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Can you really hook up with Thai girls in shopping malls?

cyril sneer

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On 9/21/2019 at 9:44 AM, bkk6060 said:

If a person is totally lame..No.


In my 60ś I cannot even count how many girls I have met at Central mall in Pattaya.

Go in the afternoon around 4 pm cute girls walking all around the place.

Up and down the escalators walk around you will get smiles and start a conversation if you know how to do that.

Too many to count very very easy.

Please don't encourage him to do bad things. From his post I gather if there is a hole in the wall he will put his little little pinky in that hole. Desperate people do desperate thing they say.

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On 9/23/2019 at 6:26 PM, BobbyL said:

A few dates later and we were in bed all weekend ????.

Why cant people mention sex without laughing ?

Its quite common in Thailand , *sex* is the funniest word in the World .

Just say the word and everyone bursts out laughing .

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27 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Why cant people mention sex without laughing ?

Its quite common in Thailand , *sex* is the funniest word in the World .

Just say the word and everyone bursts out laughing .

Not laughing, I am licking my lips remembering it! 

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Not a shopping mall but speaking from personal experience a stall vendor from Khaosan Road. 


I was just having an afternoon beer watching the world go by. There was a woman at a stall the other side of the road who was quite fit. I kept on looking over, and it seemed like she was looking over to me too. I smiled over, and then she was kind of laughing and joking with her mate. 


Anyway, eventually I crossed over to say hello. She was pleasantly surprised that I spoke Thai, and we exchanged numbers and I told her where I was staying.


I didn't really think anything of it as I was going to the UK in a couple of days, and funnily enough I'd just met the woman who would later become my wife. Plus I'd had a heavy night previously and was tired. 


I'm back at the hotel later on and she calls asking me if she can come over. From tiredness and guilt over my future wife I tried to deter her, but about an hour later there was a knock at the door and she's standing there with a burger for me in case I was hungry asking me to come in. 


Turns out she's never really had a bf before, at least that's what she said, but she really wanted to see what a foreigner was like. I told her about going to the UK, and the  future wife, but she didn't care. Iwas also a bit rude to her because I'm not a fan of burgers but I guess she thought that's what all foreigners like. Just gets in the bed and lies down. 


I really tried to be good but I just couldn't resist in the end. I'll never forget she was cuddling me and doing this wierd heavy breathing thing in my ear. So it happened. We spent about four hours together and then she got the bus home. 


Never saw her again, and met the future wife again before going back to the UK. 


So to answer the OP, yes, it can happen. 


I was in my twenties then though, and a handsome man. 


About 15 years ago now. 


Amazing Thailand. 



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