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Twelve year old gang leader thought it was fun to throw stones at vehicles on the motorway


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On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 9:33 PM, dddave said:

When I was 15 years old, some friends and I did essentially the same stupid thing, except we tossed large tomatoes purloined from a nearby garden. The effect on an automobile windshield going 60 mph was about the same as a rock.  There was a dis-used overpass spanning a highway and we thought it great fun, hearing the brakes squeal and laughing our dumb asses off as we ran away. We were fortunate and nobody was hurt but we later learned that man had almost lost control with his wife and several kids in the car.

My friends came by the next evening wanting me to go back to the bridge with them and do it again.  For some reason still unknown to me, I declined and stayed home.

The cops figured we'd be back and were waiting by the bridge and nailed them all.  They all had to go to court and pay restitution.  They kept my name out of it but I had to kick in all my summer savings to pay my share.

Still makes me shudder when I think about it;  just so pointlessly stupid. Somebody could easily have been badly injured or perhaps even killed but that appalling possibility never even entered our minds.

"Why did you do it?"  the judge asked my friends.

"Don't know" they replied "Just for laughs"   I still have no idea why I thought it was fun. 

I used to hide in the middle of the forest and throw rocks at  our carpenter. Poor old man. Sometimes I would visit my neighbors around 1 AM and throw rocks at their house. No worries about being caught. Complete darkness, no electricity. I could get away with anything. Next day our neighbor would show up at our house and talk about what happened. I would be listening and laughing my ass off. Sometimes they would say it was a ghost that visited them.

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12 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

Hang on school teachers still do that and never get charged

Not in Canada and many other countries. While I was growing up as a kid, the strap and belt were still used by schools and many parents. But that came to an end decades ago now. 

       No matter you are a parent or teacher...you use the strap or a belt on a kid and you will be looking at serious criminal charges and time behind bars at taxpayers expense. And your kids taken away from you by FACS with government support. (Family and Children’s Services).

   Don’t get me wrong. I think there is a place for corporal punishment of kids for certain behavior. I got the strap in school, and the belt at home before things changed. 

       Today I’m 67 years old and never had a criminal charge.

  I DID spank my kids, using my hand on their hand, so it hurt me also. I also punished them having them take a bit of hot sauce in their mouth. (That is also now also a criminal offense)

    But I never used the belt in them.

   Funny thing... you would think they would grow up hating hot sauce. Just the opposite. They love hot sauce and hot spicy food. They are also criminal record free. 

  I got married and raised three kids. So I turned out okay as did my brothers. So I guess getting strapped in school and getting the belt at home wasn’t that bad after all. 

   But the society and the law in more and more countries disagree about using corporal punishment. 

   I hear that it’s still used in Muslim countries. 

Edited by Catoni
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14 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Not in Canada and many other countries. While I was growing up as a kid, the strap and belt were still used by schools and many parents. But that came to an end decades ago now. 

       No matter you are a parent or teacher...you use the strap or a belt on a kid and you will be looking at serious criminal charges and time behind bars at taxpayers expense. And your kids taken away from you by FACS with government support. (Family and Children’s Services).

   Don’t get me wrong. I think there is a place for corporal punishment of kids for certain behavior. I got the strap in school, and the belt at home before things changed. 

       Today I’m 67 years old and never had a criminal charge. Criminal record free.  Got married and raised three kids. So I turned out okay as did my brothers. 

   But the society and the law in more and more countries disagree about using corporal punishment. 

   I hear that it’s still used in Muslim countries. 

I was talking about Thai teachers they beat up kids and get away with it

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23 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

I was talking about Thai teachers they beat up kids and get away with it

I raised my kids in Canada before going to Thailand and Cambodia. So I don’t really know anything about physical assault on kids in Thai schools. But in Canada today, such a teacher would face serious charges and lose their job forever. And some parents would try to beat the crap out of the teacher. 

   However when I was growing up, the school would give the kid the strap and inform the parents what happened. Parents used to support the school. 

  One time I got the strap hard on my hands from the vice-principle (former Army sergeant) and they called my dad to tell him. I went home with my hands feeling like they were on fire. 

   Guess what happened when I got home. I got the belt hard from my dad also...leaving purple and red on my ass and legs. (And he was a former lieutenant in the army) 

    Tough guy’s back in those days. They made us tough also.

 But those days are long gone. Times have changed...for better or worse. Today, that vice-principle and my dad would find themselves behind bars. 

    But such corporal punishment for kids behaving badly was normal back then. 

Edited by Catoni
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As a UK truck driver of 40 years the last 20years working nights this was one of my greatest fears, you would see kids on bridge waving to the drivers then suddenly would launch some item at you eggs were fairly common.

A driver for Ford was killed on the M3 few years ago when someone hung a brick on a rope from a bridge, thats why many bridges now in U.K. have high fences or caged in.

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On 8/13/2019 at 1:22 PM, Greyhat said:

Did anyone here not do something stupid and dangerous as a kid? Hopefully this will be a learning experience for them and they'll straighten up and fly right.

Quite likely. But there's stupid, there's very stupid, and there's moronic. Guess where these kids fit into the equation.

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