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UK PM Johnson tells EU: ditch backstop or face no-deal Brexit


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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

No need to be sorry that I am a leader as I am and proud to be so (also a member of the Brexit party).


The problem in the UK is that if you randomly pick 500 Leavers and 500 Remainers you will probably get at least 10 brain deficient nutcases on each side. When you gear that up into the voting public there are a hell of a lo of angry and violent people out there who in the name of their creed will be the people to be aware of. 


They look like us mostly and are not necessarily skinheads or covered in tattoos and a lot of the time they are normal but if you get into a conversation about Brexit on the wrong side it is like lighting the blue touch paper and running like hell to get away from the fallout.


Their doesn't seem to be much interest in politics as a whole in most of the UK any more compared to the 1950s to the late 80s. There are few people like Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, Anthony Wedgewood-Benn, Dennis Skinner etc. Oddly enough apart from Margaret Thatcher they are mostly Labour. From John Major onwards on the Tory side and Tony Blair on the Labour side they have gone downhill.


Will Boris Johnson open his bag and produce a rabbit and avoid a no deal Brexit? Who knows but he is the "nations" ???? last hope for Brexit this side of 31 October.


What a choice for us all.


quote " No need to be sorry that I am a leader as I am and proud to be so (also a member of the Brexit party)."


Correction No need to be sorry that I am a leader   It is Leaver and not leader, you plonker, Rodney.

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7 hours ago, nkg said:


Perhaps it illustrates that the UK has a stronger bargaining position than is generally acknowledged. Apparently Germany exports more cars to Britain than to the US and China combined.


It will be interesting to see what the EU offers Britain before the October 31st deadline.

for german car exporters to suffer firstly the UK has to be on its knee's,brexiteers will get there wish,a crashed ecomony for 68million a 1000 or so job losses in germany,a bit one sided me thinks,

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4 minutes ago, bomber said:

for german car exporters to suffer firstly the UK has to be on its knee's,brexiteers will get there wish,a crashed ecomony for 68million a 1000 or so job losses in germany,a bit one sided me thinks,

Is that a Google Portuguese/English translation...?  ????

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:


The problem in the UK is that if you randomly pick 500 Leavers and 500 Remainers you will probably get at least 10 brain deficient nutcases on each side. When you gear that up into the voting public there are a hell of a lo of angry and violent people out there who in the name of their creed will be the people to be aware of. 


Their doesn't seem to be much interest in politics as a whole in most of the UK any more compared to the 1950s to the late 80s. There are few people like Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, Anthony Wedgewood-Benn, Dennis Skinner etc. Oddly enough apart from Margaret Thatcher they are mostly Labour. From John Major onwards on the Tory side and Tony Blair on the Labour side they have gone downhill.


Will Boris Johnson open his bag and produce a rabbit and avoid a no deal Brexit? Who knows but he is the "nations" ???? last hope for Brexit this side of 31 October.


What a choice for us all.

"There doesn't seem to be much interest in politics as a whole....etc"

Yes indeed, my choice of notable politicians would differ slightly. Harold Wilson, who quietly presided over the most dramatic social change (in a mere 10 years) this country has ever seen - certainly. William Hague, Ken Clarke, John Major, Rab Butler, Harold Macmillan, all Tories with intelligence to spare, and an underlying sense of "British" decency. Robin Cook, Dennis Heally and Roy Hattersley likewise on the Labour side. You look back and see Thatcher's, Blair's and Wilson's cabinets were packed with talent. Good people who actually put their country before their personal interests, from everything I have read.


It now appears that we no longer care what actual qualities- if any- that our politicians possess. All that matters is where they stand on Brexit.


We now have the worst cabinet that we have ever seen. Being consumed by self-interest is par for the course. The ability to lie and deflect is highly prized. Having minimum level intelligence is no problem. Putting yourself/or your interest group, first and your country last is considered natural. What cesspits did Bojo have to tour to assemble this affront to humanity?


Once upon a time we had politicians with depth, Ken Clarke's radio programs on jazz are masterful. Ted Heath could knock out a chorale or two on the organ. Robin Cooke bagged Munroes. Now we have Bojo with his cardboard busses (Which interest it appears that he made up on the spot) ...........how have we sunk so low?  


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3 hours ago, billd766 said:

How is the Dutch motor industry getting along nowadays?


I did a Google search and could only find this.


The Netherlands imports most of its vehicles, having little own manufacturing of less than 200,000 per year. Besides DAF Trucks and VDL buses, present Dutch auto production consists primarily of contract manufacturing for BMW and Mini by VDL Nedcar (formerly producing DAF, Volvo, Smart and Mitsubishi[62]), plus a few small sports car companies: Spyker Cars and Donkervoort. Another small company, PAL-V International, is now taking orders for production of a roadable gyrocopter, slated for deliveries in 2019.[63]



A typical answer from a Brexiteer. In the EU.. we make components for each other, see APM and vdl. Zero customs hickups. From quite some manufacturiers a 1/2 - 1 u drive to the end user. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDL_Nedcar. For the UK, a 1+ day trip over the Channel or North Sea. see also  https://investinholland.com/business-operations/manufacturing/

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Is that a Google Portuguese/English translation...?  ????

Quite some response comes from non-British persons. Must do something, as a Brit who speaks another language… ??

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7 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

A typical answer from a Brexiteer. In the EU.. we make components for each other, see APM and vdl. Zero customs hickups. From quite some manufacturiers a 1/2 - 1 u drive to the end user. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDL_Nedcar. For the UK, a 1+ day trip over the Channel or North Sea. see also  https://investinholland.com/business-operations/manufacturing/

I tried to put this through Google translation and even that couldn't come up with anything, that resembled some form of understandable linguistics.

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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

"There doesn't seem to be much interest in politics as a whole....etc"

Yes indeed, my choice of notable politicians would differ slightly. Harold Wilson, who quietly presided over the most dramatic social change (in a mere 10 years) this country has ever seen - certainly. William Hague, Ken Clarke, John Major, Rab Butler, Harold Macmillan, all Tories with intelligence to spare, and an underlying sense of "British" decency. Robin Cook, Dennis Heally and Roy Hattersley likewise on the Labour side. You look back and see Thatcher's, Blair's and Wilson's cabinets were packed with talent. Good people who actually put their country before their personal interests, from everything I have read.


It now appears that we no longer care what actual qualities- if any- that our politicians possess. All that matters is where they stand on Brexit.


We now have the worst cabinet that we have ever seen. Being consumed by self-interest is par for the course. The ability to lie and deflect is highly prized. Having minimum level intelligence is no problem. Putting yourself/or your interest group, first and your country last is considered natural. What cesspits did Bojo have to tour to assemble this affront to humanity?


Once upon a time we had politicians with depth, Ken Clarke's radio programs on jazz are masterful. Ted Heath could knock out a chorale or two on the organ. Robin Cooke bagged Munroes. Now we have Bojo with his cardboard busses (Which interest it appears that he made up on the spot) ...........how have we sunk so low?  


It can't be because of the salary and perks as they are extremely well paid with good index linked pensions when they retire or get booted out.


I suspect BoJo believes that he took the best of the Brexiteers that he could find in the murky pond called the Tory MPs as he didn't really have that much choice if he can get us out of the EU by 31st October.


Perhaps he has some of Baldric's cunning plans stuffed up his sleeve marked "not to be opened until required for emergency use only. 


I can't really comment too much as I left the UK as a FIFO back in 1991 doing offshore work. I remember coming back in the late 1990s and looking around in Wellington and Taunton in Somerset and seeing how dirty it was and walking around the town mid afternoons and feeling uncomfortable.


I finally left the UK in 2001 apart from one visit in 2004 and thinking how glad I was living in rural Thailand.

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22 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

A typical answer from a Brexiteer. In the EU.. we make components for each other, see APM and vdl. Zero customs hickups. From quite some manufacturiers a 1/2 - 1 u drive to the end user. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDL_Nedcar. For the UK, a 1+ day trip over the Channel or North Sea. see also  https://investinholland.com/business-operations/manufacturing/

Did I touch a nerve there?


Actually it was a simple question, as you keep knocking the British motor industry while in truth the Netherlands is just a contractor for other countries.

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Boris has won,and he knows it,EU have lost,and probably know it too.


  All UK has to do is stop Eire goods traffic transiting through the UK,just a matter of weeks if not days to completion.  The EU could not and will not support Eire through that scenario,could not afford it either,rip the EU apart.    Yes EU will reply same-same probably,but UK could hold out longer and except for France have indicated passage of UK goods will be allowed.


  Trumps deal needs implementing poste haste,goods on US supermarkets shelves,same as UK ,but fresher,larger and damned cheaper,just distribution needs implementing, once implemented ,tied permanently to the US then,no bad thing,EU markets lost forever.   51st state of the US coming up,better than being tied to the EU

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10 hours ago, nkg said:


Perhaps it illustrates that the UK has a stronger bargaining position than is generally acknowledged. Apparently Germany exports more cars to Britain than to the US and China combined.


It will be interesting to see what the EU offers Britain before the October 31st deadline.

That is wrong.


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1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:

the EU is determined to keep UK in shackles come what may and corbyn would help them to


when uk leaves the house of cards will fall as the gravey train hits the buffers



The UK has already fallen,EU will out live you

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3 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:


It should be blindingly obvious, even to the thickest Brexiteer, that no one outside the Brexit bubble actually believes that the EU will be worse off in the future than the UK. The big financial boys don't make many mistakes, and all over the world they are selling £s, and not selling Euros. I look forward to the deluded fantasy replies in which it is claimed everything will soon be OK once we leave the EU, the pound will rise on a cloud of renewed optimism no doubt. If that's what you think no need to waste your money on hallucinogens, you are in wonderland already. Prepare to meet the mad hatter (Otherwise known as JRM).

then they will still blame germany/the EU or sorros or banks or some other billionaire we dont know of yet who has hit the jackpot,JRM we already know about,£39 billion will look look like a steal.but hey they are free of the shackle's ????

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Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at oanda, said: 'The weakness in the pound is a reflection of the fact that Boris Johnson's plan is working.

'He wants his no-deal threats to be taken seriously by the EU in the hope that it forces them to re-engage on the backstop; clearly he has traders convinced.'

He added: 'It now remains to be seen whether the EU will take his threats as seriously as the market is.

'Traders are currently not optimistic but it's still early days. For now, the currency


Is working,bit of discomfort,but why a deal? just get the hell out of it,all bowing and scraping to the EU is embarrassing,just put shutters up and bye-bye

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3 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Talking of JRM, a snippet reminder from his daughter highlighting the UK's CBI pro EU stance & agenda


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


joining at €1.42 now just imagine 20 years of cheaper imports,lower inflation,£100s of billions saved to go back into the UK economy,never mind we wont get another chance,we are now shackled to the the worst performing major currency in the last 3 years,rejoice rejoice is it 36bt yet????

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3 minutes ago, zorrow424 said:

Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at oanda, said: 'The weakness in the pound is a reflection of the fact that Boris Johnson's plan is working.

'He wants his no-deal threats to be taken seriously by the EU in the hope that it forces them to re-engage on the backstop; clearly he has traders convinced.'

He added: 'It now remains to be seen whether the EU will take his threats as seriously as the market is.

'Traders are currently not optimistic but it's still early days. For now, the currency


Is working,bit of discomfort,but why a deal? just get the hell out of it,all bowing and scraping to the EU is embarrassing,just put shutters up and bye-bye

still nowhere near enough been planned to leave in october despite BJs waffle

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28 minutes ago, evadgib said:

PM call with Taoiseach Varadkar: 30 July 2019

Key Paragraph:

"On Brexit, the Prime Minister made clear that the UK will be leaving the EU on October 31, no matter what".

No need to exchange words,just use Eire as the key to getting shut of the EU.  EU could not manage to maintain Eire for long,they  themselves would like to get shut of Eire for sure,but like bad marriage stuck with them

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3 minutes ago, zorrow424 said:

No need to exchange words,just use Eire as the key to getting shut of the EU.  EU could not manage to maintain Eire for long,they  themselves would like to get shut of Eire for sure,but like bad marriage stuck with them

The EU didn't let Greece go,Eire will be a piece of cake.UK will have the IMF to save them,the UKs deficit is going get bigger,BJ has started JCs work early,nice to see the parties working together for once.

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