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Thousands protest British PM Johnson's move to suspend parliament

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1 minute ago, Mavideol said:

here you said it (not me, your post is clear as water), trying to overturn democracy for the past 3 years and now you guys got it, democracy it's gone, well done, congratulations

Your post is clear as mud, you can't lose what you never had.

30 minutes ago, vogie said:

Parliament is not democratic, as long as John Bercow is the 'referee' it never will be, parliament has has their chance and failed big time.

The nation is divided on Brexit and so is Parliament.


Who’d have thunk it.

2 hours ago, juice777 said:

If an unelected Prime Minister with a majority of 1 and no mandate can shut down Parliament in an unconventional but legal way, It must be ok to ignore a nonbinding referendum and revoke article 50 in an unconventional but legal way. Espically when sold on lies and they haven't delivered.

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Why do you believe that Boris Johnson was not elected?


NO PM in the UK is elected by a general election.


Whichever party wins a GE nominates their choice of PM.


quote "Especially when sold on lies and they haven't delivered."


I wonder why they haven't delivered Brexit. Could it possibly be the under Teresa May who was a staunch Remainer she was determined to keep the UK in the EU?


Remember she has had 3 years to screw it up and Boris has 3 months to unscrew it.

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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Why do you believe that Boris Johnson was not elected?


NO PM in the UK is elected by a general election.


Whichever party wins a GE nominates their choice of PM.


quote "Especially when sold on lies and they haven't delivered."


I wonder why they haven't delivered Brexit. Could it possibly be the under Teresa May who was a staunch Remainer she was determined to keep the UK in the EU?


Remember she has had 3 years to screw it up and Boris has 3 months to unscrew it.

What did Johnson say on the appointment of Brown as PM?

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6 hours ago, Basil B said:

Talking of making things up you can not get any better than that bus...



Oh no, don’t tell me £350m ISN’T available to the government to allocate as they see fit.

  • Haha 1

Going to need more than a couple thousand lefties ranting off here and there. How about the silent millions that disagree with them and just want this nonsense over? If Boris can wangle a better deal out of the overlords in Brussels then all's the better ... if not, then just leave and leave that lot too it, we will survive. Maybe no deal isn't the best thing for the NWO and greedy bankers or corporations but the contemptuous way the UK has been treated for exercising it's democratic rights is a disgrace. Who in their right mind would want to be ruled over by this lot now their true colours have been exposed? EU reminds me of the Hotel California lyrics "And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" along with, and definitely, the last verse in the song ... 

"I was running for the door

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before

"Relax," said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

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3 minutes ago, malibukid said:

are we going to see a baby Boris ballon????

No, but I think we can safely say if he pulls this off, there may be a statue of him next to Oliver Cromwell.

  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, Brigand said:

Going to need more than a couple thousand lefties ranting off here and there. How about the silent millions that disagree with them and just want this nonsense over? If Boris can wangle a better deal out of the overlords in Brussels then all's the better ... if not, then just leave and leave that lot too it, we will survive. Maybe no deal isn't the best thing for the NWO and greedy bankers or corporations but the contemptuous way the UK has been treated for exercising it's democratic rights is a disgrace. Who in their right mind would want to be ruled over by this lot now their true colours have been exposed? EU reminds me of the Hotel California lyrics "And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" along with, and definitely, the last verse in the song ... 

"I was running for the door

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before

"Relax," said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

Because of course only ‘lefties’ object to Johnson proroguing Parliament.?!  


Doesn't take long for a remainer to bring racism into the debate, I havn't read anything else past there. If you cannot debate in a affable manner I have nothing else to say to you.
I only say it because I know or meet many people like that.But I will throw my hands up and say that could just be in the circles I move in.

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Why do you believe that Boris Johnson was not elected?
NO PM in the UK is elected by a general election.
Whichever party wins a GE nominates their choice of PM.
quote "Especially when sold on lies and they haven't delivered."
I wonder why they haven't delivered Brexit. Could it possibly be the under Teresa May who was a staunch Remainer she was determined to keep the UK in the EU?
Remember she has had 3 years to screw it up and Boris has 3 months to unscrew it.

"I wonder why they haven't delivered Brexit. Could it possibly be the under Teresa May who was a staunch Remainer she was determined to keep the UK in the EU?"

So they haven't delivered then?

I say it again with the Track Rocored of our politicians what else could have happened it was obvious from day one.

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51 minutes ago, vogie said:

How can you possibly defend democracy when we don't have it in the first place, do you think John Bercow is democratic, do you think the Labour Party is being democratic by voting againgst anything put in front of them, the SNP have a similar agenda with voting againgst anything put in front of them.

Do I think this rabble is democratic that is sitting in parliament now, no I don't. 

Do I think the will of the people should be honoured, yes I do.

It would appear that the wishes of the electorate is being by passed, so how ever Boris achieves his goal I care not one jot. 

Yes I do believe there is and will always be democracy in the uk. You can wish it differently, that is your prerogative, but it doesn’t change the facts. The UK is not governed by referendum. It has a long history of parliamentary democracy that says how things can/cannot be done. To tide roughshod over that is an affront to the very ideals we hold dear. To say otherwise is disingenuous at best, downright anarchy at worst.  


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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

Do your prejudices know no bounds? Now you're showing your predjudice against the vertically challenged. Or is it his missus Slack Alice that bothers you?


Bercow is the best speaker since Betty Boothroyd. Now she'd have sorted Boris out - big time!



Ha, ha, ha......


1 minute ago, vogie said:

Parliament is only a building, the MPs are supposed to be the ones that are sworn to uphold the tradition of democracy. Well with your hand on your heart can you possibly say they are doing this. 

You don't ask a country for their opinion with a promise of implimenting that decision then when they get the results back, throw them in the bin,, that is certainly not democracy.

You had a Brexit deal:- you just didn’t like it because it wasn’t the milk and honey you were promised. There was never going to be a great deal from the EU were you got to “keep the best bits” (actually promised by BoJo) now when BoJo is trying to force a result that undermines our democracy you now think that’s a fair price to pay. 

I don’t. 

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4 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You had a Brexit deal:- you just didn’t like it because it wasn’t the milk and honey you were promised. There was never going to be a great deal from the EU were you got to “keep the best bits” (actually promised by BoJo) now when BoJo is trying to force a result that undermines our democracy you now think that’s a fair price to pay. 

I don’t. 

The vote wasn't about a deal or not ... it was about in or out. So many have tried to attach this deal nonsense onto the whole affair. Nothing about a deal in the referendum.

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You had a Brexit deal:- you just didn’t like it because it wasn’t the milk and honey you were promised. There was never going to be a great deal from the EU were you got to “keep the best bits” (actually promised by BoJo) now when BoJo is trying to force a result that undermines our democracy you now think that’s a fair price to pay. 

I don’t. 

Well why didn't Labour vote for it then, I'll bet there is many Labour MPs wished they had now, all Corbyn was bothered about was getting into government and not the interest of the country. It's too late to complain about a no-deal when they had a chance to vote on a deal. If you want to blame someone blame Corbyn.

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9 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You had a Brexit deal:- you just didn’t like it because it wasn’t the milk and honey you were promised. There was never going to be a great deal from the EU were you got to “keep the best bits” (actually promised by BoJo) now when BoJo is trying to force a result that undermines our democracy you now think that’s a fair price to pay. 

I don’t. 

For "deal" read treaty. Farage described it as worse than anything signed by the losing side after a war.

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"It is governed by parliamentary democracy" well it appears to me it is not working is it, for 3 years now we have been waiting for parliament to sort this out, all they are bothered about is their over-inflated egos. How long do you think we should kick the can down the road for, extending Art50 every 6 months is not going to achieve anything. We have finally got someone who is a leader and is willing to carry out the wishes of the British electorate, if Boris can do that by any trick in the book that will be fine by most folk. Do not forget our MPs have had a chance to vote for a deal, they chose not to, because they thought they were clever and would get the referendum result overturned. Democracy must be delivered.

"We have finally got someone who is a leader and is willing to carry out the wishes of the British electorate, if Boris can do that by any trick in the book that will be fine by most folk" Why didn't the yellow chicken step up before then before May Because he knew a new deal was impossible.He wanted to hang back and wait till she failed test the water for public opinion on a no Deal scenario after it's been put threw focus groups no doubt.Take the ball from the scrum(his words not mine) become Prime Minster,pretend he is Winston Churchill for few months ,Promise loads of cash the Government don't have and a Government he has just spent about 12 years in agreeing with that they don't have any cash to the police schools Etc not deliverr. Because it's blatantly a lie why not lies have seemed to work out swimmingly for you so far in for a penny in for a pound.Then if Brexit happens in what ever shape it is he will clam Victory take the Credit Just like the Olympics and Boris Bikes both of which was mostly done under Ken Livingstone. lose the next general election hand the government to Jeremy Corbyn sod off to America and write a book and get a chat show on American TV saying oh crikey a lot as the UK implodes and he cashes his cheques where he has no doubt made money shorting the Pound along the way some how.


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2 minutes ago, juice777 said:

"We have finally got someone who is a leader and is willing to carry out the wishes of the British electorate, if Boris can do that by any trick in the book that will be fine by most folk"

Why didn't the yellow chicken step up before then before May Because he knew a new deal was impossible.He wanted to hang back and wait till she failed test the water for public opinion on a no Deal scenario after it's been put threw focus groups no doubt.Take the ball from the scrum(his words not mine) become Prime Minster pretend he is Winston Churchill for few months Promise loads of cash the government don't have and a Government he has just spent about 12 years in agreeing with that they don't have cash to the police schools Etc not deliver because it's blatantly a lie why not lies have seemed to work out swimmingly for you so far in for a penny in for a pound.Then if Brexit happens in what ever shape it is he will clam Victory take the Credit Just like the Olympics and Boris Bikes both of which was mostly done under Ken Livingstone. lose the next general election hand the government to Jeremy Corbyn sod off to America and write a book and get a chat show on American TV we saying oh crikey a lot as the UK implodes.

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I think we're entering into the realms of fantasy now.


Incidentely you might want to make your font bigger, it is so small, very difficult to read, thanks.

12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Have a look at their banners. They protest against Boris and Cummings shutting down parliament.

Do you think it's ok that Boris shuts down parliament for so long at such a critical time?

What would you think if Corbin would be PM and if he would shut down parliament to make sure he can do what he wants?


Of course this is also about Brexit, but the main thing here is that no political leader shfould shut down parliament to do something only he wants. The majority of Britons and the majority in Parliament are again No-Deal. No Deal is a catastrophe for the UK and anybody who even gambles with that catastrophe should not lead the country.

if they [the usefull idiots] stop brexit that would be a catostrophe against democracy and britain,ever wondered what would happen if momentum,sorry corbyn got in? how would the "the markets"  react  to that? remainers with their carry on are ensuring the uk will not get a "deal" [a DEAL, NOT LIKE THE SCHEME REMAINER MAY PUT FOREWARD THAT WOULD HAVE KEPT US IN FOREVER] turkeys voting for an early christmas,and remember after every revoulution its always "the usefull idiots that are the first to be put up against the wall.POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

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12 minutes ago, Brigand said:

"Advisory referendum?" No it wasn't, as Cameron clearly stated many times (along with others) that it was binding because he wanted to anchor the UK in the EU and for this issue to be buried for good. If the boot was on the other foot and remain had won it would have all been harshly ended and that would have been that ... no more nonsense, please.

no cameron was scared of the rise of ukip and and had always previously promised a referendum on the uk leaving the eu.when he got elected [much to his surprise,i,d imagine] felt he,d have to have one relying on "project fear " to get the result he wanted.sorry dave democracy prevailed and you got the spanish archer,you can fool some of the people some of the time,you can,t fool all the people all the time.

2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Deflection at its finest. 

The point is you seem to want the rules of an advisory referendum upheld but not the rules of a parliamentary democracy that is the very stalwart of our democracy. 

This hypocrisy doesn’t bode well for your argument. 

This is going to be my last post to you, I am beginning to get repetitive stress in my middle finger.


Parliament passed a bill to allow the electorate to vote on whether to leave the EU or not.

The electorate voted and parliament listened to the electorates decision and decided to go with what they voted for, are you still with me?

When parliament triggered Art50 it made it law to leave the EU, ok so far?

And here's the rub, parliamentary democracy can only work if the MPs are being democratic, and unless you are an eidelweiss living on the top of Mount Everest you surely would see the failings of our democratic process.

  • Thanks 2

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