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4am closing: Will put Thai tourism "down the drain", says Dr Mohamed


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I don't understand why this supposedly educated man can't see a country where late-night access to alcohol can exist in appropriate night life locations along with emphasis on other areas of tourist attractions like those associated with nature.


At the same time, he seems to take on the attitude that safety issues cannot possibly be addressed when bars in some places stay open until 4 AM. He obviously has a substantial dislike of alcohol and has taken on a puritanical attitude toward it.


Catering to a late-night crowd seeking alcohol is what some areas like Pattaya heavily rely on for regular income, yet this guy thinks it's best to impose his drier standards in places where they'd clearly harm the local economy. 


I personally don't care about late night access to alcohol as 4 AM has almost always been closer to when I'm getting up instead of leaving a bar. But I respect the business owners and patrons who want the freedom to serve and be served in the wee hours. 


Edited by Inn Between
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I'd just like to thank those in government for taking the time out of their busy days to consider the lives of the populace and to get involved where they can. I mean, it can't be that easy with everything else on their plates, can it? Can we vote for and have more government, please? Give yourselves a pay-rise, too, you probably deserve it somewhere along the line (f not today, then probably tomorrow). A double-dose of meddling is always beneficial for everyone, I think.


Hold on...

Sorry, just been told today's not National Sarcasm Day. Damn, was just getting warmed up.

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1 hour ago, Rimbuman said:

Government shouldn't be messing with granny laws about opening and closing times of any establishment, let the people decide and regulate!

Chang can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They now advertise their mineral water.

Singha can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They now advertise their mineral water.

Leo can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They also advertise their mineral water.  But they do not even, as far as I know, even make mineral water!

These bossy interventions by Thai Disease Control are ridiculous.

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8 hours ago, madmen said:

At midnight the party has just started. Did you never party/ night clubbing when you were younger?

Yes when I was younger, that was ages ago, midnight is early, but then again I feel much better waking up in the morning then I do if I go to bed at 4-5 am <deleted> drunk.

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38 minutes ago, greeneking said:

Chang can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They now advertise their mineral water.

Singha can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They now advertise their mineral water.

Leo can no longer have signs at bars and restaurants saying beer is on sale.

They also advertise their mineral water.  But they do not even, as far as I know, even make mineral water!

These bossy interventions by Thai Disease Control are ridiculous.

Guess that explains this picture i did last week 


The chang mineral school bus 



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4 hours ago, Joe Mama said:

If the Thai government is truly serious about promoting tourism, then they most definitely need to take a close look at reducing the tax on Wine & Beer!   I no longer purchase wine by the bottle in the Thai supermarkets nor in the restaurants as the price is outrageous....over 300baht for a 750ml bottle of <deleted> wine!  I can purchase higher quality wine in California in the 100 to 150 baht range!  The beer prices are not much better!  Soon I was be forced to consume only Thai Tea or water, & that my friend will not make me a happy tourist...definitely not one who wants to go out & spend money while I am visiting here!  Trust me on this...most tourist definitely take a close look at the cost of food & beverages in the countries they are planning to visit, & quite frankly the prices here would make me run away quickly & never want to come back! 

Know what you mean. The prices of alcohol in Thailand seem way out of control. 

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16 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I feel bad for the employees who will be required to work extra hours. Yes, I assume they'll be paid for the extra time, but still could be long shift.


Agreed. Although implementation would be the challenge.


It seems like the subset of tourists who want to party later could be addressed with a few, limited concentrated "zones"?

Like they don't remember when 4 am was normal, if not later? Seems a lot of farangs haven't been in LOS long enough to know how it used to be.

Back then, LOS really did smile, and sanuk was order of the day. Apparently the party poopers have done a good job destroying the smile and as for sanuk- that vanished long ago.

I'm thinking that it's too late to bring back the good times. The party people have gone to pastures greener, and Thailand will have to put up with the sheeple in organised group tours, going to bed nice and early so they can be herded into the rip off gem stores etc next day without falling asleep.

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

He urged a rethink saying that the minister's claims about closing times in Italy were broad brush remarks

I'm sure the minister will find the answer he's looking for on his tour of Milan.... but he won't be out drinking to 4am to see the effects... most probably out afternoon shopping for a new handbag for the missus!

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It certainly does need controlling here & therefore contained. I'm against the extension of hours for all alcoholic sales. A similar system to other civilized countries would be more acceptable, it keeps these "extended hours" establishments only in designated areas & it is really all that is required where it can be policed for everyone's wellbeing & safety ................. an "open house" system should not be encouraged as it affects the quality of life most of the general public who keep to regular hours. I have seen so much widespread alcohol abuse in all walks of life here ......... local whisky is so cheap & available everywhere, even 7/11's, so extension of hours should not be encouraged. Let's just keep to the normal hours & extensions granted on a licensed basis ........... locals do not need their master's encouragement to drink more. They should have a plan to curb it not encourage it ...... fact. Those that become dependent on drink need help, it's a drug which destroys lives. You ruin other peoples lives as well as your own, your family & the wellbeing of other's too by being an alcoholic. In moderation it is fine ...... but don't get dependent on it! Once hooked the only "way home" is a journey through hell dragging all your loved one's with you. It needs controlling & the "jingle" of cash registers should not be the first consideration ...... people do matter.

Edited by Daveyh
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Was at Nana last night, picked up a young lady from Rainbow 1, but I still agree with Dr Mohamed when he says that the country's sleaze industry doesn't need any encouragement. However the country is in such a state of confusion when it comes to foreigners and tourism that this issue will have a negligible effect and TAT should step back and look at the global mess.

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Dr Mohamed just doesn't quite get it, does he?  Tourist go on holidays to enjoy themselves and drinking is usually part of that enjoyment, particularly for the younger people ie: 20's, 30's and 40 year olds.  They like to go out and have a great night, drinking dancing and hopefully find some romancing and in most tourist cities / places around the world 4 - 5 am finish is the norm.  Bars / clubs closing times in certain parts off the country, including parts of Phuket where tourists throng to should have later closing times so that people don't go home saying and telling friends "i'm never going back there again" it's like being in a kindergarten. 

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Would be better off removing the no alcohol sale between 2-5pm rule and making wine more affordable.

People come on holiday to relax, eat and drink.

Being told when you cant have a drink when you are on holiday is annoying and then when you can being charged extortionate prices on anything else other than the local <deleted> water is ridiculous.

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