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Israeli election too close to call, Netanyahu weakened - exit polls

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41 minutes ago, sanemax said:

IMO , accepting gifts and doing a favour for a favour , isnt such a serious matter


Your opinion is no substitute for legal views.

28 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No , but they are currently allegations .

Before you make the claim that he has 'been engaging in massive corruption' , you need to wait until he has been found guilty of any charges


He's been engaged in them for sure. That you wish to call it "gifts" or "favors" doesn't make them so. Whether legal action would be taken is another matter.

58 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

The real losers here are the orthodox religious parties. In no possible scenario will they yield the kind of power they did in the past in this government. About damn time. Secular Israelis have had it with them, and hopefully it stays that way in future elections.


So long as there are no final results and no clear cut way forward to a coalition, I wouldn't write them off yet (though I share the sentiment above). Forming a unity government is problematic, at best, and under current conditions, more so. Further, even in the past, when such unity governments were formed, sides weren't that quick to turn on former allies, as there are the next elections to consider.


Netanyahu might still be able to form a narrow right-wing/religious coalition, which would actually give these religious parties greater power. The supposed king maker already gave a new, more pragmatic version of his conditions, maybe preparing the ladder to walk back on previous comments.


Electorally wise, they saw gains, not losses, and this trend is projected  to strengthen in the future.




I would not want to be the president of any country, what a horrible job.  Then imagine being president of a country that is surrounded by people and governments that want its destruction (suicide bombers, rocket attacks, how many intifadas?).  For all the things he is accused of (accused, not found guilty), he has a tough job and I am not going to judge him or his actions.  Just feel like all the talk these days regarding the Israel/Palestinian situation is A-historical, making Israel out to be the bad guy in the story.  The Palestinians have turned down many deals... they won't accept a peace deal, only the description of the state of Israel.  

14 minutes ago, chiman said:

I would not want to be the president of any country, what a horrible job.  Then imagine being president of a country that is surrounded by people and governments that want its destruction (suicide bombers, rocket attacks, how many intifadas?).  For all the things he is accused of (accused, not found guilty), he has a tough job and I am not going to judge him or his actions.  Just feel like all the talk these days regarding the Israel/Palestinian situation is A-historical, making Israel out to be the bad guy in the story.  The Palestinians have turned down many deals... they won't accept a peace deal, only the description of the state of Israel.  


Without getting into the above version of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - a tough job is not license for corruption. As said earlier in the topic, there were previous Israeli Prime Minister who resigned or went to prison for less than that. Netnayahu's own words, while he was in the opposition, pretty much condemned his conduct at present.

1 hour ago, chiman said:

I would not want to be the president of any country, what a horrible job.  Then imagine being president of a country that is surrounded by people and governments that want its destruction (suicide bombers, rocket attacks, how many intifadas?).  For all the things he is accused of (accused, not found guilty), he has a tough job and I am not going to judge him or his actions.  Just feel like all the talk these days regarding the Israel/Palestinian situation is A-historical, making Israel out to be the bad guy in the story.  The Palestinians have turned down many deals... they won't accept a peace deal, only the description of the state of Israel.  

And just what do other places or countries have to do with internal corruption.


Only when he is booted out will he.maybe be judged.

3 minutes ago, chiman said:

Netnayahu might be this or that, but it's not up to us to judge.  Thats up to the courts and investigators.  



Which will not really happen until he is out. While he is in he can pretty much do what he likes. Like trump.


And that is not justice

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