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Cannabis Oil and Echinacea Oil


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Many countries have legalized pot both for recreational and medical use. But this cannabis oil, what exactly is it good for really? Remember all the hype about echinacea oil 25 -30 years ago. Is Cannabis oil going to follow the same way and fizzle out? 

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CBD (which is cannabis oil without THC) supposedly is anxiolytic, antiinflammatory and relieves pain - in this order. 

Very little of this is evidence based. 

Doctors who specialize on pain treatment will tell you that at least for radicular pain you need to add THC.


CBD is not treated as a drug, so it's hardly regulated.

The BBC lately tested ingredients of CBD oils: some contained nothing at all.  Others contain THC even they are labeled CBD.

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No.  Cannabis oil is not really new, its just coming into the mainstream because of the new laws all over.  Cannabis oil is seriously potent stuff.  its just a different way to use cannabis.  It doesn't need to be smoked, or cooked into anything, and its ready to be ingested.


The best oil around is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).  You will have a difficult time finding it though outside of North America.


Cannabis oil is good for the same things that non-oil cannabis is good for.  The only difference is that it is consumed differently.  Cannabis that is taken into the digestive tract also works a little differently - it lasts longer and you get more of a "body high" out of it than you do with vaping/smoking.

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There is evidence that both THC and CBD are effective at treating some ailments - that's why cannabis oil, usually with only the CBD element has been legalised for medicinal purposes in some countries. Some oils or the drug in tablet form, containing THC have also been legalised for the treatment of such things as seizures and epilepsy. The efficacy or real cannabis oil in the treatment of those ailments is beyond dispute.


There have been many claims that cannabis oil in the form of RSO (above) can cure cancer.  I researched this when I was diagnosed with cancer and concluded that whilst some of these claims were proved to be false, other cases where cancer had disappeared were difficult to explain unless some credence was given to the cannabis oil used. Many of the world's cancer specialists say that whilst there is no clinical evidence that cannabis oil can cure cancer, the studies that have been done show that there is something in it and that proper clinical trials are needed to establish the facts.


Clinical trials cost a fortune and are often funded by pharmaceutical companies - such companies are unlikely to trial pure RSO as there's nothing in it for them - so as far as I know, there have not been any proper, science based clinical trials on cannabis oil for cancer treatment yet.  A trial was conducted in the UK recently testing a compound for people with a particularly aggressive type of brain cancer but that trial was conducted and funded by a pharmaceutical company and the compound contained a mixture of their products and cannabis oil.


I work on the basis that using RSO will not do me any harm and it certainly won't cure my cancer if I don't take it so I will be starting using it shortly.


With all the talk and news about cannabis oil, it was only a matter of time before the sharks jumped on the bandwagon and much of what's for sale today, at least in the UK, is pure rubbish.  I've seen it for sale at £40 per 50ml bottle - to determine whethere that's genuine stuff or not - let me do the maths for you.


Assuming you can buy cannabis bud (the best source of RSO) at UK wholesale prices - currently around £125 per ounce and given that you need around 8oz of bud to make the 60ml of oil that Rick Simpson recommends - it would cost £2000 to make a 60ml dose + the cost of extracting the oil from the bud.  Cannabis is illegal in the UK and growing it in any sizeable quantity will result in a jail term for the grower.  How many sympathetic growers do you think there are that will sell you £2000 worth of bud for £40 - £50 whilst risking jail?


Most medicines are made from plants and the medical benefits of cannabis are only just starting to be explored - mainly because until recently it has simply been regarded as a drug. Its benefits in the treatment of seizures and epilepsy are proven - I expect that many other benefits will be found over time. I therefore can't see it 'fizzling out'.

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