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Drunk driver who killed two given suspended sentence


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On 7/31/2019 at 10:05 AM, thaiguzzi said:

Lets take another look, OTHER than the Western perpective;

He gets a life sentence.

Or 10 or 20 years in prison.

The kids and family get nothing other than vengeance and have two dead parents.


or the Thai perspective.

The family is set up for life financially, and if the funds are spent and invested wisely, the kids should get a high end education.


This particular incident, unlike many other hi profile HiSo incidents, the perp was deeply affected by it all and genuinely remorseful. And he never ducked responsibility nor tried to escape the law with high end lawyers.


I'm not sticking up for the guy either, he committed a wrong, and he has to pay for it.

Has he paid for it?

I can't answer that.


In civilized,democratic  countries the 3rd party liability and criminal prosecution are usually separated and the insurer (not the driver) is liable for the compensation. This is for the valid reason that there is not a 2 tier compromised justice system based on wealth and to avoid exactly the egregious scenario of this case. The example this sets to others of wealth is that they can buy their way out and thus lessens the deterrent effect. 

Whatever mindless message/ initiative uttered by government ministers comes out is completely overshadowed  by the  real message here.

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Thailand have separate criminal and civil suits too see the 'Praewa 9 bodies' case, the criminal case is done and dusted but they appeal the civil suits all the way to 3 courts.


in this case, the fact that the guy paid up well in advance and way above the norm is probably why the family didn't press on with civil suit.

Had a poor guy in similar situation feel the guilt and yet give most of his lifesavings to the surviving family, would the sentence be the same?

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6 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

In civilized,democratic  countries the 3rd party liability and criminal prosecution are usually separated and the insurer (not the driver) is liable for the compensation. This is for the valid reason that there is not a 2 tier compromised justice system based on wealth and to avoid exactly the egregious scenario of this case. The example this sets to others of wealth is that they can buy their way out and thus lessens the deterrent effect. 

Whatever mindless message/ initiative uttered by government ministers comes out is completely overshadowed  by the  real message here.

Yes, i'm not disagreeing.

But this is Thailand.

In SE Asia.

With a complete different mind set on death, retribution, karma, heaven & hell, afterlife and reincarnation.

Something, inc Western Justice and courts have a difficult time getting their head round.

Believe me, when i say everybody involved in this tragic case already agrees and is satisfied the Perp has paid for his deed.

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5 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

or the Thai perspective.

The family is set up for life financially, and if the funds are spent and invested wisely, the kids should get a high end education.

There are numerous victim assistance programs in many countries that do exactly that much better than this one under your non western theory. How nice it will be for the kids to say at graduation 'mommy and daddy would have been proud of me'. Huh? Or is there some mystical phrase somewhere that says if don't think about it you're OK. Try telling that to war veterans or rape survivors.

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On 7/31/2019 at 2:12 PM, ezzra said:

"Wealthy Thai businessman" self explanatory, no need for more words as to why he got out with a slap on the wrist...


What matters is that the family are satisfied with the compensation and the verdict. 

What benefit would there be to locking him up for x years?   I much prefer hearing these guys have to fork out large sums of money to the people who actually suffered a loss.  

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2 hours ago, seancbk said:


What matters is that the family are satisfied with the compensation and the verdict. 

What benefit would there be to locking him up for x years?   I much prefer hearing these guys have to fork out large sums of money to the people who actually suffered a loss.  

He should be doing both!!!

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They wonder why their road toll is so high, no amount of money should get  people off this crime, he should also have an ankle bracelet and a starting lock on all his vehicles and have a 6 year driving ban, but really all that matters little he should be behind bars.

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Maybe getting off involuntary manslaughter is fine, but there should be at least minimum time spent for drunk driving. 


But even if you get stopped by a checkpoint and breathalyzed, all you get is a weekend in holding, bail(if you an afford it) and community service.

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On 7/31/2019 at 2:35 PM, phkauf said:

The victim was a Deputy Police Commander! How little the Thai Judicial System values their own. Had this occurred in any civilized country, Somchai would be spending the rest of his life in jail.

When are the Thais going to wake up to the carnage on their roads and it's mostly because of their irresponsible behavior. 

Just the other day the story about the Thai tourist causing a horrible accident in Hokkaido, Japan - now they are bringing their horrible behavior to other countries. I can't wait for the Japanese to treat Thais in the same manner the Thais regard the Chinese as parasites and low class. The Thais are fully deserving of their disdain.

Excellent post.  We forget somtimes how under valued the police are here and how they are pawns in the political shenanigans that play out above us all.  Terrible pay, terrible conditions and now this just undermines any authority they have in the eyes of those that run the country.  Some friends of mine were totally wiped out by a guy a few months ago while driving towards Don Mueang.  The guy tips their car over and then runs away.  The police arrested him and were told to drop the case because of who he was.  Not even a fine.  


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13 minutes ago, siamsev said:

Excellent post.  We forget somtimes how under valued the police are here and how they are pawns in the political shenanigans that play out above us all.  Terrible pay, terrible conditions and now this just undermines any authority they have in the eyes of those that run the country.  Some friends of mine were totally wiped out by a guy a few months ago while driving towards Don Mueang.  The guy tips their car over and then runs away.  The police arrested him and were told to drop the case because of who he was.  Not even a fine.  


disgusting.....NO ONE SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW.....

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21 hours ago, StevieAus said:

Not everyone in civilized countries who kills people on the road goes to jail.

Many years ago in Australia a very good friend of mine was hit from behind while driving home on a motorbike leaving a wife and two young children, the female car driver didn’t go to jail.

In another case not too far from where I lived a female learner driver  crashed into a bus queue killing and injuring several people she didn’t go to jail, although I accept that I don’t think alcohol was involved.

Finally wasn’t there a politician in America from a well know family who crashed off a bridge leaving the female passenger to drown.?

I don’t think he went to jail either.

No he didn't in fact he became a senator ????

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It's as though "He didn't mean to do it.  What's done is done, and he gave them a bazillion Baht."  No problem.  But a bit of time in the slammer should be mandatory.  Geez, village people picking mushrooms in the forest get slammed much harder.

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At least the family gets 45 million baht, since he is filthy rich. 

The Red Bull family paid much more than that to bribe the government and everyone that was standing in their way so their son could get a new identity. 

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There is one silver lining here. The 45 million sets a new high bar for contrition. It will now be very hard for the rich to get away with paying the pathetically small amounts they were accustomed to.

Yes, it does not come close to what those little girls have lost. Yes, anyone found that drunk while driving should automatically receive hard time.

Even so, we have to acknowledge that this is a turning point in Thai society, the lesson will sink in more effectively than any prison sentence would have. Money number one. That might be the only thing that has a chance of getting people to think twice before turning the ignition key.


Edited by donnacha
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Going to jail is not about helping the family but to show one is held accountable for their misguided behavior...


it sends a strong message to that society...I know in the usa, drivers fear     Drunk driving charges and might even alter their choices whether to drink and how much to consume....


dont think Thai drivers worry about enforcement and being caught up in the legal system here... 

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On 7/31/2019 at 2:39 PM, CNXexpat said:

I don´t know how rich he is but I guess he will feel the loss of 45 million Baht. For westeners it might sound strange but for the families they get money it´s a huge help. It doesn´t help the family if he would go to jail for many years but the kids lost their parents and the income what pays their school and life. Nothing can make the parents live again.  

No matter what it cost him, he should still go to jail.


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17 hours ago, donnacha said:

There is one silver lining here. The 45 million sets a new high bar for contrition. It will now be very hard for the rich to get away with paying the pathetically small amounts they were accustomed to.

Yes, it does not come close to what those little girls have lost. Yes, anyone found that drunk while driving should automatically receive hard time.

Even so, we have to acknowledge that this is a turning point in Thai society, the lesson will sink in more effectively than any prison sentence would have. Money number one. That might be the only thing that has a chance of getting people to think twice before turning the ignition key.


Is he still allowed to "turn the ignition key"   He should be barred for life.

2 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

No matter what it cost him, he should still go to jail.



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