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Tourism: An end to dual pricing? Tourism minister talks of stimulus measures


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2 hours ago, BobbyL said:

I agree it is. I also think tourists should be charged more, that is part of a holiday.


What really makes me annoyed is the fact that each year I pay around 156,000b / year in tax to the Thai economy and I am never allowed to enter places at a reduced rate. Sometimes it is 6 - 8 times the price what is scandalous for someone who actually lives here full time. 

maybe you should look for a better paying job..

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56 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

Something positive posted about ending an unfair practice and all you all do is whinge. 

IF I were Thai and considered TV posters are typical of Farangs in Thailand then I would want them all out. Nothing but whinging, know it alls who are bitter and twisted to the core. 

they come from places where complaining is a national sport, hopefully exchange rates and stricter adherence and enhancement of immigration laws will thin this diseased herd..

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43 minutes ago, Yinn said:

I know 95% of farang ok good people. Happy and polite. Welcome to Thailand sure.


But only maybe 70% of thaivisa poster ok. 5555555

some the guy weird people. Angry. 


Many marry sex worker, and complain, criticize, ridicule and mock thai people everyday. And still want live here! 



because no one would even give them the time of day back in their own failed state countries and they would probably be living in a box in the street after drinking their life away..

Edited by from the home of CC
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47 minutes ago, Yinn said:

He not cry.


just more promotion.

reduce plastic, update website. 

Make tourist happy. 

He do the good job I think.

Very successful (look at graph) see. 

If you want successful must hard work and always improve= more successful!!!


I not agree 

He cry very much 

Too much cry 

Him say

"where the Khon China?" 

"where the farang?" 

"why they not come?" 

Thai not enough money need tourist. 

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Some good ideas at last, but we all know none of these suggestions is likely to happen. I could suggest other ideas to make Thailand more attractive to tourists.

Stop the immigration queue farce (every time I have visited only around half of the desks have been open).

New driving tests and licences for anyone driving buses, mini buses and taxis, and other measures to drastically reduce the road carnage.

Clean up the sea, what's the point of a seaside resort if the sea is filthy.

The main one at the moment, stop promoting a high Baht because that above all is the reason tourism is on the way down.

And finally , what happened to the land of smiles, it's now the land of rip offs and miserable people.

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15 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

They are angry at everything they see, whether it's litter, driving standards, rogue ladyboys

or whatever, and this is the place they come to vent and feel superior.


It must be awful to be a constantly unhappy and one does wonder why they stay.

 Divorce (and the attached economic devastation), alcoholism, and a lack of self worth plague many in this land. Couple that with being taken for a ride emotionally and financially by a young girl in the immature quest of trying to buy love and that's a heady mix of disappointment. Bitter and twisted, many need a little nudge to go and try to bring their good cheers elsewhere.   

Edited by from the home of CC
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22 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Sure, go to the monkey temple /ruin in Lopburi as I did, it was around 15/20 baht for a Thai and 200 baht for me. If hadn't been for the kids enjoyment I would have walked away.


Had similar at a waterfall somewhere that was 10/1 as well.

I note what you say. At times when I am a lone tourist the foreigner price is often quite reasonable in the absolute scale of things. What does get to me, though, is when we go out as a family group with associated hangers-on.  They wouldn't be there without me driving them but at times I'm still asked for the higher fee.  

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18 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Sure, go to the monkey temple /ruin in Lopburi as I did, it was around 15/20 baht for a Thai and 200 baht for me. If hadn't been for the kids enjoyment I would have walked away.


Had similar at a waterfall somewhere that was 10/1 as well.

Fair enough, 200baht seems to be the average tourist fee for a national park.

What a local pays is not important to me, unless I'm taking the in-laws and various

kids from the village. Then 200baht a pop would be a little worrisome with the tribe

packing out the flat bed!!



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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

Good for local people get the discount.


4 hours ago, Yinn said:

Not everyone. I not piss off. 

Giving "local people" a discount is a good way to entice locals to visit venues that they might not otherwise visit. I have no problem with that. But, there are many "local people" who are not Thai. 

Where I lived, in the States, there were "resident" discounts offered - amusement parks, restaurants, and even college tuition. However, "resident" wasn't defined as "American". It was defined by post code. 

Where I find the Thai system most distasteful is at government run venues. Foreign residents pay as much, and often more, in taxes as many Thais.

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1 hour ago, Yinn said:

I read you say your wife “whore” before on other thred. Not nice!

But you wrong again. Thai women number 1 in world!!!!!!




More than farang woman


Is being the 'big wife' is considered a senior management position?



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1 hour ago, Yinn said:

I know 95% of farang ok good people. Happy and polite. Welcome to Thailand sure.


But only maybe 70% of thaivisa poster ok. 5555555

some the guy weird people. Angry. 


Many marry sex worker, and complain, criticize, ridicule and mock thai people everyday. And still want live here! 



I couldn't think of any worse than living there. Thailand has taught me how lucky I am to come from the UK. 

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I used to take visiting friends to the Chiang Mai Botanical Gardens as it is a delightful place, but once the prices quadrupled, I stopped doing this.


Maybe a page out of the Chinese system:  If you're over 60, you enter such places for free or at a discount.   Just show your driver's licence or passport.  ????

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