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Falling! (Aging related)


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4 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

I was always impressed with the way President Obama used to bound down the stairs of Air Force One, without even considering using the handrail. Obviously, that was a well-rehearsed move to appear youthful and energetic. I'm sure his handlers did not like that. Trump wouldn't ever dare that and proves his energy by tweeting at all hours of the night munching on big macs.


But seriously, by late fifties I would say who cares about appearances, and make sure to use handrails at all stairways, especially those at BTS, MRT and other longer declines.



Trump is also considerably older, less agile, less fit and considerably heavier than his predecessor

Probably never done core exercise in his life


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Neosporin for scrapes!




BTW, and this continues to surprise, mainstream medical advice now seems to be NOT to clean wounds with iodine or alcohol! To use soap instead. I have a hard time accepting that.


Since I haven't had Neosporin in Thailand and I do know to keep wounds bandaged and MOIST, an alternative is to simply use PETROLEUM JELLY. It's supposed to prevent scarring too. That's what I used this time because the ointments sold in shops here weren't correct. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Just now, RJRS1301 said:

Trump is also considerably older, less agile, less fit and considerably heavier than his predecessor

Probably never done core exercise in his life


Yes, we all know this to be true. And, Obama was very fit, and much younger, but also Clinton and Bush Jr. were careful to stay fit. It helps a lot with balance as you age. I'm approaching mid sixties, but do weight training with free weights 3 times a week (and always have), and ride a bicycle on my trainer, same 3 times, and it really helps with balance, as well as keeping weight off. 


When I have been out of shape and not exercising is the only time I fell in Bangkok on those terrible pavements. But, I am careful now as I realize I am getting older.

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5 minutes ago, JaiLai said:

The topic is NOT about NEOSPORIN, stop it pls....

Hold your horses, buddy.

I started the topic and when I fell I had bleeding WOUNDS. 

So as far as I'm concerned treating wounds from falls fits here as well.

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Hold your horses, buddy.

I started the topic and when I fell I had bleeding WOUNDS. 

So as far as I'm concerned treating wounds from falls fits here as well.

Ok, you win....


Hope i don't fall on the way to get my 15th Leo out the fridge, should i fall at least i should n't feel too much......burp!

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On 8/7/2019 at 12:45 AM, Jingthing said:

The ugly truth is that my fall probably wouldn't have happened even in sandals if I had paid more attention to putting them on more snugly. Perhaps that was age related, that I didn't. But of course as long as I keep wearing sandals at least I've learned my lesson about that. 

It was probably the socks you chose to wear with your Sandler that did it.lol.

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On 8/6/2019 at 11:25 PM, Jingthing said:

Me and everyone else.

As I think my fall was mechanical, I am considering switching from my beloved beach resort SANDALS to something more sturdy like sneakers. 



    Doc Martins boots. designed to avoid mechanical falls ..

     However that said , i do have dizzy spells getting up in the morning,  looking for my boots...





Edited by elliss
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5 hours ago, soistalker said:

Always go.out in a newish pair of running shoes. They have the best traction. 

Never worn flip flops except at beach.  Have a rugged pair of sandals but still not comfortable to walk all day in a mall or outside. Prefer  my well cushioned and supported running shoes.  I do a minimum of 25 squats and jumping jacks every morning that you can work up to . ( can do more as well) They keep your legs strong so even if you do trip you should be able to get your feet back under you. If not  obese work on your  core exercises helps support back  and balance. I still do martial arts exercise and can stand on either leg similar to a yoga pose my wife does.

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On 8/6/2019 at 2:07 PM, bendejo said:

... Former MIL survived WWII as a single mom in Germany, buried three husbands, survived a son who died of a combination of alcoholism and as_hole-ism.  I used to call her the old woman at the end of the world who will survive us all.  One day she was clearing the snow from her walkway, slipped and broke her hip, and a few weeks later she was gone.  I think she was 92.  I don't know about the statistics but I've heard lots of personal stories of elderly relatives who died subsequent to a fall.  ...

My Mom fell and broke her hip (femur) at about age 87 and is now 90 1/2.   Surgery was very hard on her.  One geriatric doc said many 80+ year olds will die within 6 months or so.  My Mom went downhill fast.

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24 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

My Mom fell and broke her hip (femur) at about age 87 and is now 90 1/2.   Surgery was very hard on her.  One geriatric doc said many 80+ year olds will die within 6 months or so.  My Mom went downhill fast.

On my way to a hip replacement and has been painful some days even with pain killers .can't even imagine going through the agony of a broken hip and month's of immobility at that age. I would just give up

Edited by madmen
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6 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Yes, we all know this to be true. And, Obama was very fit, and much younger, but also Clinton and Bush Jr. were careful to stay fit.

And of course Ronald Reagan walking on a treadmill, an almost daily photo op to show the world how healthy and fit he was.  A conservative president walking a treadmill, oh the irony!



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Keeping your weight down would help decrease the impact somewhat.


Force = mass x acceleration


The acceleration is gravity, can't do much to hinder that, but you can try to keep your mass down.

It would also be good to develop some instincts regarding what to do when you find yourself falling, finding an optimal way to handle the initial contact.



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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Neosporin for scrapes!




BTW, and this continues to surprise, mainstream medical advice now seems to be NOT to clean wounds with iodine or alcohol! To use soap instead. I have a hard time accepting that.


Since I haven't had Neosporin in Thailand and I do know to keep wounds bandaged and MOIST, an alternative is to simply use PETROLEUM JELLY. It's supposed to prevent scarring too. That's what I used this time because the ointments sold in shops here weren't correct. 


triple antibiotics are a marketing thing. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/710471 wound healing has phases. iodine is used by surgeons on intact skin, during the repair phase iodine is toxic to the new skin growing back, hence will slow healing, or lead to chronic wounds.  ethyl alcohol is also not much of a microbe killer apparently  , general rule is if the hands/wound is dirty do proper cleaning with soap and water , doesn't even have to be antimicrobial soap, not sterile water ,   maybe some H202,  if the intact skin is not 'dirty'  then  alcohol hand cleanser works for that, hard for people to believe that simple care is best sometimes


there are different kinds of wounds, some are drier,  never heard of anyone used petroleum jelly, don't think I would use it, though possibly may keep the wound cleaner as a barrier temporarily, if one doesn't have proper  dressings.

Edited by WatWikiWakiWoo
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You can find sources suggesting petroleum jelly to keep things moist to reduce scarring. Another thing not yet mentioned is tetanus. I think of tetanus in the context of stepping on rusty nails. But nasty scrapes on filthy streets probably warrant making sure your boosters are current too.




Petroleum jelly plays an important role in wound care, in minor and major injuries.


As long as they're kept clean, minor cuts and scrapes generally heal just fine without treatment, but petroleum jelly or an antibacterial ointment can help speed things up and possibly prevent or minimize scarring.






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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not the same. Look it up.

I know already about what's available in Thailand.

It's not the same. 
Neosporin and related brands is a specific thing that are the go to wound thing in the U.S. Why would the same thing not be available here? I understand with some fancy scrips but that stuff is BASIC!


It seems there is a powder product in Thailand with the same drugs in it as Neosporin. Its called Banocin and contains:



Clioquinol :30 mg

Bacitracin :75 i.u.

Neomycin sulphate :2.5 mg




Another alternative with a single drug in it is Bacitracin also available from Thailand. The difference can be seen here:-








Edited by NightSky
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4 minutes ago, NightSky said:


It seems there is a powder product in Thailand with the same drugs in it as Neosporin. Its called Banocin and contains:



Clioquinol :30 mg

Bacitracin :75 i.u.

Neomycin sulphate :2.5 mg




Another alternative with a single drug in it is Bacitracin also available from Thailand. The difference can be seen here:-








Not the same

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5 minutes ago, NightSky said:


It seems there is a powder product in Thailand with the same drugs in it as Neosporin. Its called Banocin and contains:



Clioquinol :30 mg

Bacitracin :75 i.u.

Neomycin sulphate :2.5 mg




Another alternative with a single drug in it is Bacitracin also available from Thailand. The difference can be seen here:-








Thanks. Of course I know about Bacitracin but a powdered form of Neosporin is new to me. I don't know why you'd ever want a powder over an ointment though and is it really widely available here anyway, because I've never seen it in a pharmacy.

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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Thanks. Of course I know about Bacitracin but a powdered form of Neosporin is new to me. I don't know why you'd ever want a powder over an ointment though and is it really widely available here anyway, because I've never seen it in a pharmacy.

Since this thread is now about Neosporin, I wanted to add that it's almost a miracle ointment. It has soothing properties as well as healing and antibacterial properties. Best thing I've ever seen for cut, scrape or even insect bite.

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On 8/12/2019 at 11:01 AM, faraday said:

Meant to say also, that I often stand on one foot to sharpen my sense of balance, & of course, lie on the bed with both feet on the wall (above heart) to increase venous return.



I said it earlier but no one cottoned-on. The number one cause for falling in the elderly is  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

Edited by BobBKK
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29 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Since this thread is now about Neosporin, I wanted to add that it's almost a miracle ointment. It has soothing properties as well as healing and antibacterial properties. Best thing I've ever seen for cut, scrape or even insect bite.

Not only but I agree it's a great product and nothing sold in the Thai pharmacies approaches it. 

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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Not only but I agree it's a great product and nothing sold in the Thai pharmacies approaches it. 

Yup, and it feels like going back to the dark ages (well, at least back to my childhood) when using Thai products, which remind me of those terrible stinging dabs of mercurochrome your mother used to administer to those ouchies.

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I would add that in older people, many cases of where they supposedly fell and then  broke their hip, really was the other way around.  Their hip broke and that caused them to fall.   Anyway, as a 62 er, I do highly recommend moderate strength training to help keep the bones and muscles strong

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