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‘Don’t panic’ over bombings, stimulus measures coming, says Finance Minister


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The government will also have to seek new revenue sources, given the its recent adjustment of the budget deficit to Bt469 billion from the previous Bt450 billion


Tourists and visas .


And don't panic about small bombs unless your cut in half by ball bearings???? 



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4 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

They also think in terms of luck,if you have lots of money you are considered lucky and visa versa.

True.  But you must make your luck by donating to the temple.

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Ah it's bomb time again. Followed by demonstrations and a coup. All is good, all is normal, nothing to see here, move along.

All normal for Thailand. The baht is up, despite the bombs, and the SET declined barely by 9/10 of a percent.


Guess, the only thing that could lead to a weaker baht and a financial meltdown would be Western-style, real elections and democracy, which would, actually, spook local investors, as this would be out of order and 'chaos' in the eyes of many Thais...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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5 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

He should thank Buddha that no Chinese was injured or killed.


But a bunch of them did get nailed/injured in a construction crane/passenger van collision in the Pattaya area, I believe.  


So the Chinese certainly are holding up their end of things for Thailand!  :w00t:   Certainly glad we have the national police chief out there "caring" for them all, as they get carted off to the hospital....


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18 hours ago, keith101 said:

I don't understand I mean I know thai have no logic but what has stimulus measures  got to do with bombings ?

<deleted>, just normal - engage mouth before brain and then rabbit on about bugger-all completely removed from the subject. 

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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5 hours ago, Pique Dard said:

why the finance minister?  is he in charge of the security as well?

Security in Thailand, now that Is funny




Edited by Artisi
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Not widely reported elsewhere apart from Matichon, but BBC Thailand reports that there was a fire at a Miniso store in the Siam area caused by a device early this morning. It was inserted inside a toy yesterday afternoon. Imagine if the toy had been purchased and taken home for a child. There really are some sick, depraved people out there and hanging is not sufficient for them. That should boost tourism!

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"hanging" won't solve anything.  State violence is not a deterrent.


does tell you something about "self censoring" media,  and the country not "losing face" ;   in the West  this would be another great opportunity to  stoke fear and

politicians to respond by    removing  any civil rights they might have left,   in order to  "keep them safe"   from the   Global South, or  maybe predictably  some poor  Burma people (we'll see whom they've "caught" this time)

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9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

In the meantime the bombers are back at HQ and have interpreted that message to mean that the more bombs they set off the more stimulus money will be released.

If you attempt to read the article again you will see, possibly, that the two aren't connected.


However it was an addendum whilst talking about investor confidence.

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4 hours ago, Handsome Gardener said:

If you attempt to read the article again you will see, possibly, that the two aren't connected.


However it was an addendum whilst talking about investor confidence.

Thank you Newbie for your insightful and acute observations. I hope the bombers have read your comments and take note accordingly.

In the meantime keep up the good work of monitoring the accuracy and misguided interpretations of fellow member's posts. 

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

take care of the farm sector and respond to the volatile global economy

Just as important is the Tourism sector. The govt is doing what it can, within its sphere of control.


Have there been any claims? Are there any theories on motives? Why this toy shop, that is truly abysmal - it suggests the local branch of an international group looking to impress the leadership.

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7 hours ago, Handsome Gardener said:

If you attempt to read the article again you will see, possibly, that the two aren't connected.


However it was an addendum whilst talking about investor confidence.

Yes. We have got two articles in one. Need for clarity and confidence in the reporting and govt actions.

Care with cause-and-effect chains: choice of events to link together; and the direction of the cause>effect!

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18 hours ago, keith101 said:

I don't understand I mean I know thai have no logic but what has stimulus measures  got to do with bombings ?

Maybe a ping pong blast up a minister's duck run? (Anus to the unenlightened 'non-Brits').

That should stimulate them!

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here's where it gets real serious.  Time Magazine broached the topic this week and this morning the Washington Post has done so.  the NYT some several weeks ago.  but these two media outlets are taking it more seriously than the NYT did.  today (last night in the USA).

and so when we talk about a very big chunk of Thailand's recent economic growth, it is aviation related.   that we love to tell ourselves is "only 2 percent" of the issue in Time Magazine this week and the Washington Post this morning.   


yet the Nikkei Asian Review recently published it is already 20 percent of Thai GDP (this time switching to money, not GHG emissions).

the government is going to approve or already did some 200,000 million Thai Baht in more airports? as one example only, but quite apropro as an example for GDP growth and the near term future.  in many ways actually, not just GDP.


do trains only.  China can afford fake airports.  even expensive ones.  China's new airport in Beijing is for keeping folks happy short term.  the serious money is in a new silk road that disappeared centuries ago when it was replaced by shipping.  shipping and aviation is what we had to exempt from COP21 in order to get anything signed.  for a simple reason. 

trains will soon be more than just a European Only "fashion statement". 



Edited by WeekendRaider
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18 hours ago, keith101 said:

I don't understand I mean I know thai have no logic but what has stimulus measures  got to do with bombings ?

He is referring to the negative effect the bombing has on the stock market and foreign investment in Thailand.

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15 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

The government will also have to seek new revenue sources, given the its recent adjustment of the budget deficit to Bt469 billion from the previous Bt450 billion


Tourists and visas .


And don't panic about small bombs unless your cut in half by ball bearings???? 



Yeah a claymore is just a small bomb

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