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Why are so many expats oddballs?

Essex Reject

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Expats are limited in numbers.  The numbers in the pool don't have the same cross section of the society as back home. 

So the problem is with the sample.  It limits your choices of compatible acquaintances. 

Friends are even harder to make. If we're talking about a mixed couple the difficulty also arrises if their wives/ partners aren't compatible. There maybe a pissing contest/ keeping up with the Joneses scenario too. 

Plus we have a class society here sometimes based on where they hail from. Both regionally, families and employment wise. 

Sometimes oddballs can be endearing, but.. ????




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2 hours ago, Essex Reject said:

Yep, decent enough point and good luck to him, but ultimately that still involves going out to bars and doing the bar girl thing, if he's not doing that I would bet he's either in a shopping mall or stuck at home, besides the gym that is which truly are boring places.

I think he’s picking up girls who give him a massage. He invites them out for dinner. Or he goes out to dinner with his group of friends. They are all similar to him. He doesn’t stay out late and he’s not a bar crawler. At home he’d be largely ignored but here he keeps fit and healthy and has an active social life with friends. He also travels to nearby places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. He’s doing exactly what he wants to do and that’s something few people ever get to do over their lifetime.  

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There are oddballs everywhere.

I think it is odd and definitely annoying how people in the US are obsessed with politics.

Mostly all they talk about.

I would rather be around some of the oddballs here, then spend all my time listening to that <deleted>.


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5 hours ago, wgdanson said:

I have got a Spermatocele cyst in my scrotum, the size of one of my testicles. So I guess I really am an ODD (numbered) BALL.

Do they charge you extra (jointer fee) at the soapy massage places?...

Edited by sfokevin
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5 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Yes, I am tritesticular!   LOL


A man with a similar condition went to the doctors who informed him that indeed , he had three balls.


  On the bus home he couldn't stop thinking about this and finally blurted out to the man seated next to him , whom he had noticed at the doctors practice.


" Do you know that between us we have five balls ! "


The stranger was startled but replied


" Why ? Have you only got

one then ? "

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