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Pattaya Newspapers


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The Local Rags here REALLY are.......

What one is the worst in your opinion?

To start things off I say Pattaya People.

What's wrong with it? EVERYTHING!

OK not a newspaper but media non the less without doubt my vote goes to Pattaya City News what a bloody joke that is

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The Local Rags here REALLY are.......

What one is the worst in your opinion?

To start things off I say Pattaya People.

What's wrong with it? EVERYTHING!

OK not a newspaper but media non the less without doubt my vote goes to Pattaya City News what a bloody joke that is

A bigger one than Pattaya People?

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I find the writing style in all of them to be highly amusing. None of this "objectively reporting the facts with no emotion" stuff. Wise cracks, puns and humorous asides are quite common. It did take me a while to get used to it though. It's definitely more of a small town newspaper type/style.

A typical example of the style, hardly likely to be found in the Wall Street Journal:

Cable Thieves Caught by Quick Police Response.

At 5.30 on Friday morning a police patrol from the Dong-tan sub-station were called to Soi Chaiyapreuk 2 in Jomtien after receiving a report claiming two men were seen walking down the street carrying electrical cable and a circuit breaker.

Police easily spotted the two men, one aged 32, the other 25, as they were the only ones wandering down this particular stretch of tarmac carrying a lot of electrical wiring. When they saw the police they decided they might have a difficult time answering questions and attempted to run away. The men in brown were too fleet-footed for the pair and they were quickly taken into custody. Back at the station they were urine tested and came up positive for ya bah, at which point they confessed they wanted to steal the cable to sell for money to buy drugs.

( http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_16_03_50_4.htm )

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"Pattaya People" definitely takes the biscuit.

Why this sycophantic rag is called "Pattaya People" is beyond me. There are many non-Thai people in Pattaya who deserve a front page bio but it seldom, if ever, happens. But, I guess that it's a means to an end for somebody.

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Pattaya People News, mostly because it looks like a sleazy tabloid rather than a respectable source for news. Inside, it's not much better... the stories are not set up in a proper journalistic format (who, what, where, when and why in the first paragraph).

I actually know a "friend of a friend" who volunteered at PPN for a few months, and apparently, all the television news and printed news is taken from the previous night's police reports and city hall notices and translated from Thai into English... VERBATIM. Hence, the complete dearth of journalistic creativity, proper grammar usage and usefulness.

We will never see stories about when this water pipeline work in South Pattaya will be finished, how long Thappraya Road's widening will take, or what is being done about water shortages.... but we will always know the name, age and nationality of ANYONE who so much slips on a banana peel.

These rags do a complete disservice to the city of Pattaya by being lazy, and focusing on everything negative about the city. Any first-timer who reads any of these so-called "newspapers" would assume that Pattaya is a crime-ridden cesspool, which (in comparison to other like-sized cities all over the world), it is not.

Pattaya Mail is the only paper that I would even consider extracting anything newsworthy from.

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They're all pretty trashy, but they probably make more entertaining reading than some of the provincial rags back in the UK.

I think Pattaya Today is marginally ahead of Pattaya Mail with Pattaya people a distant third. I say 'Today',only because at least they make a reasonable attempt to answer readers' letters with useful information.

I can't remember which one it was - 'Today' I think - where recently the editor admitted that it was impossible for them to be at the forefront of unbiased, investigative journalism, due to severe financial restraints and their dependence of some key sponsors. At least he was honest enough to admit it.

My all time aggravation is that bloody lawyer, I think he's in 'Today', who writes biggest load of sh..ite about farangs and the property laws I have ever read. If you look back at his articles over the last year or so, you will see he has done a total about face (if you can understand his ungrammatical, hyperbolic garbage), and gives you the impression that he has never given the readers a bum steer!!

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"Pattaya People" definitely takes the biscuit.

Why this sycophantic rag is called "Pattaya People" is beyond me. There are many non-Thai people in Pattaya who deserve a front page bio but it seldom, if ever, happens. But, I guess that it's a means to an end for somebody.

It's 'a sycophantic Rag' because it's owned by the biggest Sycophant inThailand.....Have you noticed how the full name and rank of every member of officialdom is slavishly mentioned. Sometimes there are more names than storyline! And what about the Birthday parties? And the endless boring Meetings at City Hall. And never NEVER any criticism of anyone there........

Edited by Luckydog
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...............I can't remember which one it was - 'Today' I think - where recently the editor admitted that it was impossible for them to be at the forefront of unbiased, investigative journalism, due to severe financial restraints and their dependence of some key sponsors. At least he was honest enough to admit it...............

Hi Mobi,

......and don't forget that there is mafia in Pattaya and it would be most unhealthy and unwise for an editor to confront these "dark influences". Maybe some of these "key sponsors" are such mafia. Who knows? Ask the editor of the "Pattaya Mail" where "unbiased, investigative journalism" got him many years ago.

"Pattaya Today"?...............Worth reading in the toilet if there's nothing else.

"Pattaya Mail"? .................Tear it up and stick it on a nail behind the toilet door.

"Pattaya People"? .............Wouldn't even give it the honour of my backside.

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...............I can't remember which one it was - 'Today' I think - where recently the editor admitted that it was impossible for them to be at the forefront of unbiased, investigative journalism, due to severe financial restraints and their dependence of some key sponsors. At least he was honest enough to admit it...............

Hi Mobi,

......and don't forget that there is mafia in Pattaya and it would be most unhealthy and unwise for an editor to confront these "dark influences". Maybe some of these "key sponsors" are such mafia. Who knows? Ask the editor of the "Pattaya Mail" where "unbiased, investigative journalism" got him many years ago.

"Pattaya Today"?...............Worth reading in the toilet if there's nothing else.

"Pattaya Mail"? .................Tear it up and stick it on a nail behind the toilet door.

"Pattaya People"? .............Wouldn't even give it the honour of my backside.


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Pattaya Stupid People is my wife's favorite show. I like it too. It's a trainwreck on TV that is a must see. Bad journalism, horrible pronunciation, and we get to see Nils Koloff SIC ask stupid questions of not so smart people.

Where else can you see your neighbor naked? Ok, he's dead but he will get at least 2 minutes with his ass in the air when he falls off the $hitter of a heart attack.



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Pattaya Today ... Not too bad.

Pattaya People ... Never buy it anymore.

Pattaya Mail ... Truly awful ... Just social news with pics. of various Malhorta's.


.....and don't forget "the person who has excelled in fields as diverse as medicine and motor racing, photography and philanthropy, who is a raconteur and restive, a gastronome and a gentleman, a man of the world and a man of the word, a restaurateur and a revolutionary, hedonistic yet humanistic, he is a man given to anecdotes and analogies, erudite and entertaining! He is witty and wise"........ and he is also a go-go dancing judge!!! :D:o

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Pattaya People News, mostly because it looks like a sleazy tabloid rather than a respectable source for news. Inside, it's not much better... the stories are not set up in a proper journalistic format (who, what, where, when and why in the first paragraph).

I actually know a "friend of a friend" who volunteered at PPN for a few months, and apparently, all the television news and printed news is taken from the previous night's police reports and city hall notices and translated from Thai into English... VERBATIM. Hence, the complete dearth of journalistic creativity, proper grammar usage and usefulness.

We will never see stories about when this water pipeline work in South Pattaya will be finished, how long Thappraya Road's widening will take, or what is being done about water shortages.... but we will always know the name, age and nationality of ANYONE who so much slips on a banana peel.

These rags do a complete disservice to the city of Pattaya by being lazy, and focusing on everything negative about the city. Any first-timer who reads any of these so-called "newspapers" would assume that Pattaya is a crime-ridden cesspool, which (in comparison to other like-sized cities all over the world), it is not.

Pattaya Mail is the only paper that I would even consider extracting anything newsworthy from.

True. Read the long list of reports on Crime in Pattaya in the Clippings section.....

Who would come here if they read that first?

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Pattaya Today ... Not too bad.

Pattaya People ... Never buy it anymore.

Pattaya Mail ... Truly awful ... Just social news with pics. of various Malhorta's.


.....and don't forget "the person who has excelled in fields as diverse as medicine and motor racing, photography and philanthropy, who is a raconteur and restive, a gastronome and a gentleman, a man of the world and a man of the word, a restaurateur and a revolutionary, hedonistic yet humanistic, he is a man given to anecdotes and analogies, erudite and entertaining! He is witty and wise"........ and he is also a go-go dancing judge!!! :D:o

Now, you leave that nice Dr Ian alone. Dr?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is there's no such thing as "Local News" in Thailand from any major media organization. The 3 local rags in Pattaya are the ONLY local news. Phuket, Chiang Mai, and other major destinations have the similar mid-quality local rags because they support the expat communities.

My wife (thai) biggest complaint after having lived in the USA with me for many years is that apparently the Thai government, and media outlets, seem to think the Thai people only care about what's happening in Bangkok. What about Surat Thani? Nakhorn Sri Thammarat? Sukhotai? Kanchanaburi? Udon Thani? Kon Kaen? Roi Et? Don't they all deserve to know what's happening in their own city or province?

Sadly Thai newspapers are basically glorified tabloids with little relationship to verifiable facts. Have you ever noticed the same story in a Thai language paper compared to Nation or BKK Post will have completely different numbers, facts, etc.? So who's right?

I do miss having local papers that actually do any investigative journalism. All Pattaya Mail does is post whatever the local gov't or police say. They don't actually verify it. e.g. Pattaya City Hall says, "No water shortages", consumer in East Sukhumvit asks, "Then why am I still buying it from some guy in a truck?"

And they all blame western influence for the woes of the land. Well, if you don't want western influence then I guess you'll all stop wearing bras, shirts, pants, shoes, socks, maxi pads, eye-glasses, contact lenses, etc; stop using refridgerators, deoderant, cars, buses, bicycles, motorcycles, microwaves, etc.; stop consuming beer, wine, whiskey, chocolate, etc. etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum.

Personally, I've learned to live with it, and I still love living and working here, but occasionally I do still miss the local evening news back home, and the local paper in the morning with a cup o'hot joe.

'nuff said? :o

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The Local Rags here REALLY are.......

What one is the worst in your opinion?

To start things off I say Pattaya People.

What's wrong with it? EVERYTHING!

Huh! It boasts, that it prints stories others are afraid to print. Utter RUBBISH!

They are shit scared of upsetting authority. Take my word for it......

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Dr Ian is the guy who walks around BKK-Pattaya Hospital with his white coat on. He's also a F1 specialist and ex-motor racing driver, fantastic food critic and wine expert. And when you meet him, be sure to call him "Dr" Ian or he will correct you on your very impolite manner.

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Dr Ian is the guy who walks around BKK-Pattaya Hospital with his white coat on. He's also a F1 specialist and ex-motor racing driver, fantastic food critic and wine expert. And when you meet him, be sure to call him "Dr" Ian or he will correct you on your very impolite manner.

I will do everything possible NOT to meet him then......Old Git!

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