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A(nother) Reason Not To Fly Ba 1st Class


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It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you dont for BA, do you leave her in economy where it'll obviously cause more concern/problems etc or move the body up front in first where there is more space and less people

even though they have paid over £4000 for thier tickets :o Having said that surely there must be bunks or something what the staff use?

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Someone dies and those pampered pusses complain about their inconvenience?

Well I think your right there. The people in economy wouldn't have minded.. much the better actually as oppossed to some of the <deleted> you sometimes have to put up with eh.

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LONDON (Reuters) - A passenger in first class woke up to a shock when he found himself sitting near a corpse on a British Airways flight, British newspapers reported on Monday.

Paul Trinder, 54, said cabin crew moved the body of the elderly woman from the economy section where she had died after take-off, the Mirror and Sun tabloids said.

"The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor," Trinder, a businessman, was quoted as saying. "It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."

The woman's daughter was also upgraded and spent the rest of the nine-hour flight from Delhi to London grieving next to her dead mother, the Sun reported.

British Airways has apologized for any distress suffered, according to the reports. The Mirror quoted BA as saying: "We apologize, but our crew were working in difficult circumstances and chose the option they thought would cause least disruption."

i like the comment

"The woman's daughter was also upgraded "

seeing as this was ba , they should have dressed the deceased in a stewardesses uniform and put her in the jump seat , nobody would have noticed then.

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