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Do you cheat on wife?


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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

I though it obvious, but my English is poor, so the people can not understand me. 

This is a wonderful example of Thai/foreigner (mis)understanding.

For other cultures there is no such thing as obvious.

Good understanding of the language helps but this is not just about the language.


I.e. if a Thai person asks a friend: "Are you hungry?" the Thai person understands that this obviously means "I am hungry, lets eat".

But for farangs that is not obvious - at least it takes some time to get used to how some Thai people express things.

Obvious is similar to "assume": Assume makes an ass out of you and me...

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4 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

So have I nearly 2 decades but as I use to say it's not natural of a man to live with the same woman for 20 years, that's why Arabs have a hundred wives or more.

those lucky barabs....

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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I never cheated on my Brit wife, in the UK I was faithful for 30 years, she cheated on me though.

My Thai wife encouraged me to have sex with other women, she also had the odd fling.

My Thai BiLs always invited me to go whoring with them, they were all married too.

I do cheat on my Thai gf with my former Thai wife.

Know loads of married Thai guys with gfs and mia noi's, seems entirely normal here.

that's awesome. going back to the ex for what must be assumed to be fantastic p***y....otherwise why bother even seeing her face again. 

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9 hours ago, newatthis said:

So Yinn, are you already contemplating what exciting topic you can post for us tomorrow

I have Part 3 ready.

part 1. Guy who live here but hate us

part 2 same guy marriage and moral

part 3 same guy Walter Mitty. Surprise nobody notice about the last 2 quotes on OP. 

hmmmm His “story” about himself get more and more. I think he not know about the “post” feature on the profile. Can see the lie. 


But moderator look like not like it. So ok, I not post part 3 tomorrow.


Also this guy now worry about the witch. Read it but close his mouth now. Maybe he look himself. Hope he learn. Hope he think. Hope he will be polite now. 

Up to you Walter.


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Yinn - your posts are on fire ! 


This one I cannot respond to fairly because of my polygamous beliefs


Think some married women practice polyandry in thailand. 

Women can have their husband and "brother" living close by, so she can have access to both when needed. 


Would marry a Thai government worker though, she could cover my health insurance, "brother" or not :clap2:


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11 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

so when you say Uncle you mean like your fathers much younger and super handsome brother. right?

Naw she means like that lumpen looking dude in a long coat smearing his greasy fingers on his shabby clothes who sits on a park bench smoking a dog end and watching the frilly panties run.


You know, one of those "Uncles"...


Bwaaahahahahahahahaha Uncle bwahahahahahahahaha the Man from Uncle...hey Aqualung 55555555555555 yee haw.


Damn I love it. Yinn you go girl. Watch out for those...Uncles........hahahahahahaha


Oh and I dont cheat on my wife cuz I dont have one. Its great to be me!

Edited by Nyezhov
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18 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

so when you say Uncle you mean like your fathers much younger and super handsome brother. right?

Ask your girlfriends what it mean when girl call the man “Loong”. (Uncle)

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9 hours ago, mserror said:

It is an important subject.


Non-manogamy is so common, but people pretend otherwise. If manogamy is so ideal, we would not even have the discussion.


Biology shows that non-manogamy is part of our genes.


People should just stop judging others.


Most important is what you want. How much will you compromise? After years, a marriage is more of a frienship than sexual. One or both partners may have something outside, to give them sexual fulfilment, but be happy to stay together.


Sex is for sale everywhere in Thailand. It has been part of the culture for hundreds of years and used to be legal and regulated. And Thai women generally accepted husbands visiting prostitutes occasionally. I read a big report on it!


Go anywhere, massage, bars, nightlife and I (white guy) am offered sex for sale, and none of the women I have seen have looked like victims, simply just something they choose to make money.


Affairs often cause trouble, obviously.



Really??  Well guys like sex and are usually not so shy about getting naked, so if it is such a good job why aren’t men doing it around the world???


let me answer for you ...because most men have access to decent and better paying jobs around the world???  maybe???  Among other reasons.


You see what you want to see and part of the show.

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10 hours ago, lust said:

I slept with over 30 women over the course of 30 years. Not a lot compared to a lot of guys, but it’s a lot for me. After a while, it loses its appeal. 


Now I'm married with 2 kids. Do I notice hot women? Of course. Do I imagine banging them? Sure. But sometimes the fantasy is better than the results. Pussy can make people do crazy things. It’s just an illusion though. If I have these thoughts, that’s what Porn is for. 


Whats important to me now is building a foundation for my kids, and keeping a close relationship with the girl I chose to marry. Making memories together. Family. That’s what is important in life for me now.

What did you do for the rest 29 years?  LOL


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8 hours ago, brokenbone said:

the thing about the ole white farts bitching about

thai men is that they picked it up from the numerous

thai hookers.


when there is no realistic flattery the hookers can come up with, that can have a realistic odds of calling to the decaying man, theres only two flattery tricks left:


1: i like ole farts

2: thai man no good (implying that, even tho he has absolutely nothing going for him, at least he isnt one of those 'thai man no good')


the first flattery, 'i like ole farts, is susceptible to

backfire. while a certain level of delusion is required for this flattery to strike home, chances are he is so delusional that he doesnt even recognize he's an ole fart,

alas the 2nd flattery tactics is preferable.

the downside is he, just like the hookers that got him into it,

keep repeating it ad naseum, and what is worse, on tvf

You are one of the few who have obviously learned a few things here!  I thought everyone knew that after a few years at least but apparently not!

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7 hours ago, riclag said:

I can only talk of my Thai culture experiences. In the past especially, it was acceptable for some to have giks and mare noi's !


I feel lucky my wife looks at a short time interlude as a males right to have fun!

She has no interest to  reciprocate nor feel threaten when I gaze upon a beautiful women  !

Maybe she is okay with it because you have been having affairs with little horses???

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12 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Most farang I know, who are stupid enough to get married, do cheat. The ones that don't are pretty old and can't use their 'thing' much anyway or very young and still get a sense of the 'newness' of their young Thai wife.


Who wants Pizza everyday? what's the point of coming here and reinventing a 60 year old as a 30 year old and repeat what they did in farangland?  still each to their own and I don't judge those that are emotionally needy and marry - good luck to all!  the more guys locked-away is more women for me


This is just blah blah blah from a guy who couldn't get near a woman if he paid her. Now he's living the dream - he can pay them and they will come FINALLY.


You have no ethics or morality. Sense of entitlement and reeking of sociopathy


Been with my attractive 43 yo wife which farang 34 often hit on when we're in the national parks. She's 42kg. In the US we've been kicked out of liquor stores because she apparently looks under 21. We've been together ten years this December. I've never cheated on her since the moment I met her.


Prior to that I was quite a Playboy. Maybe since I was 13 not to put too fine a point on it. I credit my wife for me not dying of some disgusting disease, contracting herpes or dying of alcohol.


We met when I was 49. Decades in Asia living a life that would in all likelihood make you blush. But somehow you have it all covered. The fountain of wisdom.


My hunch is you couldn't pay a woman good money to live under the same roof as you. Your post just has that *I need a shower* feeling after reading.


Rave all you want but a good woman, a companion for life, someone that has your back. Takes care of you, tucks you in at night with a kiss. That's a life.


Sleeping alone in a bedsit with all those natty wh0res and thots visiting whenever you can scare up a few thousand and creep down to Nana. That's not satisfaction, that's pathetic. If you were a real player you'd be in Newport Beach CA hosing down 19 year olds not down at Cowboy begging mother's of 2 from Buriram to come home with you.


Dying infirm, alone. In your 70s a voidy numbness. You know the price of everything but the value of nothing.


No. I've never cheated. You will never have the chance.

Edited by Number 6
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11 hours ago, Yinn said:






I used to give you the benefit of the doubt about being a Thai female. Looking at that video and the others that are shown when the clip ends has ended that. No way known any Thai person would watch or understand Saturday Night Live or Monty Python. You may have grown up in the west perhaps and this may have had an influence on your sense of humour.

But at the moment I am leaning towards you being a total fraud with respect to being a Thai female.

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3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt about being a Thai female. Looking at that video and the others that are shown when the clip ends has ended that. No way known any Thai person would watch or understand Saturday Night Live or Monty Python. You may have grown up in the west perhaps and this may have had an influence on your sense of humour.

But at the moment I am leaning towards you being a total fraud with respect to being a Thai female.

no, someone else posted this video clip first

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23 hours ago, EricTh said:

Western culture is different from eastern culture.


Traditionally, eastern culture do not permit extramarital sex but not so in western culture.


So it's quite common for westerners to have sex outside and before marriage.

???????????????????????????????????????? you obviously haven't noticed all the "man ruud" love hotels densely packed into any Thai city of any size. those hotels are NOT primarily for farangs, they're for Thais, some of the horniest people on the planet (and I'm not talking about the sex industry either, though there's a reason it's so huge in Thailand).

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^ I always thought love hotels are exactly what they are? Many young Thais live with their parents. Either in the house or in the family compound so need somewhere to go for discrete sex. Just thinking maybe how much easier my formative tears would have been if there had been "love hotels"

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11 hours ago, emptypockets said:

 No way known any Thai person would watch or understand Saturday Night Live or Monty Python.


Yes we all stupid people. Not know about the witch.


11 hours ago, emptypockets said:


You may have grown up in the west perhaps and this may have had an influence on your sense of humour.


Never go to the “west” before.


11 hours ago, emptypockets said:


But at the moment I am leaning towards you being a total fraud with respect to being a Thai female.

Ok. Another one. 

Kill the witch.



8 hours ago, brokenbone said:

no, someone else posted this video clip first


True. But I already know about the witch.


We have similar thai one Grasue, pee nak, pee bop. 


and we have movie from the west. Even have internet.








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