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Can you really hook up with Thai girls in shopping malls?

cyril sneer

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Hook up I dont know but for sure you can talk to any girl and then ask if she want to join you for coffee. You would be amazed about the difference in European countries where the girl would look down on you, and here where she would actually respond in a nice manner a yes or no

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Put this whole discussion in context: who on this thread would, walking around a mall in NY or Toronto or London or Paris or Zurich or Berlin or or or, attempt to talk to a "white' woman totally unknown to them???


If you would not attempt a conversation with Suzy Q in any of those western world capitals, why not?

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I would say if your good looking, dress well, look confident, know how to talk the talk, you shouldn't have any trouble chatting to any of the girls, anywhere, if you ask me, girls like being approached, especially if you have good one liners, such as, oh excuse me please, can you help me, I was looking to have lunch with a pretty lady, but I have been having trouble finding one until now, would you care to join me, just for lunch, please, now most blokes will laugh, but persistence works most times, ok, how about dessert, or coffee, I won't bite you, I'm here by myself and just want someone to join me, especially some one so pretty like you.


Sounds cornish, but without bait, you have slim chances of catching fish, regardless of them being Thai or not, females love compliments, they love the chase, used to do this back home with my mates to see who would score first, not about sex, the kill, but you have to have balls, because you will get rejections, and that's normal, some are shyer than others, some married, have boyfriends, and might not speak the language, or may think your a stalker, so know when to back off and be respectful at all times.


If you have the above, your in with a 50% chance, now as for getting to the next base, can't answer that one, because all women are not alike, some are keen, others not, but it's all about the numbers game, me, personally at my age 59, prefer to walk up to one in a bar, have a few drinks, play a couple of games of pool, secure her for the short time, and be done and dusted, and then home to the wife :1zgarz5:.   

Worst pickup line ever, telling a pretty girl she's pretty doesn't work. Works with average or below.


Pretty girls have to be push pulled

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Nah, a mix between bruce Willis and Jason Statman, they say ????


Obvious, girls who contact men at shopping center, is freelancing. Should not be necessery to to mention at all. They might look for better life, better terms, etc, but most just want a easy life, way out, or living while they can. 


Some of them is actually students, claiming they are practising their english, and when that happend, it is okay, to young for me anyway. Useally a group of more than 3. 

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4 minutes ago, mikey00 said:

Worst pickup line ever, telling a pretty girl she's pretty doesn't work. Works with average or below.


Pretty girls have to be push pulled

You are wrong, every girl likes to hear they are pretty, and thats what works best. If it doesnt work, that mean you are not up to her scale ????

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14 minutes ago, namatjira said:

I have been lucky twice, both times in pattaya.....

in the bar with hookers all around, which I am not so 

keen on, so clever me decided to chat up the cashier who was not 

a hooker.....she had only been there one week and was a cashier only, never been a hooker.

so there you go, there are decent girls in those bars doing regular jobs.....aim high I always say...…


You must be a newbie. Everyone that is working in a bar beer is available. 

If she spoke conversational English she ain't been there only a week. That must be the oldest line ever after "hansum man"- "me no bargirl; only started yesterday".


Here's a hint, if she screws you, she'll screw anyone with the readies. Good Thai girls don't with anyone before they get married. Only virgins get the high sin sod.

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1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

the main reason I ask this question is that where I live i've yet to meet a thai person capable of conversing in english


so even if I strike up a conversation I assume 90% will only be able to say 'i'm fine thank you and you?'


additionally, the good looking ones usually have an old thai man taking care of them, so would likely get fobbed off


so i'm wondering how these older fatter men are managing to pull it off...????

It would be interesting if you told us how old ( in your 30's or 40"s ?)........ and how long you have been in Thailand.    Also are you reasonably attractive ?  

You indicate that you want to converse in English but that is not how it works.   It took me years ( putting in a moderate level of effort) to  be able to converse.  And not too well i will admit.  Takes a LOT of effort and time but little by little it gets better.

 the rewards are tremendous.  I will never understand those that say they don't care , its not important  blah blah.   Well, I do understand why they say that....   but we won't get into that here

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


You must be a newbie. Everyone that is working in a bar beer is available. 

If she spoke conversational English she ain't been there only a week. That must be the oldest line ever after "hansum man"- "me no bargirl; only started yesterday".


Here's a hint, if she screws you, she'll screw anyone with the readies. Good Thai girls don't with anyone before they get married. Only virgins get the high sin sod.

almost, but not all, i recall a girl making lesbo show in a gogo, turns out she was lesbo and had zero intention of having anything to do with any customer,

cept perhaps if a lesbian dropped by with a barfine.

btw i am certain the guy you responded to was talking in jest

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:
2 hours ago, Mac98 said:

is it 30,000 now?

The days of 15,000 seem to be behind us, according to my single friends. Unless they are older, or in the boonies. In Hua Hin now, 30,000 is the starting price. I know. It sounds crazy. But, things change, expectations change, gals share their stories about the suckers, and the emotionally vulnerable men who come here with cash, and then the hurdles get raised. Of course, it also depends on how old the guy is, how young the woman is, and how fine she is. And we are really talking about rentals, for the most part. 


personally i wouldn't consider living with a chick for less tha 60k/month; 60k given to me that is and she must be attractive, fit and slim

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6 hours ago, pookondee said:

Of course!

Just walk around pretending to accidentily drop 100baht notes.

They will be following you around like the pied piper!


6 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Depends what you mean by hook up ?  Guys that marry bargirls tend to think every Thai girl is for sale.


Proof...????   Thanks Peter, at least you know the score. Its amazing how many men living here have never met women outside of those for sale.   

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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

If a person is totally lame..No.


In my 60ś I cannot even count how many girls I have met at Central mall in Pattaya.

Go in the afternoon around 4 pm cute girls walking all around the place.

Up and down the escalators walk around you will get smiles and start a conversation if you know how to do that.

Too many to count very very easy.

I’m not sure if it’s nausea I’m feeling or depression, actually I think it’s both.

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I would say if your good looking, dress well, look confident, know how to talk the talk, you shouldn't have any trouble chatting to any of the girls, anywhere, if you ask me, girls like being approached, especially if you have good one liners, such as, oh excuse me please, can you help me, I was looking to have lunch with a pretty lady, but I have been having trouble finding one until now, would you care to join me, just for lunch, please, now most blokes will laugh, but persistence works most times, ok, how about dessert, or coffee, I won't bite you, I'm here by myself and just want someone to join me, especially some one so pretty like you.


Sounds cornish, but without bait, you have slim chances of catching fish, regardless of them being Thai or not, females love compliments, they love the chase, used to do this back home with my mates to see who would score first, not about sex, the kill, but you have to have balls, because you will get rejections, and that's normal, some are shyer than others, some married, have boyfriends, and might not speak the language, or may think your a stalker, so know when to back off and be respectful at all times.


If you have the above, your in with a 50% chance, now as for getting to the next base, can't answer that one, because all women are not alike, some are keen, others not, but it's all about the numbers game, me, personally at my age 59, prefer to walk up to one in a bar, have a few drinks, play a couple of games of pool, secure her for the short time, and be done and dusted, and then home to the wife :1zgarz5:.   


6 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

Sure you can. Hookers go shopping too

If you are well presented you have a good chance as many Thai girls would like to have a farang bf. Don’t expect her to put out in the first date either. Most Thai girls have a reputation they want to keep. Stick to bar girls if you just want a quicky.

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Not read all this thread but last time I was in Pattaya I had to go to Central one morning and was early. So I stood outside awaiting opening and "people watching" A pretty lady was doing the same thing and we smiled at each other. I said hello in English, so did she and we started chatting and I invited her for a coffee after she'd finished in the shops. She was happy to exchange numbers so we met for coffee and a chat later. Saw her for a "date" a few days later and she was clearly NOT a "working girl". It might have gone further but I wasn't staying much longer and after about an hour talking, we really didn't connect and there was  a sort of unspoken feeling of "nice to have met you but..."  I did enjoy her company and I THINK she enjoyed mine.


Now I'm a fairly average looking guy, don't dress "flashy" nor am I a scruffbag!

The thing is that, in Thailand, if a man smiles at a lady in public, she will probably return the smile even if it's just to acknowledge. That encourages a polite approach and I've found that if they're not interested they "smile and move on" ????

Women in the West tend to glare at one as if you'd just crawled out of a ditch - who needs that?! ????

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8 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

I’ve recently discovered a huge mall next to a university campus full of students.

it's easy. you pull up in your Mercedes SLK 250 in the VIP parking area. Get out, walk through the mall and when you get back to your car there will be a two girls waiting for you.

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

good one liners, such as, oh excuse me please, can you help me, I was looking to have lunch with a pretty lady, but I have been having trouble finding one until now, would you care to join me, just for lunch, please,

Odd what some old farang thinks is a "good one-liner".

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It depends on alot of factors. How handsome are you? How young are you? How well dressed are you? Do you speak some Thai? Are you funny and charming? Are you ok with a fairly high rejection rate? All of those factors make a big difference. 


I have a couple of friends who hit on strangers on the street, in malls, at bars and restaurants, in parks, and wherever they can. And they do well. But they have really good rap, and great skill at such. I am talking about civilians, not bar girls. It is a numbers game. If you chat with enough gals here, you will have some success. But, you have to be willing to handle the rejection with grace, humor, and the attitude of a true sportsman. Water off a ducks back. 

But that is not of course confined to Thailand and its Malls.  Those kind of chaps do that everywhere and are generally successful everywhere.  I of course hate them with every fibre of my being.  ???? 

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19 hours ago, tgw said:

"hook up" is a bit crude, but if we can translate this into "making opposite sex acquaintances that have a future potential of turning into a romantic interest", then certainly yes.


Just be friendly and polite and if you think she likes you, then ask for her line ID, then if she really likes you she will give it to you and later per line agree to meet for lunch or a drink in a venue with a good reputation. If single & interested, she will meet you - maybe accompanied by a chaperone the first time.


It's astonishing how many Thai girls are single, even many good looking ones.

Its better to be honest , I say to pretty girls in shopping centers '" Hi gorgeous , I've spent the last 10 years paying prostitutes for sex and now the Baht is high , I just cannot afford it these days . I'm feeling horny but no money ,would you like to have sex for free and i'll buy you dinner or a coffee''

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8 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

Can you really hook up with Thai girls in shopping malls?

My neighbor a few year back did it; a beautiful young, little hi-so style lady, speaking excellent English. And she had never been near a bar, other than as guest, and she had done self-taught English studies in preparation to mingle with foreigners. She had a normal work before she met our well-off neighbor that wished her to stay with him, full time. She became a good friend to me and my GF, also after she had finished with the neighbor, and moved on to another farang.


Seems like – to my knowledge and experience from numerous Thai friends – that many a Thai girl or lady dream about a foreign husband, but would not enter into a job in entertainment business to find a "prince on a white horse" – Okay "in a white Mercedes" – but rather hope to meet a handsum man through a normal work, or by incident in a shopping mall, or even in a disco (not freelancing, so don't expect anything like a fast one-night-stand). They might also use dating sites; I know a few that tried that, but unfortunately got disappointed as the foreigner was merely into sex rather than a long-term relationship, when she finally met him. I have a number of friends – and I'm not talking about birds from the nightlife – that ended up with foreign marriage.


And you can of course also meet both bar girls and freelancers out for shopping – and you might never find out that the girl had been freelancing – or students dreaming about a sugar daddy...????


8 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

How does one go about it without looking creepy?

I would first of all say dress nice – there is a dress code in Thailand, even it seem unknown to many a farang – and act normal and polite. The "dream prince" is often considered as both gentleman and provider. Eye contact and a smile is the opening, if no mutual interest from the other part, just forget it. A polite act can easily be the opening for starting a conversation...????

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5 hours ago, Tagged said:

Girls often come and want to practice their english with me while Im waiting for my gf shopping, but dissapear quick when my gf coming with a grumphy face. What they really want, not sure 

When I'm out on my own in a shopping mall sometimes little angry looking girls I dont know – or at least don't recall – comes and ask me: »Where's your wife?« I'm not married, but might be considered so in Thailand. When I say that I'm alone the girls smile to me – I'm unsure how I shall understand that...:unsure:

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