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UK PM Johnson says 39 billion pound divorce bill not due in no-deal Brexit


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3 minutes ago, transam said:

We are talking money here, the UK had to pay the USA's bills because of the axis aggression, now they are asking for cash because we want to walk...5555


Greece thinks like me and they are in the EU fold..

2 wrongs doesn't make one right and Greece? you couldn't find anything better as a reference 555

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Just now, Sticky Wicket said:



The farm subsidy system that spends €50bn (£44bn) a year on achieving none of its objectives. It is among the most powerful drivers of environmental destruction in the northern hemisphere. Because payments are made only for land that’s in “agricultural condition”, the system creates a perverse incentive to clear wildlife habitats, even in places unsuitable for farming, to produce the empty ground that qualifies for public money. These payments have led to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of hectares of magnificent wild places across Europe.

It is also arguably the most regressive transfer of public money in the modern world. Farmers are paid by the hectare for owning or using land; so the more you have, the more you get. While in the UK benefits for poor people are capped at £20,000 (outside London), these benefits for the rich are uncapped. Some landowners receive £1m or more. You don’t even have to live in the EU to take this money: you just have to own land here. Among the benefit tourists sucking up public funds in the age of austerity are Russian oligarchs, Saudi princes and Texas oil barons.

And you think the UK is the only one regarding where EU dosh goes too..Does the UK decide where EU money is allocated, don't fink so...

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1 minute ago, Sticky Wicket said:



The farm subsidy system that spends €50bn (£44bn) a year on achieving none of its objectives. It is among the most powerful drivers of environmental destruction in the northern hemisphere. Because payments are made only for land that’s in “agricultural condition”, the system creates a perverse incentive to clear wildlife habitats, even in places unsuitable for farming, to produce the empty ground that qualifies for public money. These payments have led to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of hectares of magnificent wild places across Europe.

It is also arguably the most regressive transfer of public money in the modern world. Farmers are paid by the hectare for owning or using land; so the more you have, the more you get. While in the UK benefits for poor people are capped at £20,000 (outside London), these benefits for the rich are uncapped. Some landowners receive £1m or more. You don’t even have to live in the EU to take this money: you just have to own land here. Among the benefit tourists sucking up public funds in the age of austerity are Russian oligarchs, Saudi princes and Texas oil barons.

you are talking about the UK, your own people scamming each other's? humm didn't thought about that one, did BJ cover that topic, he still has more (like that)  hiding

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5 hours ago, jonwilly said:

The only thing the EU ever wanted from UK is money to fulfill it's Dream of a united Socialist Europe.

German has always been the biggest payer and France will never pay it's fair share. 

Up to about 1850 France was biggest most powerful nation in Europe, then Bismark started to unify the German speaking peoples.

This led first to the Franco-Prussian war then the 2 World Wars. Europe was trashed as a result and Britain all but bankrupted.

The EU was Europe's attempt to find a total peace and they need the UK's money to do it hence their attitude to a nation state wanting out

That's why they left the UK so long outside….till 15 years after the creation of the EEC.

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2 hours ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

And this is how interesting topics get 'dragged down' as posters start bickering about completely 'off topic' points....☹️


At the end of the day, the most interesting point (IMO) is how much the UK legally owes the EU - and it's certainly not 39bn!


The OP indicates that it's likely to be 7-9 bn in the event of 'no deal'.  Admittedly, this is the opinion of Sky News and Brit. govt. lawyers. - but it sounds about right.

Your point being? Of course the UK owes money to the EU for projects committed to, so what?

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2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Wonderful to have such a well informed expert on TV who knows the views of "All the other countries in the World". The falangs I talk to, from many many, different countries tell me the we were currently the laughing stock of the world. The general view was that they knew we had plenty of sad pensioners living in a fantasy glorious past, but how could a whole country be so incredibly stupid?

I've yet to encounter someone in my wide circle of expat friends who mentions it without someone else raising it first. On the other hand I've often seen posts from posters from various countries about something that's happened in their own country exclaim "It's made us the laughing stock of the world".  In my experience most people here frankly couldn't care what happens in other countries apart from their own and Thailand and certainly none of them have any real knowledge of current affairs elsewhere across the world

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6 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

for god's sake -do you always live in the past? get a grip on today's reality.

"……………… get a grip on today's reality."


Wouldn't you getting depressed with this outcome for the country..?


Edited by david555
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4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

As Nigel Farage describes it is "nothing more than a ransom demand plucked out of the air". He refers to the EU as the "Mafia" which he is forced to change to "gangsters".

He goes on to counter that the UK has invested more than 200 billion pounds in the EU and as such are part owners of the EU furniture. 


Just wait, what Farage will say about these EU gangsters, when they stop paying his salary and pension per 1 Nov

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31 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:



The farm subsidy system that spends €50bn (£44bn) a year on achieving none of its objectives. It is among the most powerful drivers of environmental destruction in the northern hemisphere. Because payments are made only for land that’s in “agricultural condition”, the system creates a perverse incentive to clear wildlife habitats, even in places unsuitable for farming, to produce the empty ground that qualifies for public money. These payments have led to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of hectares of magnificent wild places across Europe.

It is also arguably the most regressive transfer of public money in the modern world. Farmers are paid by the hectare for owning or using land; so the more you have, the more you get. While in the UK benefits for poor people are capped at £20,000 (outside London), these benefits for the rich are uncapped. Some landowners receive £1m or more. You don’t even have to live in the EU to take this money: you just have to own land here. Among the benefit tourists sucking up public funds in the age of austerity are Russian oligarchs, Saudi princes and Texas oil barons.

and your recommendations to resolve this is?

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

How did that work out for Germany after WW2?

Did they ever pay?


I'd tell the EU (aka the 4th Reich, a united Europe under German rule) to take their 39B out of the money and interest Germany still owes.

I must confess… in the by you called 4th Reich, economic developments since 1945 are a LOT better than in the UK...

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1 minute ago, puipuitom said:

Just wait, what Farage will say about these EU gangsters, when they stop paying his salary and pension per 1 Nov

Same farage with the ….gangsters... opportunist #1


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4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I have to admit I don't know the details about China.

But one thing is obvious: China is HUGE. They can get away with a lot more things than others because other countries want to export something to the billion Chinese citizens. 

It's not fair but then nobody said this world is fair.

Yes, HUGE, but very difficult to sell to the Chinese. And as soon as they have copied it, they do not need to import anymore.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I have to admit I also never learned EUisch.

But it seem at G7 they all talk to each other somehow. I guess there must be a trick involved.

As the British do not speak any other language, and pupils in the EU all learn English, this language is chosen to communicate.

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10 minutes ago, Forethat said:

The question is whether there's a legally binding agreement that makes UK financially liable for projects that are not directly related to UK.


For instance, EU agreed to part fund the Construction of the S5 motorway between Nowe Marzy and Bydgoszcz in Poland. The project was drafted April 11 2019. The EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributes €255,1M through EUs Infrastructure and Environment programme. This is an example of a project where - according to EU - UK is financially liable. If the projects overspends (which it is likely to), May's deal states that UK should pay for that as well.


So the question is, should UK even pay for this motorway in the first place Of course not. It is equivalent to a divorce where the husband and wife agrees to build a house. Before the house is built the wife wants to divorce and the husband then claims that she should pay for the construction of the house. In EU terms, if the wife doesn't pay, they will beat her up. In addition, the husband has decided that if he wants to change the plan and add a swimming pool, a four car garage and a wine cellar, the wife should pay for that as well. 


While I'm at it, please find attached a map outlining a few future EU infrastructure projects around Europe that are part funded by the so called 'settlement bill'. The black and red 'lines' on the map indicate new railways and motorways - most of them receiving hundreds of millions of Euros in EU funding . There are a couple of regional projects in the UK as well, mostly related to broadband improvements and fibre optic cable work valued at a couple of million Euros.


No, there's neither a moral nor legal obligation for UK to pay EU one single dime.


Screenshot 2019-08-26 at 09.40.43.png

"The question is whether there's a legally binding agreement that makes UK financially liable for projects that are not directly related to UK."



I understand your point as divorce announced …., but , question is ….. extensions are made more than once ….and this could or should make you still a member …..difficult judging , like always ...U.K. even more 1 foot in 1 out .

I think E.U. would never accepted anymore a member in this way 


De Gaulle was clairvoyant long before , we must admit...

Edited by david555
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just now        Boris can whistle it this time....


Jennifer Rankin in Brussels

Mon 26 Aug 2019 10.10 BST


EU 'would block trade deal if Britain reneged on Brexit bill' 
UK must honour its debts before starting to negotiate trade deal, say Brussels sources

The European Union would refuse to negotiate a trade deal with the UK if the government reneged on the Brexit bill, EU sources have said.

At the G7 summit in Biarritz, Boris Johnson said it was a “simple statement of reality” that the UK would withhold much of the £39bn financial settlement agreed by Theresa May, in the event of a no-deal.Brussels sources have warned that future trade talks would be blocked until the UK agreed to a settlement.

The financial settlement was a “totemic” issue for EU member states, one official said. “The message will be ‘honour your debts, or we are not even going to start talking about a trade deal,” the source said, reflecting a widespread view among diplomats.



Edited by david555
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