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Police. Immigration. Press. Why do you let them into your home?


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On 9/6/2019 at 10:30 PM, Matzzon said:

What do you have to hide? If you do not have anything to hide, you can just invite them. If you refuse, they know that something is wrong and you are hiding something. 

How´s that for a cheese sandwich?

Prevalent attitude for sure.

Perfectly becoming for the sheeple we have become.


Authority figures of any and all stripe are necessarily  beyond question or reproach.


The rest of us are always suspect in every thought or action and are necessarily suspicious without question.


Hell, I even doubt my own motives and opinions most of the time.


To honor and obey all those who serve and protect is my motto.


Bend over and assume the position and smile when you do it.

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6 minutes ago, faraday said:

'from experience' not 'out of'.


Good night, sweet dreams.



Oh! I didn´t know this was an english lesson. Just curious. Are you also a member of the bend over club?

You are also not allowed to do any changes to my post. That includes making bold text.

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On 9/6/2019 at 10:15 PM, timendres said:

For me, it would depend a great deal on the context. But a random police officer appearing at my door would have to have a warrant. Otherwise, I will happily meet him at his office. I would not open my door. Would do the same thing in the US, by the way.

And you assume they didn't have a warrant? Why?

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