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new hotel builds endless coffee shops and no fast train


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Chiang Mai seems to have endless new boutique style hotels being built

so many plots withing the old city walls  has seen the old buildings demolished and new hotels built and they are not low rent

Even around Sompet which was always cheap rent

Would hate to be a long time resident which there are many who have a nice hoe spacious garden to be suddenly overshadowed by a huge new build not to mention the endless construction noise all around

I see one which the owners have slapped a for sale sign on and its no wonder next door is a huge PARTY HOSTEL its exactly that endless drinking

Plus there seems to be a new coffee place everywhere even a local paint store has stuck a coffee machine counter at its front door
and tattoo parlours


Chiang Mai has lost its laid back atmosphere

& now they are scrapping the HS Rail Line how can these hotels sustain.

There are plenty of Chinese tourists but they eat at the stalls outside and buy the same <deleted> to take home special stores sprang up to accomodate this its like they only sell 6 hot items

Will the Chinese continue to come like the Brits and Germans to Spain or the Ozzies to Bali or will it go pear shaped once China gets its Nong Khai train to Kunming.

& what if this baht bubble bursts who are all these hotels in debt to?


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What you are witnessing right before your eyes is the transformation of Thailand from a quiet culture running in slow motion to a loud fast paced more expensive culture positioning itself to cater to young Asians...wave of future...


God forbid if the Chinese with their crude mannerism become the tourists of choice...

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Pretty much all the new build hotels are Chinese funded. So yes you have pretty much no cheap accommodation left .

Next year a drastic increase in local taxes is anticipated with very little information forthcoming in order for people to prepare. It looks like the perfect storm. Govt says we want money, business owners say we don't have any , govt says we still want money. What could possibly go wrong!

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38 minutes ago, stament said:

OP you forgot condo oversupply and trendy barbers fast becoming the new internet and coffee shop ventures.....

Ah some bright spark  has  combined the  coffee shop/barbers  idea seriously


or the endless tattoo parlors or the shops that only sell the things the Chinese take home


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