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The week that was in Thailand news: The moaner on the bar stool is at home on the internet!


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23 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

If i had to take a wild guess about the Thai bashers and whiners. Oddly the same people who are constantly getting themselves into trouble. I would say #1 The Germans #2 The Swedes And tied at third place #3 The Brits & The Aussies .  They just have a knack for getting themselves into trouble.


What is the criteria for your ranking? 

I reckon you got a lot of experience with these three?

Let us take part please ????

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

I'm a bit disappointed I thought somebody might come up with a few examples of how 'Thailand is better than ever' maybe the OP was just being sarcastic? I am going to give up reading his piece, I know how long he has lived here now, he seems to mention it almost every time. ????

I mention the length of time here more as a means of introducing myself to people who might be reading for the first time. I do not mean to crow - in the course of my life I often lie to strangers by saying I have been here five or ten years. It does not concern me.


I wasn't being sarcastic and you want some examples of how Thailand is better than ever. OK - but if I do that it must be a subjective judgement based on what I see as improvements. I am sure people would disagree. I'll give you ten....


1. The vastly improved air quality in Bangkok compared to the 1990's.

2. Improved transport particularly in mega roadway and train projects (overhead roads, BTS and its expansions, inter city connections, vastly improved buses, domestic flights etc)

3. Vastly improved bureaucracy at government offices from DLT to district offices to immigration. (Again this is based on my own perceptions compared to years ago).

4. An incredible improvement in retail opportunities in terms of the choice in supermarkets, convenience outlets and malls. (None of this was in existence in the 1980's. Getting used to it doesn't mean that things haven't improved).

5. Big improvements to Thai banks and the speed and convenience with which banking and money transactions can be done.

6. Less crime, improved safety and greater longevity. (I truly believe that people do not believe the first two of those because of the prevalence of stories on the internet that convinces them that things have never been worse when the opposite is true).

7. Far greater choice in overnight accommodation especially in terms of roadside resorts that are no longer limited to "curtain motels". 

8. Far greater accountability of politicians and the police thanks to social media. (Only a fool would say it is perfect or even good...but it is better).

9. Far less dogs in the streets and risk of picking up diseases. 

10. A massive improvement in health care provision for both Thais and foreigners and the similar improvement in the production of cheap and excellent drugs by the Government Pharmaceutical Organization. 


As I said, anyone can knock these as much as they wish and probably will. The Week That Was is not an official mouthpiece of Thaivisa and you don't have to agree with me. But I bother to write about some of the issues and I hope Mr Orton that you might consider remaining as a reader no matter what you think of my views. 


I need you and I'll try not to remind you about the tedium of being here a long time....




PS 11. The incredible improvement to True's EPL coverage I experienced last night with pre-match analysis, half time chat and end of the game with Glenn Hoddle. It is now in Thai and English to suit most people. I can even watch on my phone in a bar.....Thailand Truly Heaven. 


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32 minutes ago, Paul52 said:

I normally enjoy reading your weekly TW2, and this week was ok until your paragraphs about driving and roads.  It just read like propaganda. Felt like I was being gaslighted by an insanely biased, ultra pro-Thai propagandist.  Driving skills and the extremely poor general attitudes to driving are just as much a part of the problem as is DUI and motorcyclists not wearing crash helmets.  Lack of law enforcement IS at the heart of the problem.  Please stop abusing your position as an editor and please stop trying to deliberately gaslight your readers.  We also have extensive knowledge and experience of Thailand and Thai people.

If you read my column regularly you will know that I am not a propagandist and that I do a great deal to highlight the problems on the road that I agree are an utter disgrace. But my point, this week at least, was that people need to understand that the overwhelming majority of the problem lies in motorcycles, teen riders, helmets and drinking. It is perfectly reasonable that the Thais should concentrate on this first rather then the more nebulous idea of "poor general attitudes to driving". By so doing they have a chance to get a massive reduction in the death toll and its consequent affect on GDP. Step by step...they can help train Thais to be better drivers later when they have sorted out some of the basics that are easier to achieve.


I don't believe that is abusing my position...and I am not an editor.



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Seems to me like the story of an old man looking back to find that everthing was better in those old days. 

I came to Thailand for holidays in the early 80'. 

I was breathing in the exotic environment, the smile, the strange food, and.... happy people who liked to help. And of course I saw beautiful women and cute little ones. It was a laid back life though struggling to earn their living. I inhaled the different scents of flowers, dishes and velvet skins. 

This was indeed amazing Thailand with all It's temples, monks and festivals.

However internet connected Thailand to the world And created s mish-mash of culture, fashion, music. And the Thai shopping centers are similar to those in Dublin, London, Berlin. It going to become a global society. 

Thailand lost it's charm. 

Old people in the government trying to preserve old styles and expressions of Thai culture. 

However young people are thinking different. They are simply a part of world's youth. No matter where they live. 

Thailand is desperately trying not to carry the red lantern.

We should help them to achieve their goals but not bashing them if they are stuck in their culture circle.

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Far less dogs in the streets, well my memory must be playing tricks there and the air quality in CM is among the worst in the world, you said Thailand is better than ever but most of the improvements you quote are just Bangkok. As far as government accountability goes I did not know there was any, they (army) removed the best constitution the country ever had and nobody had a say in it. Shopping malls yes lots more and marginally better health care plus more Hotels rooms is not much in the way of vast improvement. The gloss of western modernity in the malls and banks just covers what is still a viciously unequal, almost feudal society with all wai ing the corrupt people above them. When 1% of Thais stop owing two thirds of the countries wealth I would agree things are getting better, a few more roads and starbucks plus cheap pills is just trivial change not a big improvement.

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31 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

I mention the length of time here more as a means of introducing myself to people who might be reading for the first time. I do not mean to crow - in the course of my life I often lie to strangers by saying I have been here five or ten years. It does not concern me.


I wasn't being sarcastic and you want some examples of how Thailand is better than ever. OK - but if I do that it must be a subjective judgement based on what I see as improvements. I am sure people would disagree. I'll give you ten....


1. The vastly improved air quality in Bangkok compared to the 1990's.

2. Improved transport particularly in mega roadway and train projects (overhead roads, BTS and its expansions, inter city connections, vastly improved buses, domestic flights etc)

3. Vastly improved bureaucracy at government offices from DLT to district offices to immigration. (Again this is based on my own perceptions compared to years ago).

4. An incredible improvement in retail opportunities in terms of the choice in supermarkets, convenience outlets and malls. (None of this was in existence in the 1980's. Getting used to it doesn't mean that things haven't improved).

5. Big improvements to Thai banks and the speed and convenience with which banking and money transactions can be done.

6. Less crime, improved safety and greater longevity. (I truly believe that people do not believe the first two of those because of the prevalence of stories on the internet that convinces them that things have never been worse when the opposite is true).

7. Far greater choice in overnight accommodation especially in terms of roadside resorts that are no longer limited to "curtain motels". 

8. Far greater accountability of politicians and the police thanks to social media. (Only a fool would say it is perfect or even good...but it is better).

9. Far less dogs in the streets and risk of picking up diseases. 

10. A massive improvement in health care provision for both Thais and foreigners and the similar improvement in the production of cheap and excellent drugs by the Government Pharmaceutical Organization. 


As I said, anyone can knock these as much as they wish and probably will. The Week That Was is not an official mouthpiece of Thaivisa and you don't have to agree with me. But I bother to write about some of the issues and I hope Mr Orton that you might consider remaining as a reader no matter what you think of my views. 


I need you and I'll try not to remind you about the tedium of being here a long time....




PS 11. The incredible improvement to True's EPL coverage I experienced last night with pre-match analysis, half time chat and end of the game with Glenn Hoddle. It is now in Thai and English to suit most people. I can even watch on my phone in a bar.....Thailand Truly Heaven. 


Yes these are all great improvements and the reasons we stay here. It is actually a very liveable place after all. 


But why stop there, why act like there's not more we can do better? 


If you ask a thai person he will tell you sinilar things he dislikes here, it's how it is. It's not only expats complaining, so let's not act like that's the case. 


Humans should always thrive for the better, stagnation is regression. 


Sometimes it takes complaining and ass kicks to move forward.


If no one would have complained, if no one would have broken the rules and without civil disobedience my home country would still be split into east and west germany.


The rest of the world doesn't stand still, and may move faster forward than thailand. 




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This might have been better in stickmans bangkok but on here it almost seems like someone is a bit nervouse about the richard burrow saga. Though if you are a citizen less so a point however seems like some seriouse kiss kiss to me . But youre mostly right i think. So i will just say i think beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.

I would rather be someplace else myself but at same time things could be much worse. Like the rest of south east asia. With the exception of 1 other place i enjoy.

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A brilliant article. Hits the nail right on the head. Calls out the Brexit moaners who want to stop immigration in the Uk and want to be free to travel the world themselves. I travel to Thailand each year with my wife and 2 kids because we love Thailand and it’s people and while everything is not perfect ( stay in the west if you want perceived perfection) it is a piece of paradise that allows us to have an excellent vacation that does not break the bank. Food and drink is still very cheap outside of Bangkok compared to western countries as are Taxi’s. There is loads for the kids to do everyday, boredom is not an issue and of course the weather is great 24/7. But then again we are not bar stool Thai bashers. We go because we love Thailand and it’s people and it’s affordable. Keep up the good work Thailand and keep improving for everyone not just moaning Xpats. 

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22 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Yes these are all great improvements and the reasons we stay here. It is actually a very liveable place after all. 


But why stop there, why act like there's not more we can do better? 


If you ask a thai person he will tell you sinilar things he dislikes here, it's how it is. It's not only expats complaining, so let's not act like that's the case. 


Humans should always thrive for the better, stagnation is regression. 


Sometimes it takes complaining and ass kicks to move forward.


If no one would have complained, if no one would have broken the rules and without civil disobedience my home country would still be split into east and west germany.


The rest of the world doesn't stand still, and may move faster forward than thailand. 




Are you actually comparing Thailand to the brutal regime of East Germany. Come on man get real 

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Well done Rooster, you've managed to stitch together an essay dismissing all the comments on key issues pertaining to LOS and it's decline into a xenophobic police state. Back in colonial days of the British empire we would have said of you " he's gone native".  But of what I may as ask ? You have got residency of a country that will never allow you a vote or the right to buy property and will allways regard you as a foreigner to the day you die and respect you as much as the thickness of your wallet. 

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16 minutes ago, Martinwatersave said:

A brilliant article. Hits the nail right on the head. Calls out the Brexit moaners who want to stop immigration in the Uk and want to be free to travel the world themselves. I travel to Thailand each year with my wife and 2 kids because we love Thailand and it’s people and while everything is not perfect ( stay in the west if you want perceived perfection) it is a piece of paradise that allows us to have an excellent vacation that does not break the bank. Food and drink is still very cheap outside of Bangkok compared to western countries as are Taxi’s. There is loads for the kids to do everyday, boredom is not an issue and of course the weather is great 24/7. But then again we are not bar stool Thai bashers. We go because we love Thailand and it’s people and it’s affordable. Keep up the good work Thailand and keep improving for everyone not just moaning Xpats. 

Brexit will not stop immigration, it's about leaving the EU that is all. If you only come here on holiday of course it's like paradise but you would have a different opinion if you were a Thai working for 400 baht a day having no real say in how the country is run, and if you have 2 kids having them brainwashed in a so called School. Rosy glasses again.

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4 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

Well done Rooster, you've managed to stitch together an essay dismissing all the comments on key issues pertaining to LOS and it's decline into a xenophobic police state. Back in colonial days of the British empire we would have said of you " he's gone native".  But of what I may as ask ? You have got residency of a country that will never allow you a vote or the right to buy property and will allways regard you as a foreigner to the day you die and respect you as much as the thickness of your wallet. 

Ah respect comes only when you show the inclination to open your wallet to assist those less fortunate

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16 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

So, you're here for what 2 weeks, 3 weeks a month ? you're a tourist. Totally fifferent kettle of fish sunshine

No it’s not. Moaners will moan no matter where they are and never get up off their lazy <deleted> to try and improve anything. Lots of them are only there for the drink and the cheap sex and them have the cheek to moan about things not been as they like it .

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Well done Rooster, you've managed to stitch together an essay dismissing all the comments on key issues pertaining to LOS and it's decline into a xenophobic police state. Back in colonial days of the British empire we would have said of you " he's gone native".  You are no better than a mutineer on Capt'n Bligh's Bounty.  But of what I may as ask ? You have got residency of a country that will never allow you a vote or the right to buy property and will allways regard you as a foreigner to the day you die and respect you as much as the thickness of your wallet. 

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3 minutes ago, Martinwatersave said:

No it’s not. Moaners will moan no matter where they are and never get up off their lazy <deleted> to try and improve anything. Lots of them are only there for the drink and the cheap sex and them have the cheek to moan about things not been as they like it .

You mate are absolutely clueless, and I'm being polite, best you go back to where ever you bought your package holiday.

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On 8/10/2019 at 6:02 PM, from the home of CC said:

There seems to be a predominantly higher amount of whining from citizens of one or two particular countries, at least it seems to me and I believe if you're read tvf for any length of time you'll see it. What makes me laugh is the number who chirp constantly that don't even live here on a full time basis, are kind of pathetic in a way. As the SB says, sometimes you just need a little sabbatical from tv for the negativity can get a little grating. I love living here and have been happy for many years. Marrying my Thai wife was probably the best move I've ever made and living here with her in Thailand are my dreams brought to life on a daily basis. 

Same same,

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5 hours ago, Soi Dog said:

As usual a series of brilliant observations.  I identify with most of your life, except for being wise with my money and learning Thai.  I have only been here 19 years and arrived too late in life to be able to learn the language.  But I did become a PR and in my case the process took 6 years and involved things like going to the police hospital menopause clinic to have a doctor certify that I did not have third stage syphilis (apparently first or second stage would have been okay).


Re the drivers The best part oof going to get a new drivers license is when they make you watch a video where they pretend there are rules.  There are only two rules:  1.  All motorcyclists are suicidal and don’t care who they take with them;  and 2.  Nobody is ever in the lane they want to be in.



#1 Excuse i am too old to learn a new language #2 I have a bad memory #3 By far the best i have heard, Most Thais speak English and if they don,t they need to learn

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On 8/10/2019 at 5:01 PM, chickenslegs said:

One can normally rely on Rooster's TWTWIT for a few sarcastic bashes at the Thai authorities, some trips down Memory Lane, a bit of education regarding Thai customs, and quite a few smiles.


Not this week - just a rant.


For me it was disappointing. I agree that there is far too much moaning on TV, but devoting almost the whole article to it  - too much (IMHO).


Truth always hurts.  Not that I think the Thai bashers should be banned - let fair play rule.  Don't ban those who call for and speak the truth.

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On 8/10/2019 at 10:02 AM, from the home of CC said:

What makes me laugh is the number who chirp constantly that don't even live here on a full time basis, are kind of pathetic in a way.

Whilst I agree that there is a lot of unnecessary moaning, what difference does it make whether you're living in Thailand on a full time basis or not? I'm not in Thailand full time yet but many of the issues that affect people living there full time also affect me.  Then there are issues that affect each of us separately - you may have issues over the requirements for visa extensions etc. whereas I have issues worrying if I will be denied entry in the current climate.


Being a full time resident does not give you any superiority to those who visit nor does it mean that full time residents are the only ones affected by changes in the law etc.


I for example, was allowed to have possession of a property in Thailand under a legal agreement (Usufruct), I was not prevented from investing a considerable amount of money in making changes to that property to make it to my liking. That has provided additional employment for several local tradesmen and additional income for suppliers etc. Yet, in the current climate, I cannot be sure that I will be allowed entry in to the country when I arrive to take up my short term residence every 8 weeks. That is not something that concerned me 5 years ago when I took possesion of the property. Am I not allowed to voice my concerns on that issue? Simply because I don't live in Thailand full time?


One of the biggest issues I have with many people who comment on TV is that they seem to simply want to moan about everything but do nothing constructive. Much of the moaning is about laws which have existed for many years but have been 'relaxed' - now they are being enforced, all hell is let loose.  The TM30 issue is one in particular that is very much in the news at the moment.  For most, it shouldn't be an issue but there are geniune problems with it - and those problems are more likely to affect someone who comes and goes than they do to long term stayers.


In the coming months/years, many of the short term visitors you think are 'pathetic' in commenting on Thai matters - immigration in particular, are likley to face very serious problems over simply visiting their wives and families in Thailand due to the introduction of the new E-Visa system. Are they 'pathetic' in voicing their concerns then?


A lot of the problems seem to eminate from traditional ways of doing things - in the West for example, issues are often dealt with in a direct and up-front manner. In Asia, especially Thailand, they like to talk things through and quite often that is pretty much all they do. But it is their right to do things in their way and not our right to be overly critical. I don't believe the Thai's are intransigent on genuine issues but I do believe they become so when foreigners go in 'all guns blazing' and try to deal with things in a Western manner.


I don't see anything wrong in pointing out genuine issues to the Thai authorities but unless its done in the right way, it is more likley to 'rub them up the wrong way' than it is to produce results. The problem is that the vast majority of those who complain about such issues as TM30 for example, do nothing themselves other than moan about it on TV.  Then when someone tries to communicate foreigner's problems on the issue, the same people criticise them too.


But please don't adopt such a 'high and mighty' attitude in alluding to those foreigners who live in Thailand having more right to comment than those who simply visit - to repeat, there are issues that affect both long and short term visitors and each of us is no more than a guest in the country.



Edited by KhaoYai
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11 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Whilst I agree that there is a lot of unnecessary moaning, what difference does it make whether you're living in Thailand on a full time basis or not? I'm not in Thailand full time yet but many of the issues that affect people living there full time also affect me.  Then there are issues that affect each of us separately - you may have issues over the requirements for visa extensions etc. whereas I have issues worrying if I will be denied entry in the current climate.


Being a full time resident does not give you any superiority to those who visit nor does it mean that full time residents are the only ones affected by changes in the law etc.


I for example, was allowed to have possession of a property in Thailand under a legal agreement (Usufruct), I was not prevented from investing a considerable amount of money in making changes to that property to make it to my liking. That has provided additional employment for several local tradesmen and additional income for suppliers etc. Yet, in the current climate, I cannot be sure that I will be allowed entry in to the country when I arrive to take up my short term residence every 8 weeks. That is not something that concerned me 5 years ago when I took possesion of the property. Am I not allowed to voice my concerns on that issue? Simply because I don't live in Thailand full time?


One of the biggest issues I have with many people who comment on TV is that they seem to simply want to moan about everything but do nothing constructive. Much of the moaning is about laws which have existed for many years but have been 'relaxed' - now they are being enforced, all hell is let loose.  The TM30 issue is one in particular that is very much in the news at the moment.  For most, it shouldn't be an issue but there are geniune problems with it - and those problems are more likely to affect someone who comes and goes than they do to long term stayers.


In the coming months/years, many of the short term visitors you think are 'pathetic' in commenting on Thai matters - immigration in particular, are likley to face very serious problems over simply visiting their wives and families in Thailand due to the introduction of the new E-Visa system. Are they 'pathetic' in voicing their concerns then?


A lot of the problems seem to eminate from traditional ways of doing things - in the West for example, issues are often dealt with in a direct and up-front manner. In Asia, especially Thailand, they like to talk things through and quite often that is pretty much all they do. But it is their right to do things in their way and not our right to be overly critical. I don't believe the Thai's are intransigent on genuine issues but I do believe they become so when foreigners go in 'all guns blazing' and try to deal with things in a Western manner.


I don't see anything wrong in pointing out genuine issues to the Thai authorities but unless its done in the right way, it is more likley to 'rub them up the wrong way' than it is to produce results. The problem is that the vast majority of those who complain about such issues as TM30 for example, do nothing themselves other than moan about it on TV.  Then when someone tries to communicate foreigner's problems on the issue, the same people criticise them too.


But please don't adopt such a 'high and mighty' attitude in alluding to those foreigners who live in Thailand having more right to comment than those who simply visit - to repeat, there are issues that affect both long and short term visitors and each of us is no more than a guest in the country.

52 weeks per year vs 1 week per year.  A guy posting on here complaining about Immigration (who has never been to an Immigration office) is a bit silly.  

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2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:



The headline was "Out with the backpackers in with the Chinese - Khao San makeover continues".

But the real headline not say that. At all.


Today your OP about farang who complain. You act like the cool guy. But the thaivisa fake headline make them complain. Or not?




2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


That does not mean that the backpackers (farang or otherwise) are being thrown out. It just means, to me at least, that they are leaving (or might be leaving) and going elsewhere like backpackers always do when there are other places to discover.

So why many member get angry and say like this. (Below) Everybody misunderstand?

If you just put the true headline “Teach Some Chinese to Help Tourism” no one going to write that.....


Way to go Thailand, this country tourism was built on backpackers, you owe your reputation to those carefree guys and girls over that the years have spread the good words about visiting Thailand and now being shunt and discarded lie a used tissue in favor of the chinese... 


This lack of Western tourists, is a major disaster for the nation, and only a matter of time before this manifests itself on alot of levels. In addition, with so many ex-pets leaving, who contribute enormously to the local economy, one can only hope (with such mindless policy),



another brilliant chess move by tat lol... the chinese are coming to see a farang landmark so hey let's make it chinese... now with the chinese currency manipulation they will not be coming in droves...


Backpackers vs Chinese - It's hard to work out who will spend less money...



Thai logic at it's best - and then they wonder why the tourists aren't coming.


Severing this tie will also mean that these people may never leave Suvaranabhumi, and instead fly straight on to their destination, which might very well not even be in Thailand.


I'm sure there's a committee busy this very moment trying to work out how to get rid of all the pesky farangs cluttering up Walking Street in Pattaya so as to give the noblefraternal Chinese tourparties and their flag-waving guides more space.



There probably never was a plan, just raging incompetence. 

Thailand reacts , it does not plan, and when it seems there is a  plan, inevitably everything gets worse, for everyone. Like this idiotic Khao San Rd makeover, why change something that has worked beautifully for decades? Why not just not keeps things as they are, and promote the area to Chinese? But no, they need to destroy the area by 'cleaning' it, and then they wonder why the area simply dies. 


TAT hasn't got the brains they weren't born with...


TAT and Immi did everything they could to prevent farangs from coming and spending.


- so they are literally shooting theirselves in the foot and limiting potential by being selective 


The Thais are destroying what makes Thailand Thailand


Blatant racial discrimination!


 I think you over estimate this governments mental abilities.


Makes no sense on any rational level. It is all about hubris, pride, perceived honor, and arrogance.


yeah they are doing a great job of deterring western visitor


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


They are often the discoverers. It is a fact that the Chinese especially are visiting places that were previously the domain of western tourists. Pattaya is another example. The other poster is entitled to his own interpretation of the headline (and view that it is hyperbole) but quoting them does not make it true.

It seem you the only one. Look at comments above.


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:



The article was also faithful to the Manager article in concentrating on the fact that the Thais are sensibly teaching the vendors English to help the Chinese visitors particularly in understanding about their products. It also helps the vendors in boosting their trade. Nowhere in the article does it attribute the term "banana pancake" to having been spoken by a Thai. It was not in the Manager story but the term is one used by people, albeit facetiously, to sum up backpackers who congregate in places together and never really see the true local culture. They still eat "banana pancakes" which is perhaps a dish that many people never ate in their homelands but which vendors on the hippy trail thought they wanted and could make a buck from. In the story it adds atmosphere to the translation as did the idea that vendors would be saying "Ni Hao Maa" (another thing that was not in the Manager story but reasonably inferred as something the vendors might say once they had undergone the training).

You believe yourself?


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


To my mind Yinn, you are reacting to the bias of others in comments as if it were truth. 

They reacting to English headline not the truth.


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


Regarding Thaivisa translations in general. They would often be terribly boring if they were just verbatim accounts from the Thai press. (Every Naew Na article, for example starts with the name of 5-10 immigration officers before it gets to the point).  Thaivisa attempts to bring them to life by focusing on what might be of more interest to the English speaker, foreign language speaker, foreign person living in Thailand or people interested about Thailand who live abroad.

Without the truth.


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Sometimes they are toned down because of gruesome details in Thai press reports of road accidents and crime, western sensibilities being different. Is it really necessary to say how the severed head rolled along the road and the precise location of the brain matter on the tarmac?


Often the angle of a story is different because the clientele of Thaivisa is different. (Stories about Thai celebrities are very boring for most non-Thais, for example as they just don't know who they are despite translators making an effort to explain). A case in point about differing angles was last year's fuss about possibly putting tourists in prison for smoking on the beach. The Thai press - perhaps mindful that such a thing would never ever actually happen - buried the fact that this sanction was possible. Thaivisa didn't because they understood that while it was never likely, such a threat might be used to extort people caught smoking to pay larger fines. When Thaivisa reported about the possible jail terms in large headlines the Thai press....realizing they had missed a trick - started doing the same. Thus the story snowballed (got bigger). Yes, it made some Thais in authority look silly. Did they not deserve that by focusing on a relatively minor issue rather than the millions of tons of plastic waste deposited in the environment by so many in Thailand every single week?

All that not about my question.


2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:


Thaivisa translations are not verbatim (word for word) but package the news in a readable and enjoyable format suitable for the site. They are faithful to the original source and where additional information (or views) are added the terms "Thaivisa understands" or "Thaivisa notes" are added. 




2 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

No attempt is made to ridicule or mock Thailand or the Thai people as you somehow claim in another post on this thread.





Look at the poster comments above. You believe yourself. 


I said to you two weeks ago about your “khon Kaen child under the bridge” story that was wrong.

You change it that time after I tell you, but hide my comment and the other guy telling you.

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17 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

52 weeks per year vs 1 week per year.  A guy posting on here complaining about Immigration (who has never been to an Immigration office) is a bit silly.  

Who mentioned 1 week per year. I visit every 8 weeks for 2 weeks and many offshore workers for example do the same or similar. Some have families in Thailand.

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5 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

But it is their right to do things in their way and not our right to be overly critical.

The trouble is imo is that yes, foreigners are 'overly critical' and yes, many believe it is their right to bleat. And as far as I'm concerned it's these folks that have all the answers and can tell the Thais how to fix all their problems are the ones who consider themselves 'high and mighty'- their laughable arrogance reinforcing the idea that I made the right decision to relocate here from the west. And since a lot of the people that complain the most seem to be those who want to live here part time, well, yes,  I find that pathetic. They whine more because they have one foot in the east and the other in the west, constantly comparing -  at least on a subconscious level. They're like large children who want the best of their world to be wherever they place their feet at the time, blending all that they like, eliminating all they dislike and then crying when it doesn't work out that way. Every immigration tweak that has caused problems for foreigners is a reaction to people getting caught screwing with the rules. When I went through the ordeal of getting PR for my wife in Canada years ago and complained about the various hoops and length of time I was told it was because of foreigners trying to scam Canadian immigration laws. To me, all the tightening is no different here and I respect them for that, they want to protect their country from asshats. So, if people want to complain about varying restrictions and regulations, go complain to all those foreigners that came before and ****ed it all up for you now.    

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 1:35 PM, rooster59 said:

Euthanasia is now legal in Victoria and this week a woman in extreme pain with a terminal disease was the first to legally end her life.

While in danger of being chastised for being "negative", that's, IMO, only half way. The fight must go on till any one can opt out legally, if they so wish. In NZ we now have the brain scrambling decisions by politicians allowing virtual abortion on demand, while still denying anyone the right to end their life, even if in severe pain ( though it looks like they will legalise marijuana for them ).

It's my life, should be my decision.


Re the situation in LOS, sometimes people need to vent to be able to go on. Before the internet it was someone down at the pub, or a letter to the editor. 

It's possible that people not moaning is more serious than people moaning, because they may be considering actually doing something violent about their situation.

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