must tread carefully lest I win another holiday, but yes there was an uprising towards the end.

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explosive devices and grenades?
such a lie as usual from Israel.
they throw some fire crackers and stones and torches and that is it!!


They must really hate the Jews that they send their children to fight armed with firecrackers and stones knowing they will be killed.

But the old men don’t die, do they? They live pretty well, yes?
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1 hour ago, mogandave said:



They must really hate the Jews that they send their children to fight armed with firecrackers and stones knowing they will be killed.

But the old men don’t die, do they? They live pretty well, yes?


bc those Israelis stole the land of Palestinians and they resist this and Israeli oppression!

you do the same if that happens to you.

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bc those Israelis stole the land of Palestinians and they resist this and Israeli oppression!
you do the same if that happens to you.

No, I wouldn’t do the same. If a superior force occupied my country, I would not spend all my country’s money buying rocks and firebombs and send my children out to throw them at the superior force, knowing they will likely be killed. I would try to spend the money building the country, and raising my children until we were the superior force, and then I would eradicate them.
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