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Visiting Pattaya Take Note !


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Just spent another lovely 3 weeks in Patters, no trouble, never to my knowledge got ripped off ! saw less drunks at night than in my home town !

Family holidays , well not so sure ! but if your single like me great fun.

Don't listen to the doom and gloom men, Patters is fine ! there again I don't plan on living there !............................ just wait for all the negative replys lol

I will be back ! Thank's for a great time !

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This was "another lovely three weeks in Pattaya" but how many times have you been there altogether?

If less than ten, you are still a Pattaya newbie.

If you love it now, you will love it much more with each and every visit.

...and, yes....I'm sure that the thought of living there full time will become part of your future daily dreams. :o

After all...Pattaya is paradise.

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MM - totally agree.

yeah, ive been saying im leaving the bunghole for a few years now, but it and thailand are now offically holiday stops. pattaya is sour, dirty and has lots of baggage. the building boom has made it even more crappier when you thought it couldnt get any more ugly. its like a big prison block.

its just r/r an dim looking at philippines and central america (few yrs from now).

if all you are is a punter on a holiday fortnight, you get drunk every nigh and basically see little of pattay in the day or not clued in on the drugs/tragedies -broken lives that happen daily before ones eyes. not to mention th eillmannered aggressive drunks (sans shirt or wearing en vouge singlet) oh and you gotta love the facial tatoos.

pattaya was finished three years ago - that is to say thats when the LAST nail went in the coffin.

i would also like to say that the thai govt has no business pushing pattaya as a family holiday. some of the things i see in the street make me blush - and id lived there ofn/off for years. i feel really sorry for poor families on the cheap holiday exposed to the madness and it can be MADNESS.

Edited by jinjok
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Here we go again... another Pattaya lovers/bashers thread... :o

Yeah, but without threads like this, how would we of the Pattaya Defense League (PDL) be able to bash the bashers ? :D

It does get a little boring though, having to fight the same fight over and over again. Kinda like where I am now, the other side just doesn't get it. They aren't going to win, their efforts are futile, but they persist all the same. There is no victory to be won, they will never convince anyone to give up on Pattaya (except those few that already have or or the few that have never actually been here). Why they waste their time and effort on a subject they apparently have no interest in is beyond me. As I mentioned in a similar thread, they should put some of that time and effort into finding the "perfect" place to move to, and then extolling the virtues of that place. But no, they continue to bash Pattaya. It's really quite pathetic.

You want to rant on about an absolutely crappy place to live ? Try where I'm at now (Kandahar), or where I was before this (Kabul). Trust me, there are far, far worse places to live in the world than Pattaya. Be thankful for what you've got, and be glad circumstances don't see you in a worse location.

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Well said Kerryd and the OP. :o

I don't like Bangkok but I don't go on and on and on and on and interminably on about it like these Pattaya bashers. It must be something in the genes and the way they drag their knuckles on the ground when they walk down the street that makes them the way they are.

I guess the neanderthal mentality just can't get the idea that if you don't like a place don't go there and don't visit fora dedicated to the place.

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PhilHarries, first of all, congratulations on your promotion to moderator. As far as I am aware, it is the 'Pattaya Forum' and not the 'Pattaya Lovers Only Forum'. Some people like the place whilst others don't. The ones who do not like the place are as much entitled to post their views as the ones who do.

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Thing is, most of the bashers never got further than to 3rd road, maybe Sukhumvit if they were lucky. The majority of those of those of us who actually live here live out on the other side of Sukhumvit in big green walled estates with pool, security, peace and quiet. It's like any other medium-large city in the world, downtown is rarely beautiful, it's just where the action is, few people want to actually live there, particularly with a family. Suburbia is for that.

Edited by Phil Conners
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This was "another lovely three weeks in Pattaya" but how many times have you been there altogether?

If less than ten, you are still a Pattaya newbie.

If you love it now, you will love it much more with each and every visit.

...and, yes....I'm sure that the thought of living there full time will become part of your future daily dreams. :o

After all...Pattaya is paradise.

I see now you were taking this P..s mouse ! I posted my original comment to alay peoples fears that Pattaya is no worse, and in some cases better than other cities around the world.

Anyone reading this forum could easily get put off by some constant negative posts on the subject.

I could have gone arround drunk, abusing the citizens, and get hated by the locals, be nice to people and in general you will get the same back.

But as said in a previous post I allways feel as a farrang in LOS I am only tolerated, and I can see a reason for this, if I was a Thai man I would probably resent Farangs coming to steal my woman and turn many into working girls, amongst other reasons.

Patters to me is just a fun place to stop on route to and from Aus, should I marry, I wont take the wife and kids there !

I was in Aus when they had the big mouse plauge many years ago, they killed most of them, you obviously escaped then ?

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Went into CSLoxinfo this morning to pay my IPStar bill, crossed half way and stood awkwardly on the yellow line in the middle of the road for what seemed an eternity, then a white police car came along and stopped, turned on his blinkers and waved me to cross the road. I waved to him and he waved back and smiled, You can't get better than that, such a small thing but it made my day :o

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I see now you were taking this P..s mouse ! I posted my original comment to alay peoples fears that Pattaya is no worse, and in some cases better than other cities around the world.

I'm sure that you have mis-read my post. You couldn't find a more pro-Pattaya person than me. I have been travelling there since Adam was a boy and I never get tired of the place. My post was aimed at encouraging you to become a regular visitor to Pattaya and assuring you that you will like it more with each visit. Re-read the last line in my post....there was no sarcasm intended.

I was in Aus when they had the big mouse plauge many years ago, they killed most of them, you obviously escaped then ?

That's because I'm a Mighty Mouse.

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But as said in a previous post I allways feel as a farrang in LOS I am only tolerated, and I can see a reason for this, if I was a Thai man I would probably resent Farangs coming to steal my woman and turn many into working girls, amongst other reasons.

To whatever degree it exists, the xenophobic resentment of the average Thai male in the streets of Pattaya towards the average Western male has very little to do with the farang's participation in sex-tourism or sex-patriotism (if that's a valid term).

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Jai Dee, I think this thread should be dumped in the Bashers Bin :o .


Who are you to ask for a reasonable debate to be closed ? what is a forum for ? You will allways get "fours and againsts" in any subject.

May as well close close the Pattaya section down eh what ? cause it will allways surface again, do you have a better subject we could start ?

And Mighty mouse your forgiven, glad all those guys with sticks never got ya !

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Jai Dee, I think this thread should be dumped in the Bashers Bin :D .


Who are you to ask for a reasonable debate to be closed ? what is a forum for ? You will allways get "fours and againsts" in any subject.

What about me ? :o

As for "reasonable debate", that is rarely the case when it comes to the "bashers". Someone comes in here and starts slagging Pattaya, others point out where they are wrong, mis-informed or just plain don't know what they are talking about, and it turns into a flame-fest.

Many of the bashers don't live in Pattaya, or even visit the city, yet they try to come across as "all-knowing, all-seeing" experts. When confronted by members who actually do live in (around) Pattaya, the bashers tend to clam up pretty quick.

Problem is, a couple days later another one shows up and it starts all over again.

I have no problem with having a "reasonable" debate on the pros/cons of Pattaya. I've said it all along that Pattaya isn't perfect. Some of it's problems are touchy topics here (on TV). Hard to discuss them without someone stepping over the line and getting the thread shut down. Other problems are not that much different than things that happen in cities in your home countries (crime, city administration, policing problems, infrastructure maintenance, ect).

So, if you want to have an intelligent, reasonable debate about Pattaya, bring it on. :D

If you just want to badmouth it without anything to back up your statements, take a hike. We've got enough bashers already.

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Mr H. Criticism is one thing but outright slagging off on a thread that was in a positive vein is another altogether. If the OP had included paragraphs bemoaning the appalling state of Pattaya's sidewalks, scruffy beach, polluted sea etc etc I'd have had to agree with any that joined in. Pattaya does have it's faults and we all know them well but it does have it's good points and attractions beyond the beer bars etc. But some people seem to think they are on a god ordained mission to slag off anything they don't like including Pattaya.

PS Thanks for the congrats but the day I'm promoted to moderator pigs, and hippos, really will fly. :o

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You will allways get "fours and againsts" in any subject.

what about the fives? :o

I usually fluctuate between the 6s & 9s ! :D

Actually Four somes can be good fun in Patters ! and your right I'm talking about going for a nice meal, etc, etc.

Tell me someone where else can one have so much fun for so little money ? most certainly not in Mr blairs state controlled Britain !

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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Edited by Mighty Mouse
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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Well I'm officially off Chang now, so I dare say neither. :D

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Just spent another lovely 3 weeks in Patters, no trouble, never to my knowledge got ripped off ! saw less drunks at night than in my home town !

Family holidays , well not so sure ! but if your single like me great fun.

Don't listen to the doom and gloom men, Patters is fine ! there again I don't plan on living there !............................ just wait for all the negative replys lol

I will be back ! Thank's for a great time !


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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Well I'm officially off Chang now, so I dare say neither. :D

I always said Singha tastes better.... :D

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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Well I'm officially off Chang now, so I dare say neither. :D

I always said Singha tastes better.... :D

And i thought Germans were supposed to have good taste in beer!!!!!

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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Well I'm officially off Chang now, so I dare say neither. :D

I always said Singha tastes better.... :D

And i thought Germans were supposed to have good taste in beer!!!!!

Coming from someone who drinks Heineken, thats lovely!!! :D

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Fking Patters!!! It's a bloody horrible place - made me drink excessive Chang bottles at the piss-up. I'm not going back again!!! :D

Where would you rather drink Chang beer to excess, at a TV piss up or at Jenny Bar?? :o

Well I'm officially off Chang now, so I dare say neither. :D

I always said Singha tastes better.... :D

And i thought Germans were supposed to have good taste in beer!!!!!

we don't drink it luke-warm to start with...

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As a personal observation, quality is more important than quantity. Be it in number of trips or number of posts.

For example, I've only taken (1) ten day trip to Egypt, but it was a quality trip, one of the best I've ever been on, and one I'll remember for the rest of my life. On the other hand, I've been to Dubai numerous times and find that I'd rather just leave for somewhere else rather than spend any time there. Nothing really wrong with the place, it just doesn't hold any attraction for me.

I think I know what wilko was trying to say. Many people make their first trip to Thailand and fall in love with the place. They are so blinded by the "exoticness" of everything, that they are blinded to the less desirable aspects of the place. Once you've been here a few times, the blinders start to open and you notice some of those other aspects and your views/feelings about the place start to change (i.e. reality sets in).

A very, very small number of people come here and have a "less pleasant" experience for what ever reason, and they too are blinded. If they were to return a few more times, they might come to realise that their personal experience was an exception to the rule. You've heard the old saying "First Impressions are Lasting Impressions" ? It doesn't just apply to meeting people for the first time. You may take a disliking to someone the first time you meet them, but over time come to realise that they really aren't that bad of a person, maybe they were just having a bad day when you met them. Same goes for travelling (at home or abroad).

I'd like to carry on, but I've got to get to work. Remember, play nice and lets have an intelligent discussion ! P.gif

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