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Thailand tightens the screws on TM30 reporting, petition ongoing


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So if i got already tm30 and stays gf house all the time on year extension. Now we go out of Thailand for holiday and when come back she need to go within 24h report me again? I cant do it myself right? Its need to be her as she did first time?

Problem I see is taking her time and colluding with her work. If someone travels a lot this is a problem not for me but would be for her and her work mostly.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G975F przy użyciu Tapatalka

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18 hours ago, kellersphuket said:

National Security.


What exactly does this mean? It seems to me to be a bogus term that officials like to throw around which allows them to enact any and all stifling policies (no matter how ridiculous) to apparently protect citizens of a certain nation.


In short it is a load of BS!

Although I don’t find it particularly onerous because where I live you are only required to lodge the form on return from overseas, (although now I expect that may change with the issue being stirred up) it doesn’t seem to have any logic.

I suspect many long term expats never change their address as is my case and as the local Immigration have my address due to the 90 day reporting what threat is there to National Security ?



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2 minutes ago, Odisan said:

Very true, but what's wrong with intelligent people opening up the lines for debate and communicating how they feel about it? 

Doesn't mean anything'll happen today or tomorrow, but at the very least it might open a dialogue about the subject. 

The world's changing at a rate like no other. What matters in most countries is the $$. If people start making waves and it starts hitting tourism and the like then what? Think things'll stay the same or do you think they might look at it and go, "Hang on a minute, maybe it is worth looking at."?

Whether the authorities do or whether they don't remains to be seen, but if everyone adopted your mentality, then kids would still be choking on soot from sweeping chimneys.

Personally, I fail to see what this TM30 achieves with law-abiding foreigners. I don't travel far, so it doesn't really effect me; however, maybe - just maybe - this'll help either clarify the issue or accelerate them getting workable tech in place to make the lives of those for whom it does - I know not. At least it may open up lines for a debate.


How is it going to affect tourism, tourists don’t lodge the form, I would suggest the value of the baht would be of greater concern.

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26 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Read the previous 16 pages of this thread and the hundreds of pages of other TM30 related threads and you get an idea of how messy this sorry saga of an ill thought out mess the whole TM30 business is.

Sure I know - and I hear the anger - and I appreciate the stupidity of it.  Just curious about those two questions as its hard to get a straight story given how typically horribly implemented and unclear it all is.

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28 minutes ago, Xaos said:

So if i got already tm30 and stays gf house all the time on year extension. Now we go out of Thailand for holiday and when come back she need to go within 24h report me again? I cant do it myself right? Its need to be her as she did first time?

Problem I see is taking her time and colluding with her work. If someone travels a lot this is a problem not for me but would be for her and her work mostly.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G975F przy użyciu Tapatalka

They don't care a rats ass if its a problem,she will just have to take time off work

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19 hours ago, sturdyd said:

"The inconveniences... will be outweighed by the need for national security."


Oh please! I love Thailand and I love the Thai people, so it pains me to think that anyone is dumb enough to think the TM30 keeps Thailand safe.

THEY have subs to keep thailand safe ....but one can not see them!!!!!!!!.....

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11 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

They don't care a rats ass if its a problem,she will just have to take time off work

this is the problem "they dont give a rats ass"......

what about ALL the troubles in the deepm south of Thailand....how many effin muslims have done tm 30 ?? and the problem has existed for years....all this TM 30 crap IS A LOAD OF CRAP !!!!

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14 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Thank you for bringing up my mentality with out mentioning the arrogant mentality of those like you that want to try and change Thailands Immigration Laws to suit themselves. The simple mentality is that if you think you will succeed to get Thailand to change their laws to make things easier for you because that is what you want then you need to have a good look at Thailand. If you did have a good look then you would see that for Thailand to do anything that suits a minority whinging group of ex-pats like you and your complaining mates is a lose of face for them so instead of making things easier they will more likely make things harder for everyone. This is Thailand and these are Thai laws whether you like it or not. If you do not like the laws here then move to a country that you do like the laws. For anyone from any country who thinks that they are that important to think that they can change the laws of another country is just plain arrogance because you are and always will be just a minority in that country.

So hoping to open up a debate is arrogant and whinging, is it? Must mean something different in your version of the dictionary.

Make sure you apply enough sunscreen to your bold patch as it must be hot up there on your self-righteous perch.


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19 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

So you must live next door to an immigration office if it took 8 minutes from your front door to report and get back to your place?

Any half-brainer will know he means in and out of immigration in 8 minutes..☹️

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19 hours ago, taninthai said:

I’m so fed up reading about tm30 on this forum ......I just did mine this morning in and out in 8 minuits ,immigration were happy,smiling,friendly and helpful seriously what is all the fuss about ....moaners will be moaners where ever they are in the world.

Thank you for your comment Mr. or Ms. immigration officer.  I have never seen any Thai Immigration staff happy, smiling, friendly, or even particularly helpful, during any of my many required immigration visits.  


Maybe some of them smile at the foreigners leaving their immigration office after being turned down for their one year visa extensions, and are even happy while giving the foreigners the bad news.


None of the expat posters on this site are moaning about anything.  These people are simply pointing out the idoitic restrictions being placed on expats under the guise of security. ????

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2 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

Thank you for your comment Mr. or Ms. immigration officer.  I have never seen any Thai Immigration staff happy, smiling, friendly, or even particularly helpful, during any of my many required immigration visits.  


Maybe some of them smile at the foreigners leaving their immigration office after being turned down for their one year visa extensions, and are even happy while giving the foreigners the bad news.


None of the expat posters on this site are moaning about anything.  These people are simply pointing out the idoitic restrictions being placed on expats under the guise of security. ????

Probably need to look at your attitude or maybe the way you present yourself if that’s the sort of experiences you are having.

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48 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Latest news from Chaneg wattana............. 800 baht fine for tm30 NO RECEIPT or if you want a receipt 1600baht...........even more corruption to go with the 1500 baht to get a code  quickly for  online reporting........its ALL about  money nothing to do with security.

Great post.


As I have posted many times, that what starts out as a genuine but vague call to improve or reform something at the top, probably ministerial level, morphs into a revenue-raising exercise by the time it reaches the front line, the local offices who interface with the user. Oh, and the original purpose is completely forgotten about. The TM 30 fiasco is in no way "keeping tabs on the whereabouts of foreigners" or "preventing threats to national security". It sure is raising a lot in fines though.

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54 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Latest news from Chaneg wattana............. 800 baht fine for tm30 NO RECEIPT or if you want a receipt 1600baht...........even more corruption to go with the 1500 baht to get a code  quickly for  online reporting........its ALL about  money nothing to do with security.

But this post is from a guy who has already admitted he doesn’t even need to do tm30  and just likes moaning and making stuff up about his friends.

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Oh no the sky is falling if I ever buy a house or move somewhere else around here I might have to do another TM-30 again someday oh no it’s terrible. You know we travel around here all the time in fact we just got home from Chiangmai a few days ago and this has never been a problem even if it was so what it’s just another form to fill out and it’s just one page jeez lol [emoji23]


I was actually just skimming through some of these posts to get a laugh




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The ruling elite and junta dont even care about 85% of the Thai populace (as long as they tow the line, if  they dont they are quite prepared to shoot /imprison them) so do you honestly think will give a flying fig about a 5k petition


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