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Repatriating to Australia with a child. Newstart, pension?

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Only throwing things around at the moment but LOS starting to lose it's shine for me a bit. Originally came over here with a Thai girl, things didn't work out the way I planned. I am ok financially, not swimming in money. Retired young and now 55yo with a 3yo son. My son is Thai born but an Aussie citizen. Cost's me around $2000 AUS a month to live here. We live reasonably well in a nice house. Eat like kings etc so not a lot to complain about but with the climate, traffic, uncertainty of being in a foreign country, no medical etc....starting to think moving back to Oz could be an option. Worst thing for me would be selling everything I have here (no property. Only vehicles, furniture etc)


I would ideally like to start some sort of small manageable business but so far from my enquiries a lot of red tape and nanny state stuff for anything I would be interested in. Probably almost impossible for me to find work at my age and in any case I would prefer to be home with my son at least for another few years. I have been out of the country just over 5 years now. Would there be any waiting time to get Newstart or pension or whatever I would be entitled too?  I have money in the bank, no property. Last time I read it's ok to have up to $400k in cash or property and I am no where near that.


Like there is no way I could live off $400 a week but if I supplement that with some of my own money per month which I am doing in Thailand anyway it may not be too bad. From there I can work on what I want to do business wise. Has anyone done a similar thing or knows current conditions to qualify for Newstart / pension? 


My brother informed me yesterday that they are going to start drug testing people on Newstart soon,so you can look forward to peeing into a bottle every two weeks to collect you Newstart allowance.Good luck trying to put up with that kind of draconian form of gubment.Also I would check to make sure that the 400K in cash is for the pension and not Newstart as they are making it increasingly difficult.

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Unless there is something specific to you, that you know about, you do not get a pension 'til 67 years old. Keep changing it upward every now & then.

There may be a waiting time before you get any Newstart.Not sure.

If there is no actual need to do it this month, think & plan ahead.

There is an Australian pensioners thread here somewhere.

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Parenting Payment is available until child is 8 years old if single, 6 years old if couple.

$501.70 F/n (couple)

$776.10 F/n (single)


Newstart is available with a child 6/8 to 16 years old.

$501.70 F/n (couple)

$601.10 F/n (single)


Newstart has liquid assets test, there can be up to 13 weeks waiting period.



If entitled, rent allowance is $161.14 F/n.


(Rates as at May 2019)



Superannuation in the accumulation phase will not be income/asset tested.


Financial assets will be income tested and benefits will be adjusted over $160k not $400k.

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1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

If I was unemployed with a 3yo child would that be a Newstart benefit or a parenting benefit?

 If you are single you would be eligible for the single parenting benefit which is almost $300 more than Newstart.

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Read the whole article, it has not been passed and will, if passed only affect a very few people.

pro is that it will enable people to get rehab easier. Con is that it might increase crime by the desperate addicts

10 minutes ago, bluejets said:



Newstart is fence-ringed with a number of obligations, such as applying for jobs and doing a lot of BS paperwork. You are correct in assuming gaining employment as a 55 yo is difficult.

Given the cost of living in Australia is 2-3 times that of Thailand, perhaps you would be better off staying here and budgeting carefully. The only real benefit to you in Australia is the Medicare system. The benefit to your son is better education.

Be aware you have to be in Australia when you become eligible for the Age Pension, otherwise it is two years staying there to qualify.

Good luck with your choice, it's not an easy one.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Tambs2020 said:

Your brother is telling you porkies mate!  

They will not be doing this any time soon ????

They are looking at specific "trial sites" , Bankstown, Logan and few other places, still has to be passed by parliament

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  • Thanks 1


I'm in a similar situation to yourself, minus having a child. Having lived in Thailand now for just under 5 yrs I'm also planning for my return to Oz. Albeit not an easy decision to come to, but at 61yrs and now slowly drawing on my super, I feel that with the AUD now at around 20baht Thailand is no long the cheap haven that it was when I arrived here. 


If I continue to draw on my super I could probably just stretch it out till my OAP kicks in at age 67 and live a reasonably frugal life in LOS. However if I had an emergency health situation I would be stuffxx.. 


I've just returned to Melbourne to have a hernia op done, compliments of Bupa and Medicare, private hosp with total out of pocket AUD 800, which I was quoted about 150k bht for in a semi govt hosp in BKK. I have various pre-existing conditions that would exclude any expat health cover anyway.. And to self insure, with a major medical incident, could wipe all of my savings in one go.. 


Thailand is cheap for rent, utilities, Internet, data plans, public transport, taxis and street food, which is a big plus.. I'm fortunate to be renting a 3br 2br townhouse in a gated community for only 5500bht pm.. AUD 275 pm. I couldn't rent a city parking space in Oz for that.. 


However, if I burn all my current funds, and things turn pear shaped with either the dollar continuing to dive, further tightening of the screws with immigration, higher funds required in your bank account, compulsory health insurance, I like many other expats  would be forced out of Thailand.. 


If you return to Oz and are drawing a pension from your super from age 58, you will not be eligible for Newstart because it will be classed as an income stream.. If however you take out bites of dollars, eg AUD 2000 pm in lump sum withdrawals, then it won't have any affect on your assets or income.. 


A huge mistake I made 6 yrs ago was to sell my Melb house after a nasty divorce.. And even with the property downfall, and recent slow rebound, totally unaffordable in the major cities of Oz.. Melb av is around AUD 635k.. 


I've been looking at regional Vic and Rockhampton in QLD.. Less than AUD 150k will buy you a 3br house. And some of these Over 55 communities with a 45yr lease at less than 150k, no stamp duty, water or council rates, only a rental fee of less than AUD 100 pw for maintenance etc, which is eligible for the government rental assistance, which can then reduce by half..


Check out realestate app and do some searching. There are still opportunities to buy cheap. 

I'm thinking of using my super to pay cash for a cheap property, updated car and furnishings, still keeping the balance in reserve, with then Newstart and rent assistance if I go with an Over 55 Community house.. If I can find work all the better, but at least a fully paid up option.. Then more affordable. When I hit 67yrs and OAP then I can always reconsider my options.. 

Take off again or stay.. The Oz OAP now is only getting about 37k Bht per month, well under the min of 65k Thb monthly for retirement and slightly under the 40k marriage.. 

  • Like 2
31 minutes ago, owenm said:


I'm in a similar situation to yourself, minus having a child. Having lived in Thailand now for just under 5 yrs I'm also planning for my return to Oz. Albeit not an easy decision to come to, but at 61yrs and now slowly drawing on my super, I feel that with the AUD now at around 20baht Thailand is no long the cheap haven that it was when I arrived here. 


If I continue to draw on my super I could probably just stretch it out till my OAP kicks in at age 67 and live a reasonably frugal life in LOS. However if I had an emergency health situation I would be stuffxx.. 


I've just returned to Melbourne to have a hernia op done, compliments of Bupa and Medicare, private hosp with total out of pocket AUD 800, which I was quoted about 150k bht for in a semi govt hosp in BKK. I have various pre-existing conditions that would exclude any expat health cover anyway.. And to self insure, with a major medical incident, could wipe all of my savings in one go.. 


Thailand is cheap for rent, utilities, Internet, data plans, public transport, taxis and street food, which is a big plus.. I'm fortunate to be renting a 3br 2br townhouse in a gated community for only 5500bht pm.. AUD 275 pm. I couldn't rent a city parking space in Oz for that.. 


However, if I burn all my current funds, and things turn pear shaped with either the dollar continuing to dive, further tightening of the screws with immigration, higher funds required in your bank account, compulsory health insurance, I like many other expats  would be forced out of Thailand.. 


If you return to Oz and are drawing a pension from your super from age 58, you will not be eligible for Newstart because it will be classed as an income stream.. If however you take out bites of dollars, eg AUD 2000 pm in lump sum withdrawals, then it won't have any affect on your assets or income.. 


A huge mistake I made 6 yrs ago was to sell my Melb house after a nasty divorce.. And even with the property downfall, and recent slow rebound, totally unaffordable in the major cities of Oz.. Melb av is around AUD 635k.. 


I've been looking at regional Vic and Rockhampton in QLD.. Less than AUD 150k will buy you a 3br house. And some of these Over 55 communities with a 45yr lease at less than 150k, no stamp duty, water or council rates, only a rental fee of less than AUD 100 pw for maintenance etc, which is eligible for the government rental assistance, which can then reduce by half..


Check out realestate app and do some searching. There are still opportunities to buy cheap. 

I'm thinking of using my super to pay cash for a cheap property, updated car and furnishings, still keeping the balance in reserve, with then Newstart and rent assistance if I go with an Over 55 Community house.. If I can find work all the better, but at least a fully paid up option.. Then more affordable. When I hit 67yrs and OAP then I can always reconsider my options.. 

Take off again or stay.. The Oz OAP now is only getting about 37k Bht per month, well under the min of 65k Thb monthly for retirement and slightly under the 40k marriage.. 

You can buy a house a lot cheaper than that in the many little towns surrounding sugar mills in North Queensland. Great climate. Most are near a big river or the coast so if fishing is your interest look at Giru, Ingham, Macknade. Good chance at 55 years old you'll get a job too pulling 1200 bucks or more a week, and always looking for workers. Might not suit someone with a 3 year old although child care is plentiful and subsidised.


Edit to add: great place to bring up kids. Lot of freedom and none of the bullcrap of the cities. Downside is everyone knows your business but that's not much different to any village anywhere in the world including Thailand.

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  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, lambchops said:

Unless there is something specific to you, that you know about, you do not get a pension 'til 67 years old. Keep changing it upward every now & then.

There may be a waiting time before you get any Newstart.Not sure.

If there is no actual need to do it this month, think & plan ahead.

There is an Australian pensioners thread here somewhere.

My bro in law is in the Philippines, wanting to come back to Oz. He's been told that he can't apply for a pension until he's been back 2 years.

Also, to qualify for a full aged pension, you have to have worked in Oz for 35 yrs.

Anything less than 35 yrs and the pension is pro rata.

All this info is available in the Centrelink pages on the web.

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If 15 years you will be 70 and your kid will be 18, just starting his own life.


Do what is best for him now while you can.


A good education for your kid should be number 1 on the list.


PS You can always find a job if you are willing to work.

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, masuk said:

My bro in law is in the Philippines, wanting to come back to Oz. He's been told that he can't apply for a pension until he's been back 2 years.

Also, to qualify for a full aged pension, you have to have worked in Oz for 35 yrs.

Anything less than 35 yrs and the pension is pro rata.

All this info is available in the Centrelink pages on the web.

Nearly true. You can apply for the pension, if you qualify, the day you get off the plane. What you must do though, if you want portability i.e get paid the pension while not living in Australia, is to spend the previous two years in Australia. Or home detention as they call it.

Example I qualify at 66.5years. I need to return to oz at age 64.5 and do my time. When I qualify for the pension at 66.5 I can go straight away. If I wait until I'm 66.5 and return, I'll get the pension but wont be able to go overseas on the pension until age 68.5.

Confirm full pension eligibility is 35 years of residence. No need to have worked a day in your life....just lived there.

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Ah yes the shine certainly can wear off after a few years here, you should be able to get Family A & B fortnightly payments for the little one, which is about $10,000 per annum, plus rental assistance, new start, not if you have money in the bank, and Family A & B payments have an income threshold of about $50,000 before it starts getting reduced.


Think long and hard about it, it's not that easy living here, especially being a single dad, been there done that, but that was in Oz which was hard working and all.


I am going back shortly for a holiday, and am hoping it leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth as it does everytime I go back, otherwise I might be tempted, I did say, might be, but it would take a lot to upheave me from here, well, if that burning season pees me off as it always does, I might just throw the towel in as I like fresh air, and that time of the season, you just can't breath fresh air.


Best of luck

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Newstart is fence-ringed with a number of obligations, such as applying for jobs and doing a lot of BS paperwork. You are correct in assuming gaining employment as a 55 yo is difficult.

Given the cost of living in Australia is 2-3 times that of Thailand, perhaps you would be better off staying here and budgeting carefully. The only real benefit to you in Australia is the Medicare system. The benefit to your son is better education.

Be aware you have to be in Australia when you become eligible for the Age Pension, otherwise it is two years staying there to qualify.

Good luck with your choice, it's not an easy one.

Thanks for the input but eligibility for aged pension need to be there for 2 years is incorrect. You mean 2 years before the pension is transferrable to another country. Seems to be a common misconception in these forums. Last I was aware you can qualify immediately for the pension. In any case doesn't apply to me at this stage pension being at least 10 years off and probably by then non existent. Your other point about cost of living in Australia agreed, not sure about 3 times as things definitely getting more expensive here compounded by the strong baht. I draw down significantly on my own funds monthly to live in Thailand, so using the same or less funds plus some government assistance I may in fact be better off. I don't intend on bludging on welfare long term either. Only while I am getting re established back home. 

17 hours ago, Tambs2020 said:

Your brother is telling you porkies mate!  

They will not be doing this any time soon ????

And will only apply to under 35 year olds

11 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

Last I was aware you can qualify immediately for the pension.

"To get Age Pension you generally need to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years in total. For at least 5 of these years, there must be no break in your residence."  - https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/age-pension/who-can-get-it/residence-rules


12 hours ago, emptypockets said:

No need to have worked a day in your life....just lived there.

Just like a housewife

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