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Steak is back on the menu, if a new review of risks of red meat is to be believed


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22 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Interesting, for climate change we're supposed to believe the scientists, but when they tell us we can eat meat again, don't believe the scientists. 

Do your own research and read the owner manual. News are useless source in general. 

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1 hour ago, Tayaout said:

Do your own research and read the owner manual. News are useless source in general. 

Agreed, never stopped eating red meat, and come from along set of parents and grandparents who somehow, have survived into their 80's. I'm still not sure about the climate though, waiting for doom and destruction, or the ice age predicted in the 70's.

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14 hours ago, rabas said:

Fake news!


They just discovered a human gene mutation preventing humans from digesting one ingredient found mostly in red meat. It then stays in the blood causing inflammation that leads to fat deposits and atherosclerosis.   No other animal including monkeys have this problem nor do they get human type heart attacks. They lie.


Evolutionary gene loss helps explain why only humans are prone to heart attacks


yep, I read that in the sunday sport, AND news of the world. GOT to be true eh ?

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13 hours ago, howbri said:

It's not difficult to find scientific, valid research showing that animal protein and saturated fat (meat, fish, dairy, eggs) all contribute to heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc. A plant-based starch diet of potato, sweet potato, rice, corn, legumes, pumpkin, squash is the healthiest diet on the planet. There are areas on earth, called "blue zones" (Okinawa), where people eat primarily plant-based that show most of these people living to age 100+. It's no secret. We've been lied to by Big Food, Big Pharma, the medical community etc for 100 years. Look at the incidence of cancer and heart disease in areas where they don't consume meat. They were disease free until McDonalds came along. Dr. John McDougal, Dr. Colin Campbell and many others have spent the last 50 years researching nutrition and can show studies convicting animal protein of most disease and early death that afflicts western society. Take some time and invest in your health. Check out the websites showing plant-based diets. I am 76 and can personally attest to the benefits. I exercise 6 days/week and my BP (110/70) and cholesterol (153) are those of a 20 year old. Don't listen to those that say "a real man eats meat". Well, a "real man" also gets cut open for heart disease and dies of cancer early too. 

I guess that you work in a merchant bank ?

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4 hours ago, beechguy said:

Interesting, for climate change we're supposed to believe the scientists, but when they tell us we can eat meat again, don't believe the scientists. 

There's as much junk science going on in the food and drug research as there is in climate science. Corporations pay for the results they want to see.

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12 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:
What are the top 10 countries for life expectancy?
Japan currently ranks first in the world with an average lifespan of 82.9 years as of 2016.
The top 10 countries with the highest average life expectancies forecasted for 2040 are:
  • Italy - 84.5 years.
  • Israel - 84.4 years.
  • France - 84.3 years.
  • Luxembourg - 84.1 years.
  • Australia - 84.1 years.

With the exception of Luxembourg this looks like a promotion for red wine.

  • Haha 1
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Too bad this was left unsaid until the end of the article:

"Quadram's Johnson said people who choose to cut down their meat intake might still improve their health by doing so. "There are (also) strong environmental and ethical arguments for reducing meat consumption in the modern world.


"Eating more plant-based foods can help to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, scientists say."

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