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Pattaya police crack down on illegal opening; possible setback for proposed 4am closing for bars and pubs?


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Possible 4 am closings on the horizon?

So this is a preemptive Tea Money Collection before they have one less way to collect if the rules change.


And the wingnut who tried to float ‘4am closings as bad for tourism’ likely is upstream in the Tea Money chain. So say anything to stave off leaner days ahead

Edited by animatic
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22 hours ago, petermik said:

 The current 2am shutdown is largely ignored by most thai establishments around the 3rd road area despite many complaints.....4am closing....no way :whistling:

Why ? I first came here in April 2000 and the bars were open till 4 AM or even later. Closed by maybe 5---6 AM to clean up then opened again by 10AM or noon.

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1 hour ago, MartiniMan said:

Thats right brother this is a buddhist country they should go back to their country if they do not like it. This is thailand.

There is no official state religion in the Thai constitution, which guarantees religious freedom for all Thai citizens,

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2 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

Gotta love the cop updating his facebook 10 seconds after the team meeting

Maybe he was checking to see if anyone on ThaiVisa was commenting about this ?  ????

(But he probably was texting his mia to let her know he was in his way to see her !)

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4 hours ago, SS1 said:

The problem there is the noise, not the fact that a bar stays open. They used to have some isolated, underground nightclubs in Bangkok that stayed up until 9am. Who can this possibly bother when there is no noise? 

I normally go to bed at 10pm and have never had an issue with noise from a bar when trying to sleep in Thailand. It's not that hard to choose a location to live that's away from this kind of stuff. 

I don't think you could have lived in many places in Thailand. I thank my lucky stars that where I live in Bangkok is peaceful and quiet but it was a matter of luck to find it. But I live in fear that it could all change and I might be powerless to stop it.



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Just a part of mentality and competences


For example i have been recently in the city of Groningen, the Ntherlands and there you have a 24/7 night/day life.


Beside the traffic is structured also the night life is easy going.

And this is on going for decades.


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15 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

Just a part of mentality and competences


For example i have been recently in the city of Groningen, the Ntherlands and there you have a 24/7 night/day life.


Beside the traffic is structured also the night life is easy going.

And this is on going for decades.


For sure they have noisy open air (sex) bars at every corner there too. So people - Groningen is the new Pattaya! Booze is cheaper and even Marihuana no problem. And I remember the ladies in the Netherlands - really not bad. And for people with Euros no fear to get poorer every day. A paradise.

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They should just enforce closing on 2am. Stop this nonsense. It does not bring anything. It only creates more disturbance and noice polution.

Bars are meant for entertainment. If you don’t like the noise, don’t live near it!

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Good!  I mean not good that there are accidents and stuff, but good they are thinking twice about this ridiculous idea of keeping bars open until 4am.  I mean, who really thinks that's a good idea?

Tourists on holiday just wants the party to keep going. Regardless, most places in Pattaya close way later except gogos.

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I think Thailand should just apply the old standard ''British Pub'' hours opening time, closing at 23.00 Mon till Sat, and at 22.30 on a Sunday  also closing in the afternoon for a couple of hours allowing for church (or mosque), and or a Sunday dinner, also the 22.30 closing puts you in the right frame of mind for work the next day, This almost diminishes the violence on the street, as the cops are still awake.

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2 hours ago, hioctane said:


Bars are meant for entertainment. If you don’t like the noise, don’t live near it!

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They built bars close to condo buildings. The condos were there first. I guess not many people would buy a condo close to a noisy area and complain afterwards. When I bought my condo there was no noise at all in my area. Now I can't even watch TV without using earphones. Talking to other people in my condo in the evening? Forget it. Complaints from my side - endless! Changes? None in years. My losses since I will have to abandon my useless condo? Several millions. And yes - I have special windows and everything else that is possible. Never ever will buy anything in Pattaya / Thailand again. Just now at 5 the noise starts again... 

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12 hours ago, riverhigh said:

"Cambodia and other nearby countries allow establishments to make their own decisions as to opening hours.  Why is Thailand such a basket case?"


Let money for profit establishments make their own decisions on public safety and well-being. Get real!! So a money for profit establishment opens a bar at the end of your street and decides to stay open late to serve all the loud drunks. Its okay because he is making a profit? If this was to happen you would be running to Thai Visa with your tail behind your back complaining.

Wow, you do have a problem with telling the difference between apples and oranges.  Being a nuisance and public endangerment do not always go hand in hand with opening hours.  Just because your are open late does not give the you the right to cause others discomfort.  I live over a bar now on a street with lots of bars.  It troubles me not one bit.   I usually live in areas where there is fun and excitement, and I have yet to see the out of control atmosphere your are talking about. 

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14 hours ago, riverhigh said:

"Cambodia and other nearby countries allow establishments to make their own decisions as to opening hours.  Why is Thailand such a basket case?"


Let money for profit establishments make their own decisions on public safety and well-being. Get real!! So a money for profit establishment opens a bar at the end of your street and decides to stay open late to serve all the loud drunks. Its okay because he is making a profit? If this was to happen you would be running to Thai Visa with your tail behind your back complaining.

How old is the average TV poster and when does he jump in his pyjama ? ???? 8pm? ????

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if it becomes law and the bars can open legal late or close if no customers.the police will no longer be able to get tea money from them.the will have to find another stream of money and that may come  from license checks and things like that.all over thailand bar owners will be happy with  legal rule

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On 9/12/2019 at 3:03 AM, timendres said:

Because everyone knows that after 2am, your trigger finger just starts to itch uncontrollably.

Ah, the 2 a.m. twich.  Normally you fire a shot at a time and wait for the effect.  After two a.m. , it's a "double tap", as you have little time before closing.

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